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Socializing every day, accompanying various clients to drink until vomiting, just to sign a contract, finally bought a house in this city with his wife, and finally settled down...

But at this juncture, he suddenly told himself that he had an acute myocardial infarction... Is this God's trick?

Qian Wei gritted his teeth and felt that the whole world was hostile to him.

It seems... a happy life should not belong to him. Once he sees hope, there will definitely be something to make him despair again.

Qian Wei has been holding on for a long time. This time, the fainting was the last straw that broke the camel's back and made him crazy.

The atmosphere became awkward again. Everyone in the emergency room was silent, waiting for Qian Wei's decision.

He didn't want to be examined or treated, and Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi couldn't do anything about it.

After a long time, Qian Wei figured it out, wiped his tears, hammered his legs hard, turned on his mobile phone, and dialed his wife's number with trembling hands.


Qian Wei's voice choked up at the first sentence, and then he burst into tears again...

Ten minutes later, Qian Wei's wife came over.

Qian Wei's wife was a petite woman. When she saw Qian Wei lying on the hospital bed, she was shocked and ran over in a hurry.

""Hubby, what's wrong with you?" Qian Wei's wife's voice was also trembling.


Qian Wei was speechless.

Qian Wei's wife looked at Zhou Yuan,"Doctor, what happened to my husband? Is he okay?"

Zhou Yuan told her about Qian Wei's fainting, and then said,"After our examination, we suspected that it was acute myocardial infarction. We need to do an electrocardiogram, myocardial necrosis serum biomarker test, etc. to confirm the diagnosis."

"Urgent... Acute myocardial infarction? Why! My husband is so young, how could he have a heart attack!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head helplessly:"Strictly speaking, acute myocardial infarction is myocardial necrosis caused by acute and persistent ischemia and hypoxia of the coronary arteries, which is different from heart disease... Get checked as soon as possible, the longer you delay, the more dangerous it will be."

Qian Wei was stunned for a moment, and whispered:"Just give me a few injections, I have to go back to work……"

Qian Wei's wife burst into tears,"You bastard! Why are you still working? Get my illness cured first!"

Soon, Qian Wei was taken to the imaging department for examination.

Soon, the diagnosis came out.

""Doctor, what's wrong with my husband?" Qian Wei's wife was extremely anxious.

Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi looked at each other, and then Zhou Yuan said:"The electrocardiogram shows that your husband's Q wave and ST segment are elevated, and ST-T has dynamic changes."

"What's the meaning……"Qian Wei's wife was stunned.

Although she didn't understand, she could see that Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi looked unhappy and their conditions seemed serious.

"Your husband does have acute myocardial infarction. Our advice is to stop all activities immediately and rest in the hospital ward.

Qian Wei's wife was stunned for a moment and said:"Can my husband get better?"

He Jian nodded,"Don't worry, acute myocardial infarction is not an incurable disease now. First, we will monitor and treat him in our hospital, then adjust the blood volume, and then perform perfusion therapy to reduce the area of myocardial infarction.……"

When He Jianyi was about to continue speaking, Zhou Yuan suddenly pointed to the heart area on the chest ultrasound image and said,"Teacher... there is a lesion in the left main artery here.……"

He Jianyi's face changed and he looked over

"Your husband needs surgery right away.……"

"Operation……"Qian Wei's wife was stunned.

He Jian nodded.

"Theoretically, there are two surgical methods for acute myocardial infarction, interventional therapy and coronary bypass surgery. However, your husband's condition is more serious...Left main trunk disease can cause severe myocardial ischemia, so the condition is very serious."

He Jianyi was silent for a moment, letting Qian Wei's wife slow down a little, and then continued:"Originally, minimally invasive interventional therapy is the best way, but left main trunk disease is a forbidden area for interventional stent treatment...Once the left main trunk is blocked or narrowed, it may be fatal."

"However, interventional stent surgery may cause vascular stenosis. In order to reduce the risk, a heart bypass surgery must be performed!"

Qian Wei's wife was frightened by the name.

Heart bypass... This requires moving the heart!

Normal people know how important the heart is. Will she die if she has surgery on the heart... Will her husband die!

He Jianyi has experienced a lot, so he naturally guessed what Qian Wei's wife was thinking at the moment, and said,"Don't worry, the risk of heart bypass surgery is not high. The current international success rate is over 95%, which means that out of a hundred heart bypass surgery patients, 95 survive!"

95 survived and 5 died are the same statement, but the guiding role for the listener is completely different.

Medical staff often need to choose different ways of speaking according to the patient's characteristics, physical condition, etc. If Qian Wei is not suitable for heart transplant surgery, it is better to use drugs to keep him alive than to have surgery. Then He Jianyi will emphasize how many people have died due to the risks of surgery.

But now, it is obvious that Qian Wei needs surgery.

When Qian Wei's wife heard what He Jianyi said, she suddenly felt relieved and her breathing became smoother:"95% success rate, that's great……"

Zhou Yuan, He Jianyi and the other two returned to Qian Wei's ward.

Looking at his wife's red nose, Qian Wei was stunned and asked in disbelief,"Is it really... an acute myocardial infarction?"

Zhou Yuan nodded.

"It is a left main trunk disease. At present, the treatment plan we give is to perform a heart bypass surgery!" Zhou Yuan directly told the result.

Qian Wei's wife came up and held Qian Wei's hand. Although she was crying, she was smiling and said,"Husband, the success rate of heart bypass surgery is 95%. Let's do the surgery, and you will be fine after the surgery!"

Qian Wei hesitated.

To do the surgery... that means money!

"How much does the surgery cost?……"Qian Wei asked hesitantly

""40,000 to 100,000. It needs to be confirmed based on the specific situation after the chest is opened." He Jianyi said.

Hearing this number, Qian Wei was stunned.

""One... one hundred thousand?!" Qian Wei's voice was trembling.

He had not made that much money in half a year of work...

In addition, he had to pay off the mortgage, support the elderly at home, and pay for the children's education. How could he come up with so much money?

"If I don't have surgery, will I die?……"Qian Wei lowered his head and asked this question.

Qian Wei's wife was stunned.

"What are you talking about! Why don't you have surgery!"

"If we lose money, we can just make it again together! At worst, we can sell the house, and we don’t have to pay the mortgage. We can live in a rental house and pay a little rent every month. We don’t have to worry about the high mortgage, and we can still have some money left to travel!"


Recommend a book to a friend,"I Seized the Body of the Undead King", a fantasy masterpiece, very good! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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