Lin Wen was also anxious,"Give him a shot of Valium!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Shengli immediately covered his mouth, puffed up his cheeks like a frog, and tried hard not to make any sound.

"Can you please stop taking the tranquilizers?"

It hurt so much the last time.

On the other side, Zhou Yuan received the news, and the whole car sped up.

Dean Fang was not arrogant in front of everyone, and said with a smile:"You haven't become a famous doctor yet, but people already want you to see them. Okay!"

Haiyang and Sun Meng were in high spirits.

"You don't know that Li Li? He has a sign saying"intern doctor" and looks exactly like a real intern! You are better!" Haiyang said.

Dean Fang's mouth twitched.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped and Zhou Yuan and others opened the door and rushed to the emergency department.

""Here they come!" Zhang Ling said in surprise.

Zhou Yuan stopped and walked quickly.

In the hospital, doctors and nurses are generally not allowed to run, which is a taboo.

"How is it going?"

"Old patient, it's Wang Shengli who you sewed up last time. Last time, his leg was rotten and needed to be sutured, this time it's broken and needs bone fixation."Zhang Ling reported quickly.

Zhou Yuan nodded, pulled open the curtain, and saw Wang Shengli lying on the bed.

"Doctor Zhou, you are here! If you don't come, I will die!"Wang Shengli seemed to have seen a savior.

Zhou Yuan checked Wang Shengli's injuries. His calf and thigh had been separated into a twisted shape, his knee joint was dislocated, and all the previous sutures had broken, with blood and flesh all over his body.

"What happened?" Zhou Yuan asked subconsciously.

"Climb...climb a tree." Wang Shengli reported truthfully

"Climb a tree?!"

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded:"Didn't I ask Wang Dahai to remind you not to climb trees?"

Wang Dahai was the patient whose palm was pierced by a branch before. At that time, he boasted to Zhou Yuan that he and Wang Shengli could already climb trees.

Wang Shengli said aggrievedly:"I saw that the suture effect was so good that I was anxious to show it to them!"

"" Puchi!"

The young nurses present couldn't help but laughed out loud at this human tragedy.

Zhou Yuan pulled a face, trying hard not to laugh, which would make him look unprofessional.

After a while, Wang Shengli suddenly spoke again:"Doctor Zhou, after you set the bones, can I still climb trees?"


Zhou Yuan pretended to cough, covered his mouth, and immediately regained his cold expression, cursing,"Are you born in the year of the monkey?"

"Hey! Doctor Zhou, you are so smart. I was born in the year of the monkey. My birth year has just passed and I am still wearing red shorts!"

Zhou Yuan's eyebrows jumped,"I saw it when I was cutting my pants."

"The injury is a bit serious, but it's not serious. Surgery is needed."Zhou Yuan looked at Wang Shengli.


"Well, let's prepare the operating room. Who's coming with me?" Zhou Yuan glanced at them.

In the end, Haiyang was honored to become the first assistant, Sun Meng was ranked second assistant, and Wang Ziqiao also ran over from Jiang Xiaoqi and grabbed the third assistant.

The three of them were all residents and had a certain foundation in surgery, but it was not solid enough.

And basic operations such as suturing could only be practiced in medical school and read textbooks. No one taught them here. Obviously, following Zhou Yuan's textbook was the best way to improve.

Moreover, there was another advantage to following Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan was of the same age as them, so they would not feel depressed when they were with directors like He Jianyi, and they could also joke around, and the atmosphere during the operation would be a lot more relaxed.

Before the operation, Zhou Yuan took an X-ray of Wang Shengli, and sure enough, it was almost the same as he predicted.

"It's quite tragic, the femur is fractured and the tibia is fractured."Zhou Yuan joked.

Wang Shengli cried,"Doctor Zhou, please stop joking, it's going to numb me! It hurts!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head helplessly, a little bit admiring Wang Shengli's courage.

For the previous injury, he did tell Wang Shengli that he could walk in about a month and try to walk more.

But, he walked up the tree.

After the operation was ready, Zhou Yuan also did the disinfection work and walked into the operating room.

"Let’s deal with the femoral shaft fracture first." Zhou Yuan explained

"Spinal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia."

After the combined spinal and epidural anesthesia took effect, Zhou Yuan checked the time and said,"Begin the operation."

Wang Shengli was turned over by Haiyang and others and placed in a left-side lying position, with the right side of his body facing up.

"Disinfect the right lower limb and right hip, and lay a sterile sheet."Zhou Yuan said.

Yizhu Haiyang immediately started disinfection.

Zhou Yuan waited for the disinfection to be completed, and directly made an incision of about three centimeters on the outer side of the distal end of the right thigh.

Then, using a modified lateral approach, from 6-7 cm in front of the posterior superior iliac spine, forward around the front edge of the greater trochanter and extending downward along the femur, a length of 15 cm, cut the skin, subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia in turn.

"Electrocoagulation to stop bleeding." Zhou Yuan said.

He was the lead surgeon, so it was impossible for him to perform perfect compression to stop bleeding. He could only settle for the next best thing.

After exposing the deep fascia, Zhou Yuan then cut open the fascia lata and tensor fasciae lata, bluntly separated the posterior edges of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, and used forceps to pull them forward, exposing the attachment points of the piriformis and other external rotator muscles.

"Remove." Zhou Yuan said.

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