While Zheng Hang and Fu Yuanyuan were heading to the farm area, after hearing the shouts of killing outside, Ling Fengyang asked Chu Wenwen to hide in the room, and then came outside with a pistol to see if he could help. What are you busy with?

"It turned out to be a pack of wolves, and it seemed that these wolves had mutated. Their bodies were obviously torn to pieces, but they were still able to move around at will. It seemed that the zombie virus that broke out this time could not only infect humans but also animals."

After Ling Fengyang's preliminary calculation, the number of wolves attacking the base this time is definitely over 300. Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily break through the patrol team and enter the core area of ​​the base.

"what happened"

"Are we doomed?"

Some female anchors also walked out of the room at this time. After seeing Ling Fengyang, they all gathered around and started talking.

"Everyone, please be quiet for a moment. It is not safe outside now. You should return to the room as soon as possible. Leave the matters here to me and the troops."

Under Ling Fengyang's persuasion, some female anchors chose to leave, but there were other female anchors who wanted to stay with Ling Fengyang, and even deliberately got very close to Ling Fengyang.

And seeing this scene in the room Chu Wenwen suddenly pouted angrily.

Of course Chu Wenwen knew what these female anchors were thinking.

After all, Ling Fengyang is a very outstanding person now. He often leads his troops to go out to hunt zombies. It can be said that he is the leader in the base. A powerful figure.

In order to declare his sovereignty, Chu Wenwen did not care about the danger outside and walked out of the room directly. He pushed away the female anchor next to Ling Fengyang and hugged Ling Fengyang's arm.

"What's wrong with you? Jealous?"

Seeing Chu Wenwen staring at him, Ling Fengyang asked a little funny


Chu Wenwen snorted coldly and turned away to look into the distance.

Looking at Chu Wenwen beside Ling Fengyang, the female anchors also knew that they had no chance. In addition, the wolf crisis had not been resolved yet, so they had no choice but to start. Everyone goes back to their homes

"Okay, Wenwen, you go back too."

Looking at the human troops who were still fighting against the wolves, Ling Fengyang couldn't help but said to Chu Wenwen.

"Then be careful."

After Chu Wenwen finished speaking, he separated from Ling Fengyang and prepared to go home.

But at this moment, a seriously injured zombie wolf suddenly appeared and roared at Ling Fengyang and Chu Wenwen.

"No, Chu Wenwen, run away."

Ling Fengyang shouted hurriedly when he saw this, and at the same time he aimed at the giant zombie wolf and fired quickly.

Unfortunately, the damage caused by the pistol was very limited, and it could not kill the giant zombie wolf at all, but it successfully attracted the giant zombie wolf.

"Brother Ling."

Although he knew that Ling Fengyang was saving him, Chu Wenwen at this time hoped that Ling Fengyang could survive even more.

"Wenwen, please leave me alone. Go quickly and find the nearest troops to protect you."

Even though the giant zombie wolf was close at hand, Ling Fengyang still focused most of his attention on Chu Wenwen.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Fengyang was slapped away by the giant zombie wolf's claws.

A mouthful of blood came out. Spit out in the air, Ling Fengyang felt darkness in front of his eyes, followed by a sharp pain all over his body, and rolled on the ground several times before he stopped.

He didn't expect that Ling Fengyang was so weak, and he couldn't compete with the human troops he encountered before. Than, a trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the giant zombie wolf, but then it drooled and approached Ling Fengyang, wanting to have a full meal

"Don't hurt Brother Ling."

Picked up a stone from the ground, Chu Wenwen, who didn't walk at all, threw the stone directly at the zombie giant wolf.

Although Chu Wenwen's attack was not painful or itchy, in the zombie giant wolf's perception, Chu Wenwen really wanted to It was much better than Lingfeng Yangxiang, and Lingfeng Yangyang was seriously injured and couldn't move at all, so the zombie giant wolf targeted Chu Wenwen again.

"no, do not want."

Opening his eyes with difficulty, Ling Fengyang raised his hand and reached for Chu Wenwen's position, but at this moment Ling Fengyang could not do anything.

A feeling of powerlessness enveloped Ling Fengyang, and Lingfeng Yang hated Due to his own incompetence, he failed to fulfill his oath to protect Chu Wenwen for the rest of his life.

The moment the claws of the giant zombie wolf approached Chu Wenwen,

Ling Fengyang felt that the whole world stopped at this moment, and the next second, a wave of Hot breath gathered in Ling Feng Yang's palm, and then a ball of flame appeared out of thin air and flew towards the zombie giant wolf.

Sensing the danger approaching, the zombie giant wolf subconsciously turned its head and was directly hit by the fireball in the face.

Although Ling Feng Yang The temperature of the summoned fireball was not as high as the magical flame released by the Spell Breaker, but the giant zombie wolf itself was seriously injured. After being burned by the flames like this, the body could not support it and fell to the ground completely dead.

"Quickly, clean up all the giant zombie wolves in the farm."

Zheng Hang, who came to the farm area under the protection of the law breaker, saw Ling Fengyang killing the giant zombie wolf. He hurriedly gave orders to the law breaker and at the same time led the priest to check Ling Fengyang's situation.

"How's it going? Brother Ling, are you okay?"

While the priest was casting the spell, Chu Wenwen asked the priest with a worried look.

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