
Haiyang was already prepared, and immediately cut off the attachment point and part of the quadratus femoris muscle next to it.

Zhou Yuan continued to prepare to remove the femoral head and put a steel nail in the fracture site.

To be honest, femoral fractures were not something Zhou Yuan was good at. It was just that he had mastered the master-level limb replantation technology before, which covered this aspect of knowledge, so Zhou Yuan was able to take on this operation.

""Can I choose what surgery to learn?"

Zhou Yuan thought of this.

If he was drawn to a surgery that was not performed once every few years, it would not be of much help to him. He hoped that he could become an all-round doctor, not just a doctor who could replant a broken limb or remove a dissecting aneurysm of the aorta.

"Of course." The system said.

Zhou Yuan almost wanted to press the system onto the operating table.

You don't say anything, just because I didn't ask?

"Then can you make me immortal?" Zhou Yuan asked tentatively.



"Let's go back to what we just said. How do we choose the surgery?"

The system said,"There are three ways. The first is for you to master it yourself, such as simple appendectomy, which you have already mastered. You can also choose to learn difficult surgeries by yourself."

"The second way is to exchange with treasure chests. Two intermediate treasure chests can be exchanged for any expert-level surgery, and three intermediate treasure chests can be exchanged for any master-level surgery! Perfect-level surgery requires three advanced treasure chests!"

"The third type is the fusion of medical skills. Consume three operations of the same level and you can exchange them for any operation of the same level!"

Zhou Yuan looked at his belongings.

Five bottles of vitality potion, two primary treasure chests, and two intermediate treasure chests, which were praised by two senior doctors, Lu Chenxi and Fu Bowen.

"One more missing." Zhou Yuan thought of his teacher He Jianyi.

Resident doctors like Haiyang would only prescribe a vitality potion at most even if they praised him. Only a big shot like He Jianyi would give him an intermediate treasure chest.

"One missing?"Haiyang and the others were stunned.

Zhou Yuan smiled and said,"It's okay, it's okay."

At the end of the operation, Zhou Yuan began to clean the femoral medullary cavity, slowly inserted the press-fit femoral prosthesis into the medullary cavity, and then placed the mid-neck femoral head to reposition the joint.

Next was Zhou Yuan's performance.

He rinsed the incision, stopped bleeding thoroughly, placed a rubber tube for drainage, and sutured the incision in sequence. The femoral head fracture operation was completed.

Zhou Yuan clapped his hands and looked at Haiyang.

"Would you like to try it?"

Haiyang has a very high surgical talent and is a good scalpel. Zhou Yuan is very optimistic about him.

"Really?" Haiyang looked at Zhou Yuan in surprise.

"Well, the treatment for tibia fracture is similar to what I just did, but it is easier and you can do it." Zhou Yuan had already given up the position of the main surgeon.

Haiyang was as happy as if it was Chinese New Year. He ran to the position of the main surgeon, pondered the bones, and figured out where to make the incision.

Wang Shengli did not have general anesthesia and was still awake at the moment.

When he heard that he wanted to change doctors, he panicked,"I don't want it! I want Dr. Zhou!"

Zhou Yuan walked to Wang Shengli's side, holding a syringe, pressed it, and water sprayed out.

Wang Shengli immediately remembered the enchanting tranquilizer

"I don't say anything, I do it."Wang Shengli said with a bitter face.

Zhou Yuan smiled helplessly, returned to the position of the first assistant, and carefully observed Haiyang's operation.

He could let Haiyang do it because Haiyang really had the ability, and Zhou Yuan would definitely not joke with the patient's life.

Under the shadowless lamp, Haiyang's hands were also very steady.

Although not as good as Zhou Yuan, he was definitely a good scalpel.

After watching Zhou Yuan deal with the femoral fracture, Haiyang basically copied him, cutting, exposing, removing, installing prostheses, nailing, and suturing.

Zhou Yuan took over some details that would affect the recovery effect, and soon, the operation was almost over.

""Let me do the suture," Zhou Yuan said.

This would be the best way to help Wang Shengli recover.

Haiyang and the others stared with wide eyes, and the instrument nurse quickly handed over the needle holder.

A few minutes later, Zhou Yuan put down the needle holder.

"The operation is complete."He glanced at the time and said.

The instrument nurses continued to stay in the operating room, busy counting gauze and packing up the instruments. Zhou Yuan led Haiyang and others out.

Although the atmosphere in the operating room was cheerful, it did not mean that this was an easy operation. Wang Dahai, a family member of the patient outside, had been waiting anxiously, fearing that his eldest brother's leg would be gone.

"Doctor Zhou!"Wang Dahai recognized Zhou Yuan at a glance.

"You performed the surgery! How is my brother?"

Zhou Yuan took off his mask."The surgery was very successful. Pay attention to the postoperative healing."

He glanced at Wang Dahai's palm.

"You're taking the bandage off so soon?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You treated me so well that I can even beat people with my hands!"

Zhou Yuan's smile froze, and he reminded her,"Pay attention to postoperative care. After you are transferred to the general ward, you can strengthen the flexion and extension of your ankle and knee joints while lying in bed, and practice stretching your thigh muscles to avoid muscle atrophy caused by long-term bed rest."

"Go for an X-ray reexamination one month later. If the fracture heals well, you can walk with crutches without weight bearing. You can take some bone setting medicine orally to promote healing. If the numbness is severe, add some methylcobalamin capsules to supplement nerve nutrition."

"Also, it will take 4 to 6 months to heal, so avoid strenuous exercise, such as climbing trees.

Wang Dahai's face was different, and he laughed,"Good! Good!"

After sending Wang Shengli and Wang Dahai away, Zhou Yuan left Haiyang alone.

"Teacher Zhou Yuan, is there anything else?" Haiyang asked jokingly.

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