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Zhou Yuan was a little curious.

Zhuizi was Jiang Xiaoqi's patient, and Zhou Yuan also had many patients to take care of, so Zhou Yuan only visited Zhuizi a few times.

Why would he write a letter to him?

Chuchu, who had been waiting on the chair for a long time, was immediately happy when she saw Zhou Yuan come out.

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

Could it be Chuchu?

"Chuchu, do you often visit Brother Cone?" Zhou Yuan asked

"Yes! Didn’t my brother go to see him? I saw that he had no one to take care of him, so I went to help take care of him. I also said that my brother sent me to do it!"

Chuchu has changed into a children's white coat, and looks very cute

"Am I great?" Chuchu raised her chin proudly.

Zhou Yuan touched Chuchu's head helplessly and pulled her to the bed of Cone.

Jiang Xiaoqi was already waiting.

"I didn't expect that he even folded the quilt for us.……"Jiang Xiaoqi looked at the neatly made bed, feeling a little depressed.

Cone suffered from type 1 diabetes. If he left the hospital, he would not last long without medicine. If he ran out now, he would be sending himself to death.

"This is the letter he wrote.

Jiang Xiaoqi handed over an envelope.

What surprised Zhou Yuan was that the envelope was bulging.

Jiang Xiaoqi explained:"There are two thousand yuan in it."

"Isn't he a street child? How can he have so much money?……"Zhang Ling was also stunned. He didn't expect that Awl actually left money.

Zhou Yuan opened the folded letter.

"Lao Jiang, Zhou Yuan, and the lovely Chuchu, I am leaving. I have been eating and drinking with you all. I am very grateful to you and I am also very embarrassed, so I leave two thousand yuan for you."

"Although it's not enough...but I have to accept it! This money is clean, not stolen or robbed. I am a person who doesn't even want my parents, so I am just a worthless life. It doesn't matter whether I live or die, and I don't care what kind of person I will become.……"

"But, meeting you guys makes me feel that being a good person is really good! You don’t have to worry about me, I took the medicine and can live for a while, I will be a good person like you! Goodbye!"

Jiang Xiaoqi sighed:"He even knew to take the medicine away, I thought he really didn't want to live."

It can be heard that Jiang Xiaoqi is very worried.

How long can that little bit of medicine last? At most a month.

After a month, life and death will all depend on fate.

Zhang Ling also felt a little bit reluctant, and said uncertainly:"Could Cone Zi have gone to his father's place? He told me that his father just got out of prison and will pick him up soon."

Zhou Yuan:"……He told me he was a businessman."

Jiang Xiaoqi:"Isn't he a smuggler?"

Chuchu:"What are you talking about, isn't my brother's father a secret agent? He has caught many bad guys!"

Everyone was silent.

Zhou Yuan sighed:"Since he's gone, we can't bring him back, let's do this for now."

Jiang Xiaoqi was a little undecided,"What about the money?"

"This money will be confiscated and put into the emergency fund of our emergency department. If there is no family member to pay the bill or there is no money, we will use this money to cover the cost."

Jiang Xiaoqi and Zhang Ling nodded.

Zhou Yuan handed the money to Zhang Ling, and then took Chuchu to He Jianyi's office.

He Jianyi had just finished the operation and stood up when he saw Zhou Yuan.

"Zhou Yuan, I heard that you want to study spiritual issues in your doctoral thesis?"He Jianyi asked.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

He Jianyi frowned.

A doctoral dissertation represents the limit of a certain research field. When you reach this limit and break through a little bit, you can get a doctoral degree.

For example, when making braised pork, undergraduates write papers on how delicious braised pork is, and master's students write about the comparison of various braised pork flavors and nutritional value.

And doctoral students... need to study the past and present of braised pork, its historical significance, value, the way to eat braised pork under Marxist doctrine, and the role of eating braised pork in promoting social harmony. More importantly, you need to create a new kind of braised pork.

Mental research is easy. Anyway, the current medical level is not in-depth enough in the study of human mental illness. No matter whether you write it right or not, it will be successful if people can't understand it and think it makes sense.

However, it is extremely difficult to really research something.

He Jianyi knows Zhou Yuan, he certainly can't water the paper, so only the latter... can really research something!

Lin Mingde has been studying mental illness for more than 30 years before he became a professor. Is it really possible for Zhou Yuan to come up with something in a short time?……

"I heard that Dean Fang also contacted you and asked you to finish a paper as soon as possible and submit it to……《The Lancet》?"He Jianyi couldn't believe it.

He was a deputy director and a top doctor, but he couldn't write an article in The Lancet!

Zhou Yuan nodded and said,"Yes, but we need to complete another operation."

"An operation?! You don't have any new technology, do you?" He Jianyi reacted.

"To be precise, it is a method of regenerating severed fingers in the field of limb replantation. I plan to amputate the toes that are less useful and hidden, create new fingers, and then transplant them!"

He Jianyi's eyes widened:"Is this your idea?!"

Seeing Zhou Yuan nod, He Jianyi asked excitedly:"Did it succeed?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head:"I haven't found anyone willing to experiment yet."

He Jianyi was a little excited and walked around the office.

This replantation method has never been used before in the world. If it really succeeds, it will definitely bring a sensational impact!

"Zhou Yuan, are you trying to break the medical world?……"

He Jianyi walked to the desk and picked up the more than 100 pages of research materials.

"Refined���You have some ideas in this area. Now you have proposed a theory of finger regeneration in surgery.……"

He Jianyi stared at Zhou Yuan, and felt more and more that this disciple was too terrifying...

Zhou Yuan smiled modestly:"If possible, I also plan to study neurosurgery."

The brain is the core of the human body, and head transplant surgery has always existed. Moreover, in the 20th century, a crazy scientist completed a head transplant on a monkey.

However, until now, there has not been a single human head transplant in the medical field.

If the head of a patient with high paralysis can be transplanted to a patient who has just died of brain death but is healthy, then... his life can continue!

However, there is currently a lot of ethical controversy about head transplant surgery, and there are many different opinions in the medical community.

For example, for the person who survives, does the life belong to the head or the body? Whose obligations should be fulfilled?

For example, once a child is born, should the child belong to the body or the head.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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