""Teacher Zhou Yuan, is there anything else?" Haiyang asked jokingly.

Zhou Yuan said seriously:"Have you ever thought about developing a career in surgery?"

"Surgery?" Haiyang was stunned.

"You performed the surgery very well, and are very suitable for a career in surgery."

Zhou Yuan had carefully observed Haiyang's surgical process, and found that many details were handled well, but his experience was not mature enough.

When Haiyang becomes a chief physician, Zhou Yuan believes that his surgical skills may also reach the master level!

That means he will become a leader in a field!

Surgical doctors are basically good at surgery. Although Wu Guohui cannot perform limb replantation surgery, he is an absolute authority in other general surgical operations. In addition, there is also Director Wang, who will provide more guidance to Haiyang.

Haiyang thought for a while and said,"Is it as good as you?"

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Haiyang to ask this question, and told the truth,"Then there is really no one."

"Then why should I leave the emergency department? Wait until I surpass you!"

Zhou Yuan:"Why, do you want to stay in the emergency department?"

Haiyang:"I really want to stay here."

"What do you think?"

Haiyang said seriously:"The emergency department is a department that treats and saves lives. There is almost no sense of accomplishment. We are the ones who keep patients alive, and then give them to other departments. The silk banners and thank-you letters from patients are sent to those departments. Few people remember us.……"

Zhou Yuan interrupted Haiyang:"Why do you always say bad things?"

Haiyang:"This is all true! But this is the place closest to the god of death. I can't count how many critically ill people we have pulled back in this hall, and how many people we have snatched back from the hands of the god of death. I think this is the mission of a doctor. Treat diseases and save lives. I may not be able to treat diseases here, but I can save people!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned, and then smiled.

Sure enough, he was not wrong about him.

Haiyang is a good doctor and a good scalpel!

"What about you? The emergency department is so tiring, but you have such good skills. I heard that the surgery department has already offered you the salary of a director and wants to pull you over. You definitely won't go, right?" Haiyang asked back.

"Of course not." Zhou Yuan said

"It is indeed very tiring, but when I pick up the scalpel and face the patients who put their lives in my hands on the operating table, I always think of the oath I took when I first entered medical school: health is at stake, life is entrusted to you! The emergency department is where I feel I can best realize my value."

"As for the surgery department, if they can't perform an operation, they can come to the emergency department to find me. We are in the same hospital, aren't you embarrassed?"

Haiyang grinned:"Director Wu and Director Wang are directors after all. Is it really okay to let them come to the emergency department every day to find an intern?"

The two laughed and returned to the emergency department.

Soon, the hall of the emergency department became noisy again.

Nurse Zhang Ling walked over quickly and said hurriedly:"Doctor Zhou, an old lady fainted in the hall of the emergency department!"

Although the three deputy directors of the emergency department, He Jianyi, Liu Huimin, and Jiang Xiaoqi, were all there, Zhang Ling and other nurses still liked to find Zhou Yuan the most when they encountered problems.

Zhou Yuan was also willing to help more people. He stood up immediately and hurried with Zhang Ling.

"At first, the old lady just said she felt a little dizzy and that she was not in a hurry. She refused our request to check her first, but she suddenly fainted while waiting in line!" Zhang Ling reported the basic situation.

Zhou Yuan:"Is there any other situation? Did the grandma drink water or eat anything?"

Zhang Ling's eyes lit up:"I remember that she seemed to have some difficulty drinking water just now! And she brought a bun with her, and she spit it out after taking a few bites!"

Zhou Yuan already had a guess in his mind, and quickened his pace. Soon, he saw the old lady who fainted on the ground.

At this time, the onlookers around had dispersed far away.

A foul smell came from the air.

"Incontinence?" Zhou Yuan quickly walked to the old man.

He ignored the dirt on the ground and squatted down to check the patient's pupils.

"Lost consciousness." Zhou Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

Moreover, the patient's eyes were tilted to the right.

Because he didn't bring a stethoscope, Zhou Yuan knelt on the ground and put his ear to the patient's chest, pressing and listening carefully to the beating of the heart.

"Contact the imaging department immediately and conduct a brain CT scan!"

Zhou Yuan immediately picked up the smelly old man and ran to the imaging department.

Zhang Ling had already brought the emergency bed, and Zhou Yuan quickly put it on and ran with it.

While waiting for the test results, Zhou Yuan changed into a new white coat, and He Jianyi, Haiyang and others also rushed over after hearing the news.

""What happened?" He Jianyi asked.

Zhou Yuan's face was heavy:"Teacher, the old man suddenly fainted, and before fainting, he had symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty swallowing, and choking when drinking water. After fainting, he became incontinent!"

"What's your judgment?"

"I judged... cerebral infarction!"

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