After the air force led by Zheng Hang arrived in Jiangcheng, Chen Moyan in Jiangcheng's secret laboratory received the news immediately

"Damn it, the control chip I made was actually cracked."

After instructing the smart zombies to remove all useful things from the laboratory as soon as possible, Chen Moyan couldn't help but think of General Murong.

Now that he has given General Murong so many third-generation tyrants, I am afraid that General Murong has already cracked the secrets in the heads of the third-generation tyrants. chip.

In other words, the control backdoor he left behind is useless at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Moyan couldn't help feeling annoyed.

"Doctor Chen, Zheng Hang led the troops here too quickly, and we didn't have time to take away many things."

Coming to Chen Moyan's side, a smart zombie reported to Chen Moyan

"No, I got these experimental equipment and materials with great difficulty. I cannot give up at any cost. In this way, you immediately lead the Tyrant Legion to stop Zheng Hang from coming and buy time for others."

After hearing Chen Moyan's order, the smart zombie nodded, and then went to the warehouse to activate all the third-generation tyrants to prepare for the interception mission.

When Zheng Hang led the team to the sky above the secret laboratory, he saw that there were actually people standing below. A large number of third generation tyrants

"Uther, 367 Lingfeng Yang, it’s up to you two."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Uther and Ling Fengyang immediately led the team to attack the Tyrant Army.

"Zheng Hang, I want to go down too."

Beside Zheng Hang, the Monkey King said to Zheng Hang every day

"Just stay with me for now."

It's not that Zheng Hang doesn't let Monkey King Tiantian take action, but that Monkey King Tiantian's condition is very poor at this time. He stays up late for a long time and doesn't think about food and food. It would be good if Monkey King Tiantian can exert half of his strength today.

Although the three generations of tyrants have The strength is not weak, but after all, it has no anti-air capability. Facing Zheng Hang's air troops, it can only be beaten passively. It only takes a moment to fall into a disadvantage.

At this time, in the secret laboratory, Chen Moyan looked at the surveillance screen. , and also realized the problem of the third generation of tyrants.

But neither the third generation of tyrants nor the fourth generation of tyrants can solve the problem of anti-aircraft.

If Chen Moyan wants to research in this area, he must develop new biological and chemical weapons.

"This time I lost again, but I am absolutely not convinced. If I am given enough time and materials, I will definitely be able to develop invincible biochemical weapons."

A flash of willpower to refuse to admit defeat (afdj) flashed in his eyes, and then Chen Moyan was escorted by a group of intelligent zombies and left the secret laboratory through the tunnel.

About half an hour later, the third-generation tyrant army led by intelligent zombies was defeated. Ling Fengyang and Uther teamed up to kill them.

After landing from the air, Zheng Hang and his party immediately entered Chen Moyan's secret laboratory

"Damn it, we're still a step too late."

Looking at the empty laboratory, Zheng Hang couldn't help but punch the wall next to him.

"No, we didn’t come here in vain."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Ling Fengyang said to Zheng Hang

"Did you find anything?"

Zheng Hang thought that his subordinates discovered the experimental data left by Chen Moyan, but the fact was not what Zheng Hang thought.

In the entire laboratory, all experimental equipment and experimental data were not left behind. Instead, they were captured before All the monkeys who came as test subjects were retained.

However, when the monkey king saw several monkeys that had been skinned and soaked in petri dishes every day, he couldn't help crying.

"It's really cruel."

Uther, who also saw this scene, immediately used the power of holy light to treat the furless monkeys after rescuing them. However, the lost fur on the monkeys could never be restored.

A temporary place in Jiangcheng At the stronghold, Chen Moyan sat on the ground and became more and more angry.

Every time Zheng Hang appeared at the most critical moment of his experiment, if not for Zheng Hang, he might have thoroughly studied the secrets of biochemical viruses.

In order to take revenge, Chen Moyan Take out a lockbox. When you open it, there is a reagent inside.

"Zheng Hang, I must make you pay for what you have done."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contents of the lockbox, Chen Moyan handed the lockbox to a smart zombie.

Then he ordered the smart zombie to take the lockbox to Zheng Hang's base, take out the reagents in the lockbox, and release them in the base biochemical virus

"Yes, Dr. Chen."

All intelligent zombies will unconditionally execute Chen Moyan's orders.

As for Zheng Hang, although Monkey King Tiantian rescued most of the monkeys, he did not dare to take the monkeys with him because Chen Moyan was not caught. The group returned to Monkey Mountain and could only continue to live in the base established by Zheng Hang.

"Zheng Hang, thank you very much."

Since Monkey King Tiantian got to know Zheng Hang, Zheng Hang has directly or indirectly saved him several times. At this time, Monkey King Tiantian really wants to repay Zheng Hang, but he doesn't know what to do. He can only keep saying thank you. own emotions

"Okay, we are friends, there is no need to say this between friends"

"As long as Chen Moyan is not caught, you can live with the monkeys here with peace of mind. I will definitely protect you."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, the Monkey King couldn't help but nodded every day, and at the same time vowed in his heart that after returning to Monkey Mountain, he must work harder to make monkey wine to repay Zheng Hang.

That evening.

Zheng Hang was ready to talk to Zheng Hang after a busy day. Fu Yuanyuan rested together.

At midnight, a commotion woke up Zheng Hang

"What's happening outside?"

Rubbing her eyes, Fu Yuanyuan next to Zheng Hang asked Zheng Hang

"You rest first, I'll go out and take a look."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he came to the observation deck of the town hall.

Through the telescope, Zheng Hang discovered that the noise was coming from the survivor camp. At the same time, Zheng Hang also saw thick smoke rising from the survivor camp.

Finding a hippogryph, Zheng Hang quickly flew to the survivor camp with his escort.

After getting closer, he discovered that a biochemical crisis had broken out in the survivor camp, and many survivors who had turned into zombies were attacking others.

It was just like this The turmoil did not last long. As Qin Guang and Qi Yun led a team of superpowers to join the battle, all the survivors who were infected into zombies were quickly eliminated. The remaining ones were scratched by zombies, but they have not changed yet. The survivors who became zombies all recovered under Qin Yan’s treatment.

"What exactly is going on."

Landing from the air, Zheng Hang found Qin Guang and Qi Yun.

After all, these two people are the captains of the camp patrol team and the deputy captains of the superpower team. They are responsible for managing the security issues of the survivor camp. If something like this happens, Qin Guang He and Qi Yun are both the first responsible persons

"Boss Zheng Hang, although we have not found the culprit who released the biochemical virus, we have found this."

After Qin Guang finished speaking, he handed over the biochemical virus reagent fragments that Qin Yan found through purification magic to Zheng Hang.

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