He didn't expect that Zheng Hang's troops would be so difficult to deal with. They had human shields, damage output, and treatment. After Si Lin escaped the venom attack, he felt like retreating.

At this time, Kui E had also begun to move towards the edge of the battlefield.

In order to ambush Zheng Hang, Kui E brought a total of 300 elite superpowers this time. Together with Si Lin's 200 people, he originally thought it would be enough to kill more than 200 people in Zheng Hang.

But reality gave Kui E a big slap in the face. If he continued to fight, Kui E had no doubt that today next year would be his death anniversary.

"Kui evil, we."

After finally getting rid of Chimera's pursuit, Si Lin wanted to discuss what to do with Kui E, but saw Kui E preparing to escape.

Suddenly Si Lin had no idea of ​​persisting. After meeting with the vine superpower , he led the people of Madman Town to find a way to retreat.

An ambush battle eventually turned into a pursuit. After Si Lin and Kui E were safe, they found that there were only more than a hundred superpowers left around them.

"We were careless this time. If we had known better, we should have brought more superpowers here."

Si Lin, who had never felt so aggrieved before, slapped the tree trunk next to him and said angrily.

And as the Poison Palm's ability took effect, the big tree withered instantly and turned into a pool of green water.

"We must find this place, but the ambush trick can no longer be used. If we want to deal with Zheng Hang, we can only attack the canyon base."

Kui E's heart was bleeding when he thought of the heavy losses suffered by the elite superpowers.

"You are right. I will go back and mobilize my troops. This time I am going to lead a thousand elite superpowers to attack the canyon base. How many people are you planning to send?"

Facing Si Lin's inquiry, Kui E gritted his teeth and then said:

"Then I will send out 2,000 people. I don’t believe that our 3,000 elite superpowers can’t kill Zheng Hang."

After Kui E finished speaking, he returned to the waist collar, and Si Lin also returned to Crazy Town with his remaining soldiers.

Looking at Si Lin who failed the mission in front of him, the mayor of Crazy Town said calmly:

"Si Lin, raise your head, Zheng Hang is not easy to deal with. One defeat is nothing. We still have a chance."

"Mayor, I betrayed your trust."

Hearing the mayor's words, Si Lin suddenly felt even more aggrieved.

"Okay, aren't you going to join forces with Yaozi Ling to attack Zheng Hang's canyon base? I have prepared a thousand elite superpowers for you. The next step is up to you."

"I won't let you down."

This time Si Lin made up his mind. If Zheng Hang is not killed, Si Lin will never have the face to see the mayor again.

"Go ahead."

After the mayor finished speaking, he asked Si Lin to leave.

The scene came to the waist leader's side.

After listening to Kui E's report, Lord Zhiwei directly kicked away the beautiful woman who had no eyesight and was still seducing him, and then said to him Zhu Kui'e said:

"Two thousand superpowers are not enough. I will add one thousand more superpowers. This time you bring three thousand superpowers over. You must bring out the majesty of my waist collar."

"Good lord, don't worry."

After eating a handful of wolfberries, Kui'e said in a cold tone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the gathering of superpowers was completed,

Kui'e sent people to contact Si Lin to confirm the rendezvous. After arriving at the location, he led the team to set off.

The two parties joined forces. Si Lin looked at the three thousand superpowers brought by Kui E and couldn't help but sigh that the waist collar was indeed a veteran force in Dragon City. Their family background was rich, and almost six of them were dead. People with hundreds of powers can actually gather so many people.

Faced with such a large-scale military operation by the waist collar and Madman Town, Little Red Riding Hood Town, as a neutral zone, received the news immediately.

In the tavern of Little Red Riding Hood Town , the bartender asked the little red riding hood in front of him:

"Have you really decided to intervene in this matter? You must know that your previous actions have angered the waist collar and the Iron Blood Group. If they hadn't needed a buffer zone, the entire Little Red Riding Hood town would have been leveled by them."

"'Of course I know what you are saying, but Dragon City has finally ushered in peace, and I don't want this peace to be broken."

After Little Red Riding Hood finished speaking, he drank a cocktail and turned around to leave.

At the canyon base, when the patrolling dwarf helicopter discovered the army of superpowers, it immediately reported to Zheng Hang.

"What, the other party has four thousand superpowers."

Zheng Hang was also surprised when he heard this number, and then he felt a little troublesome.

Although Zheng Hang recruited some more people after returning from the mine field, there are only three people in the canyon base today. There are more than a hundred human troops, and they don’t have extra crystal cores in their hands for explosives. Do they have to give up the canyon base first and then make plans?

Unwilling Zheng (Lie Dehao) Hang took the spellbreaker captain to the entrance of the canyon base , looking at Si Lin and Kui E, who were standing at the front of the superpower army.

"Zheng Hang, I advise you to give up your resistance, otherwise when we break through your canyon base, you will be unable to survive or die."

Hearing Kui E's words, Zheng Hang couldn't help but sneered, and then said:[]

"Si Lin, Kui E, I remember you, just wait for me, I won't just forget about today's matter."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he took out the teleportation scroll and summoned all the troops to his side. He planned to return to the Warcraft base first and then lead more troops back for revenge.

Just when the teleportation scroll was about to be activated, a red figure suddenly appeared. In front of the two armies...

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