Hearing General Murong's answer, Chen Moyan couldn't help but curl his lips. In fact, from the beginning, Chen Moyan knew that the cooperation between the two was just using each other.

Take now for example.

Although General Murong gave him five thousand survivors, he just hoped that he could use up more of Zheng Hang's strength.

"By the way, Chen Moyan, why did you catch those monkeys before, and you offended Zheng Hang for this."

Based on General Murong's understanding of Chen Moyan, Chen Moyan doesn't seem to be such a stubborn person.

"How did I know that these monkeys would be related to Zheng Hang."

Chen Moyan was furious when he said this.

But now that things have happened, the only thing Chen Moyan can do is to use these monkeys to create the fourth generation tyrant as soon as possible to increase the chance of defeating Zheng Hang.

"Can you take me to see your research results?"

I heard Chen Moyan say before that the strength of the fourth generation tyrant is very powerful, but it is only in the theoretical stage at present. As for what it will actually look like, General Murong has no idea at all.

"Come with me."

If you want to get more support, you must come up with something convincing. Then Chen Moyan took General Murong to a separate laboratory.

In the center of the laboratory was a huge petri dish.

In the culture In the dish, a monkey that had lost its fur was floating in the culture fluid.

Walking to a computer, Chen Moyan worked on the computer for a while.

The biochemical virus began to be released in the dish, and then the monkey that had lost its fur began to tremble violently. , and the body expanded rapidly, and finally transformed directly from a monkey into a green-faced and fanged King Kong.

At the same time, a layer of bone armor emerged on the surface of this King Kong.

"This is the fourth generation tyrant I researched. How about it? It looks good."

At this time, Chen Moyan looked at the fourth-generation tyrant King Kong in the petri dish as lovingly as he looked at his lover, and then asked General Murong.

"It looks really good, but I don't know what its actual combat capabilities are."

After General Murong finished speaking, Chen Moyan gave orders to Tyrant King Kong through the computer.

As the petri dish was opened, Tyrant King Kong jumped out and roared towards General Murong.

"This place is not suitable for fighting. How about we find a spacious place."

Ignoring Tyrant King Kong's provocation, General Murong said to Chen Moyan

"Come with me."

Soon, Chen Moyan brought General Murong and Tyrant King Kong to a spacious factory.

"This is a good place to fight."

After General Murong finished speaking, he directly used the blood control ability on Tyrant King Kong.

But then General Murong discovered that the blood in Tyrant King Kong's body flows very fast, the blood vessels are very hard, and there is an unknown energy in Tyrant King Kong's body that suppresses the blood control effect..

After confirming that he could not directly let Tyrant King Kong burst his blood vessels and die, General Murong took out two blood bags, and then controlled the blood inside to form a blood knife and slashed towards Tyrant King Kong.

However, when the blood knife struck Tyrant King Kong, it directly Blocked by bone armor

"What a strong defense."

Unexpectedly, the blood knife that had always been invincible could not break through the defense. General Murong immediately changed his strategy and turned the blood knife into a pool of blood. Then he summoned the bleeding whip to control Tyrant King Kong in place. When he found that his ability to move was hindered, Tyrant King Kong suddenly became violent. He roared, and then walked towards General Murong step by step despite the blockage of the blood whip.

"Damn it, can't I still beat you, a monster?"

I didn't expect that I would be suppressed by the fourth-generation tyrant researched by Chen Moyan.

General Murong couldn't help but start to compete with the tyrant King Kong, trying to make the tyrant King Kong completely incapacitated.

"Okay, that’s it for the experiment."

At this moment, Chen Moyan suddenly ordered the tyrant King Kong to stop.

And General Murong also felt helpless at the moment he stopped.

"How about it, I said before that as long as I research the fourth generation tyrant, we can even conquer the entire world."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let the intelligent zombies take away the tyrant King Kong, Chen Moyan said to General Murong

"You are right. This Tyrant King Kong is indeed powerful. How many do you have in total? Can you share it with me?"

After seeing the strength of Tyrant King Kong, General Murong directly set his sights on Tyrant King Kong.

"I have just researched the biochemical virus pathogen of the fourth generation Tyrant King Kong. It has not yet been cultivated on a large scale. Moreover, when making Tyrant King Kong, it is necessary to ensure that the monkey does not have any fur on its body and the monkey cannot die. This is a big project. , a little carelessness will destroy a material."

After hearing Chen Moyan's explanation, General Murong didn't believe it, but he couldn't say much.

After agreeing with Chen Moyan that after all the five thousand survivors were transformed into third-generation tyrants, they would need to hand over to General Murong one thousand and three generations of tyrants. Tyrant, General Murong then returned to Hope Camp.

On Zheng Hang's side, led by Ling Fengyang and User, they searched Jiangcheng for three consecutive days, but still found no trace of Chen Moyan.

And as time passed, As time went by, the Monkey King Tiantian had a premonition that something had happened to the captured monkeys, so he looked depressed all day long.

Although Zheng Hang and Fu Yuanyuan wanted to comfort each other, they didn't know what to do. How to speak.

At night, Zheng Hang saw Ling Fengyang and Uther leading the team back. After learning that they still hadn't been found, he couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, Qin Yan brought a piece of news

"'Boss, there is progress on Huang Qiuyue's side."

"what's the situation?"

Hearing Qin Yan's words, Zheng Hang immediately followed Qin Yan to Huang Qiuyue's laboratory, and then saw Huang Qiuyue and Xiao Mu typing on the keyboard in front of a computer.

"Boss, you are here."

After seeing Zheng Hang, Xiao Mu hurriedly stopped what he was doing and said hello to Zheng Hang.

"Xiao Mu, how are the old people you (Wang Wanghao) taking care of now doing?"

Facing Zheng Hang's inquiry, Xiao Mu said excitedly:

"Thanks to the boss for your concern, I have set up a nursing home and the elderly are well taken care of."

"That's good"[]

Zheng Hang nodded, and then asked Huang Qiuyue:

"I heard Qin Yan say that you have discovered something here."

"Yes, with Xiaomu's help, we cracked the chip in the third-generation tyrant's head and located Chen Moyan's laboratory."

After Huang Qiuyue finished speaking, Zheng Hang's eyes lit up. This is the best news Zheng Hang has heard in these days.

"Give me your position immediately, Qin Yan, and inform Ling Fengyang that Uther and the Monkey King are preparing to leave every day."

With Zheng Hang's order, the entire base began to operate rapidly.

Soon a flying force was fully assembled and set off towards Chen Moyan's hiding place under the leadership of Zheng Hang.

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