Zhou Yuan squinted his eyes and said,"Dean Fang, you are not trying to trick me into writing more papers, are you?"

Dean Fang's expression froze, and he laughed,"How is that possible! Besides, writing more papers will only benefit your future professional title evaluation! Moreover, doctors with more papers have a say in the medical community!"

Zhou Yuan nodded suspiciously.

"Then there is nothing for you to do. You have performed two operations in a row today. Go back and have a rest."

Herewith, Dean Fang quickly ran to open the door, showing his determination to see him off.

Dean Fang heaved a sigh of relief after Zhou Yuan left.

Staying with Zhou Yuan is like being in the same room with an old fox!

"Dean, Zhou Yuan... performed a carotid endarterectomy?" Wu Guohui said in disbelief.

Dean Fang sat down again, regained his calm demeanor, and said,"There are operation records and videos, it's absolutely true."

"Shit... Now it's not just our hand surgery department that's trying to snatch people. People from the neurosurgery, vascular surgery, and neurology departments are probably also going to the emergency department to hang out!"

Wu Guohui was a little scared:"Look, I'm just a deputy director, and I have to go to the emergency department every day to eat and communicate with Zhou Yuan."

"The other departments might all be head doctors, and I, a deputy director, would be embarrassed. How about...give me a promotion?"

Director Wang, Dean Fang: Get out!


After Zhou Yuan left the dean's office, he went straight back to the emergency department.

"Are you back?"

He Jianyi, who was making rounds at the ward, saw Zhou Yuan and greeted him.

"Teacher."Zhou Yuan smiled politely.

"Why don't you go back and have some rest?" He Jianyi felt a little reluctant.

Zhou Yuan was his disciple. It would be too much for anyone to perform two major operations in a row in a short period of time. However,

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said,"I don't have to be on duty tonight. It's just right. I can go check on the ward now and have a good sleep at night."

"Haiyang, are there any other patients here who need additional observation?"

Haiyang had already memorized the patient's medical history. He smiled and said,"The patients in beds 3 and 15 here have fever, but it's no big deal. You should pay more attention to Wang Shengli and the old man who had carotid endarterectomy, named Wu Lihua. Both of them had major operations and require strict postoperative care."

Zhou Yuan silently took note of the two beds mentioned by Haiyang and nodded,"It just so happens that I don't have any patients at the moment, so I'll go and see"

"Pay attention to rest." He Jianyi and Haiyang said at the same time

""Okay, thank you, teacher, thank you, senior brother!"

Zhou Yuan was about to leave.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him and stuffed something into Zhou Yuan's palm.

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised and turned around to see that it was Sun Meng.

"Eat some candy to prevent hypoglycemia." Sun Meng giggled, showing her cute little canine teeth.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the candy in his palm and waved:"Thank you, senior sister."

After taking a few steps, he found that Sun Meng had actually followed him.

"Is it sweet?"

Sun Meng asked expectantly with her eyes wide open.

Zhou Yuan peeled off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth."It's quite sweet."

Suddenly, Sun Meng smiled with eyes curved.

"I'll go with you to check on the ward!" Sun Meng suggested.

"Director Liu won't blame you?"

Liu Huimin has a very strong personality. She will definitely be angry when she sees Sun Meng walking with Zhou Yuan from He Jian's team.

Sun Meng rolled her eyes indifferently:"Probably not. I don't know what's wrong with Director Liu recently. He is in a very bad mood and is not in the working state. He doesn't care about us at all."

Zhou Yuan frowned. Is something wrong with Director Liu?

Before Zhou Yuan could think about it further, bed number 3 had arrived.

"Patient Wang Chun in bed 3, male, 27 years old, works as a farmer at home. He was sent to our department of our hospital accompanied by his family members because of fever and abdominal pain for one day. Physical examination: temperature 38.5C, P 90 times/min, R 22 times/min, BP 130/80mmHg, clear consciousness... Preliminary diagnosis: 1. Acute gastroenteritis, 2. Intrahepatic bile duct stones."

The medical record shows that the patient Wang Chun's fever subsided that night after being hospitalized for infusion, and there was no problem after being observed for several days, but today he suddenly developed fever, dizziness and other symptoms again.

Zhou Yuan knocked on the door of this single ward, and pushed the door open after hearing the sound of"enter" from inside.

"Doctor!"Wang Chun, who was lying on the bed, saw two doctors in white coats coming in and greeted them happily.

"Doctor, I just checked, I'm fine, just a little fever, nausea, nothing else!"

Zhou Yuan smiled and said,"Brother, let me check you again, in addition to fever and nausea, are there any other symptoms?"

He was always a little worried.

Wang Chun's face looked very bad, his lips were pale, but he was strong in his character so that he could bear it.

"Nothing happened!"Wang Chun pounded his chest, looking a little unnatural.

Zhou Yuan frowned.

"Do you feel palpitations?"

"Palpitations? No, no."Wang Chun scratched his head.

"Do you feel uneasy and uneasy in your heart?" Zhou Yuan asked in a different way.

Wang Chun's expression was a little unnatural. It was very likely that he did not understand what Zhou Yuan said.

"Oh, it's a bit blocked, and I always feel uncomfortable no matter how I sleep!"Wang Chun's eyes suddenly lit up.

""Do you feel a little breathless?" Zhou Yuan asked again.

Wang Chun:"This room is really too stuffy, it's a little hard to breathe."

Zhou Yuan's face changed.

This is definitely not an ordinary fever or cold.

"You stay here, I'll go move the electrocardiogram machine!" Zhou Yuan said quickly.


The seventh update is here, and the eighth update is about to begin! I must also thank Brother Xiaxian. Since the day I published the book, Brother Xian has been giving me rewards every day. I am really grateful. I also thank all my friends who support me. Without you, the performance of this book would not be so good. Thank you again! Without further ado, let’s continue writing!

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