Zhou Yuan nodded,"Teacher, I'll go now."

"Can you still hold on?"He Jianyi was a little surprised.

He just helped to place the brain drainage tube in the operation just now, and he was just a qualified assistant. He also had a headache because of the long-term concentration.

Zhou Yuan was the main surgeon, and he had also completed Wang Shengli's bone setting operation before. Both operations were major operations, and now Zhou Yuan actually had some strength left.

"It's great to be young."He Jianyi couldn't help but sigh.

Zhou Yuan chuckled and joked,"It's mainly because I can't sleep. When I was in school, I would feel sleepy whenever I heard the leaders were having a meeting. It's just right for me to go to Dean Fang to rest."

He Jianyi's smile froze.

"The dean wants to talk to you privately."



Dean Fang opened the door in surprise when he heard the knock.

Zhou Yuan, who was about to knock for the second time, stopped in mid-air and looked at Dean Fang in disbelief.

"You... have been waiting for me?"

Dean Fang said, holding a thermos cup in his hand,"Please sit down."

Zhou Yuan was a little flattered. After sitting down, he asked,"Dean Fang, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Everyone hasn't arrived yet."

Dean Fang looked at his watch.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon. This operation usually takes nearly three hours for most people. The patient's condition is complicated, so I thought it would take longer. Wait, I'll urge them."

Dean Fang took out his cell phone and started calling people.

The big brother's momentum made Zhou Yuan, who was sitting on the chair, think that the dean was going to call people to fight.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the dean's office.


The door was pushed open.

Zhou Yuan clearly saw that the cup on the table was shaking.

"Zhou Yuan is here!"

"Where are they?"

Zhou Yuan turned his head and saw Wu Guohui and Director Wang standing at the door with surprised faces.

"Sit down." Dean Fang slapped the insulated leadership cup on the table.

Wu Guohui and Director Wang wanted to talk to Zhou Yuan, but Dean Fang slapped them and scared them so much that their mouths twisted. They had to give up.

"The main reason I called you here this time is to open up a new surgery in our hospital."

Director Fang likes to get straight to the point. Except for his wife, everyone likes his character. Under his leadership, Yanjing International Hospital also operates efficiently without too much struggle and cumbersome documents.

He directly pointed out the purpose of looking for Zhou Yuan this time:"Zhou Yuan, you have completed two limb replantation surgeries including compression limb amputation in our hospital before, which has shown that you have enough ability to complete limb replantation surgery independently."

"The surgery department of our hospital, especially the hand surgery department, has always lacked fresh technical talents like you."

Zhou Yuan nodded: So I am still a fresh talent.

Wu Guohui and Director Wang were very excited.

What does Dean Fang mean by this? Do you want to transfer Zhou Yuan to our hand surgery department?

"However, your current position is just an intern. It is not realistic to let you be the leader of this type of limb replantation surgery, or to be transferred to the hand surgery department as deputy director or director."

Zhou Yuan nodded.

The hospital's promotion system is very simple and strict. No matter who you are, you can only take one step at a time.

"Dean Fang, it doesn't matter whether it's realistic or not. We can hire Zhou Yuan to come to the Department of Hand Surgery with the salary of a chief physician!" Director Wang said without hesitation. Dean Fang shook his head:"Zhou Yuan, I have an idea. Do you want to hear it?" Zhou Yuan:"Dean Fang, what do you think



"You are a master's student at the School of Medicine of Yenching University, right?"

Zhou Yuan nodded:"Master's degree"

"Requirements for promotion to residency: at least five years of experience as a bachelor's degree graduate, at least two years of experience as a master's degree graduate, or a doctor of medicine……"

At this point, Dean Fang glanced at Zhou Yuan and said slowly,"I suggest you pursue a doctorate in medicine."

"Doctor? Does that mean I have to leave the hospital? No." Zhou Yuan shook his head.

Compared to a doctorate that has no practical use, he hopes to use his medical skills to save more people, even as an intern.

Dean Fang smiled:"I know what you are thinking. I guess you don't want to leave the hospital either. I have acquaintances in Yanjing University. I have already made arrangements. You only need to take the exams, submit thesis, participate in defense, interview, etc. when you graduate. You don't need to take the usual courses."

"In other words, you continue to work in the hospital and get your doctorate degree!"

Zhou Yuan thought carefully for a while and agreed.

"As for the replantation of squeezed severed limbs… I know you will not leave the emergency department, so how about you write a paper? On the one hand, it can be a lesson for the surgical staff in our hospital, and on the other hand, it will also be helpful for your career."

Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up.

Why didn't he think of writing a paper?

"Then... can I use this directly in my graduation thesis?" Zhou Yuan suddenly had an idea.

Dean Fang said coldly:"No." He smiled in his heart: I would like to see what kind of shocking things you little monster can write in your graduation thesis!


The sixth update is over and the seventh update is starting. In addition, there are still dozens of monthly tickets needed to break the 1,000 mark. Brothers, please give your support!

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