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"Call an ambulance!"

In the chaos, the man suddenly took a deep breath, then his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

His body was still twitching, and he looked extremely scary.


"The ambulance can't come! It's rush hour now!"

"Is there a doctor here? Is there a doctor here?"

However, no one responded.

"Yenching International Hospital is nearby. Come here, a few men, help me carry him over!"

"I come!"

"I will come and help."

Four strong men carried the shocked man through the traffic and hurried to the Yanjing International Hospital a few hundred meters away.


""Doctor Zhou! Doctor Zhou, something's wrong!"

Zhang Ling's familiar voice rang out.

Zhou Yuan walked out of the clinic,"What's wrong?"

"There is a patient in a coma! He is being taken to the emergency room now!"

Zhou Yuan nodded and quickly followed Zhang Ling to the emergency room.

"How is the patient?"

"Hypotension, shock!" said Lin Wen, who was standing next to the instrument and responsible for testing.

Liu Kai was performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the instrument and frowned:"Systolic pressure 76mmHg……"

After that, he came up to carefully check the patient's pupils, feel the body temperature, etc.

""Does the patient have a history of myocardial infarction?" Zhou Yuan asked.

The four people who were traveling with him shook their heads.

"Unbeknownst to us, he had collapsed at the bus stop and no one knew him!"

"Check quickly to see if he has any contact information!"

Zhang Ling took out the patient's wallet.

"I only know his name is Qian Wei, and there is no other contact information in my wallet……"

"What was the coma like?" Zhou Yuan turned to look at the four witnesses.

"He was playing with his phone at the time, and suddenly it fell, and then he covered his mouth in pain. I thought he was heartbroken.……"

"Yes, and then he screamed, as if in pain, and then knelt on the ground. Ten seconds later, he began to sweat coldly, and then fainted."

After a while, He Jianyi also rushed over.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Yuan had almost made up his mind and said,"I suspect it was the severe pain caused by acute myocardial infarction, which led to sweating, insufficient blood volume and arrhythmia, which caused hypoemia and cardiogenic shock."

He Jian nodded and also came up to look.

"The symptoms match, is there any medical history?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head:"No, the patient's family members don't.

He Jianyi looked back at the four kind people,"Who are you?"……"

"We sent him here, we don't know him."

"You all go back, thank you very much."

It's useless to keep these four people. They can't sign on behalf of the family members, and they don't know anything. Instead, it will affect their work.

After the four people left, He Jianyi looked at Zhou Yuan,"What are you going to do?"

Zhou Yuan said:"First, do a serum biomarker of myocardial necrosis. If it is really an acute myocardial infarction, rescue the person first."

He Jian nodded.

At this time, Qian Wei on the hospital bed suddenly coughed.

Liu Kai's face lit up and stopped cardiopulmonary resuscitation:"The patient is awake!"

Zhou Yuan and others walked up.

Qian Wei opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a pile of white coats surrounding him.

"Do you know where you are?"He Jianyi came up and asked.

This is to confirm the patient's consciousness.

"Is this... a hospital?" Qian Wei was still a little confused.

"Just know it's a hospital. Do you know why you are here?"

"I fainted?" Qian Wei was not too surprised.

This made Zhou Yuan stunned,"Have you fainted before?"

Qian Wei shook his head:"I just felt low blood pressure before, but never fainted. I didn't expect to really faint."

Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi looked at each other.

It doesn't look like a sudden attack...

Qian Wei tried to get up,"Doctor, give me some glucose, I still have to go to work, just give me some glucose to replenish my blood sugar and I'll be fine."

Zhou Yuan was silent.

He diagnosed cardiogenic shock, and the judgment was basically correct. It was definitely not just simple hypoglycemia.

Myocardial necrosis serum biomarker detection is necessary to identify a highly suspected acute myocardial infarction.

"No, your body is not stable, we need to check you up."

Qian Wei was stunned when he heard Zhou Yuan's words.

A second later, Qian Wei suddenly shouted:"Today is Friday! I still have to go to work, please don't waste my time, okay, don't worry about me! Let me go back to work!"

Qian Wei's voice became hoarse as he shouted:"I have to pay off my mortgage and support my wife and children, so I don't have time to be sick! I want to go back to work!"

Zhou Yuan was frightened by Qian Wei's drastic emotional changes. At this moment, the phone on the table next to him rang.

It was the four passers-by who helped Qian Wei pick it up.

Hearing the ringtone, Qian Wei stopped crying and rushed over immediately.

It was his wife's call.

Qian Wei wiped his tears, sniffed, and pressed the answer button:"Wife, what's wrong?"

"Didn't I just go out to work? Why do you miss me?... I miss you too. Take good care of the baby at home. Your husband will bring you your favorite octopus balls when he gets off work."

Zhou Yuan and the others were all silent. No one spoke, leaving only the sound of the instruments and Qian Wei's suppressed sobs.

"I didn't cry. It's okay. I'll take good care of the children at home. My husband has to go to work first!"

Qian Wei hung up the phone, threw down the phone, and cried on the bed.

Zhou Yuan walked to the bedside until his emotions stabilized and said,"We initially suspected that you had acute myocardial infarction, so we need to test the serum biomarkers of myocardial necrosis."

"I don't want to confirm... I want to go back to work." Qian Wei's voice became much softer, and he seemed to have no strength.

Acute myocardial infarction... Who doesn't know that this is a fatal disease?

If he really gets this disease, what will happen to his wife and children? He is already under a lot of pressure. He and his wife spend their monthly money on mortgage and children's education. How can they have spare money for treatment!

How can they have money to get sick!

Zhou Yuan said quite cold-bloodedly:"If you die, who will take care of your wife and children? Escape is not a problem that can be solved. If you are sick, you should treat it. If the disease is delayed, it will be fatal."

Zhou Yuan had no choice but to speak unpleasantly. Only in this way could he realize the seriousness of the problem and accept reality.

In the city, everyone is moving forward under a lot of pressure. People like Qian Wei have become accustomed to it after staying in the hospital for a long time.

"Do you want to call your wife?"Zhou Yuan picked up the phone and handed it to Qian Wei.

Qian Wei stared blankly at the phone in his hand without saying a word.

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