After the spell was cast, the priest wiped the sweat from his forehead and then said to Chu Wenwen:

"Don't worry, Miss Chu Wenwen, Captain Ling Fengyang's body is not seriously injured, and I can still feel the magic aura in Captain Ling Fengyang's body. Captain Ling Fengyang should have awakened as a superpower."

The priest's words confirmed Zheng Hang's suspicion. After all, how could a normal person summon such a big fireball?

I just don't know how Ling Feng's strength as a superpower compares to the advanced soldiers he summoned. It seems that It is necessary to give it a try when this incident is over.

After the last giant zombie wolf was dealt with, Fu Yuanyuan led the team to count the losses.

Zheng Hang commanded the troops to dig out the crystals in the brains of the giant zombie wolf. Nuclear, used to expand one's troops

"Zheng Hang, the loss results are out."

Soon, Fu Yuanyuan came to Zheng Hang with a report.

After taking a look at the report, Zheng Hang discovered that the most serious loss this time was the female anchor under Fu Yuanyuan, and five people died. , on the contrary, the human troops who had been fighting the giant zombie wolf did not suffer any damage.

Regarding this situation, Zheng Hang couldn't help but look at Fu Yuanyuan, and sure enough, he saw a touch of sadness in Fu Yuanyuan's eyes.

"Sorry, what happened this time was my mistake. I didn't arrange the defense of the base well."

"No, I don’t blame you for what happened this time, it’s all the fault of this damn apocalypse. I’m sad because I feel that human life is too fragile at this time. We were obviously talking and laughing together before, but it only lasted one night. So many people died."

After Fu Yuanyuan finished speaking, she could no longer hold back her sadness and cried on Zheng Hang's shoulder.

"It is precisely because life is fragile that we refuse to stop for a moment. We must be stronger to protect what we want to protect."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he asked Fu Yuanyuan to go back to the room and have a good night's rest, and then went to check on Ling Fengyang's situation.

He came to the farm where Ling Fengyang's family lived.

At this time, two priests were guarding Ling Fengyang. Observe Ling Feng Yang’s status at any time

"How is he?"

Zheng Hang asked a priest

"Master, Captain Ling Fengyang has basically recovered and may wake up at any time."

When the pastor said this, Ling Fengyang also opened his eyes.

"Wenwen, Wenwen, where are you?"

Hearing Ling Fengyang calling him, Chu Wenwen immediately came to Ling Fengyang and held Ling Fengyang's hand.

After seeing that Chu Wenwen was fine, Ling Fengyang said to Zheng Hang:

"Brother Zheng Hang, I'm really sorry. It's all my fault that I didn't arrange the patrol mission properly, which is why the base encountered such a crisis."

"Okay, Brother Ling, don't blame yourself, but from this incident we can also see that the power of the base is still not strong enough, and the animals in the forest have begun to mutate, and our situation will be even more difficult in the future."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Ling Fengyang couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Now that you have woken up, I will not disturb the world between you and Chu Wenwen. Come to the town hall tomorrow morning and I will discuss some things with you."

Seeing Ling Fengyang and wanting to say something, Zheng Hang raised his hand to indicate that Ling Fengyang was okay, and then left with the two priests. At dawn the next day, Ling Fengyang came to the town hall and waited for Zheng Hang to come out.

Pushing open the door and looking at Ling Fengyang who had fully recovered, Zheng Hang said hello to him, and then informed the female anchor at the farm to bring some breakfast, and he and Ling Fengyang ate while chatting.

"Here, here is the list of losses from last night. Take a look."

Hearing Zheng Hang's words, Ling Fengyang took the list and quickly discovered the problem.

"Zheng Hang, now that we have lost five laborers, plus the new troops recruited last night using the crystals in the heads of zombie giant wolves, the food produced by the farm is not enough."

"Yes, but the army still needs to continue to expand, so I plan to go to Jiangcheng to see if I can find some survivors to serve as laborers to produce food."

"If this is the case, then these new survivors must be managed by a professional."

Ling Fengyang knows very well that once the number of survivors increases, some messy things will also increase.

"I plan to let Fu Yuanyuan handle this matter."

Hearing Zheng Hang's words, Ling Fengyang couldn't help but nodded in agreement. After all, Ling Fengyang has seen how difficult those female anchors are, and Fu Yuanyuan can become the boss of those female anchors. This makes Ling Fengyang Feng Yang admired him very much.

After arranging the future action plan, Zheng Hang looked at Ling Feng Yang and said with a smile:

"How's it going, how does it feel with your newfound power?"

"It feels really amazing."

After Ling Fengyang finished speaking, he raised his left hand, and a flame suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"It looks really powerful. Do you want me to find someone to practice with you and get familiar with how to use your powers?"

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Ling Fengyang couldn't help but nodded. Now that he has just gained strength, he really should test it to avoid any problems at the critical moment.

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