Seeing the sudden appearance of the red figure, Si Lin and Kui E's expressions darkened.

"Little Red Riding Hood, what do you want to do here?"

Stepping forward, Kui E asked Little Red Riding Hood.

"Kui E, I said that the meaning of my existence is to protect the peace of Dragon City. This is the agreement between me and my father. If you want to provoke a war in Dragon City, then you are my enemy."

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood, I know you are doing all this for Dragon City, but as long as you get out of the way now and let us eliminate this outsider, then there will be no more wars in Dragon City."

Because he had been favored by Little Red Riding Hood before, Si Lin did not want to be an enemy of Little Red Riding Hood, so he stood up and persuaded Little Red Riding Hood.

"Dragon City welcomes every outsider. If you kill everyone on sight like you do, then Dragon City will have no future."

After Little Red Riding Hood finished speaking, a death scythe appeared in her hand, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"It seems that you must stop us."

After Kui E finished speaking, he waved to the three thousand superpowers behind him, and was about to attack Little Red Riding Hood. At this moment, Si Lin stopped Kui E.

"what do you mean?"

I didn't expect that my ally would turn against me at this time. Kuei immediately looked at Si Lin angrily.

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood is kind to my Crazy Town. This time, I will treat it as a favor to Sister Little Red Riding Hood, and we will find other ways to deal with Zheng Hang."

Si Lin has his own way of doing things. Although he knows that this is giving Zheng Hang a chance to breathe, Si Lin will still follow his heart.

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, Si Lin, just wait for me."

After saying these cruel words, Kui E took the people away.

Si Lin nodded towards Little Red Riding Hood, and then returned to Madman Town.

Under the escort of the captain of the lawbreaker, Zheng Hang came to Little Red Riding Hood. He said to Little Red Riding Hood:

"Madam, thank you for helping me. May I know your name?"

"You should pay more attention to yourself. Although I helped you escape this time, it will be hard to say next time."

After Little Red Riding Hood finished speaking, she disappeared directly in front of Zheng Hang.

"Such a fast speed, Captain Spellbreaker, can you catch Little Red Riding Hood?"

Facing Zheng Hang's question, the captain of the spellbreaker shook his head with a solemn expression.

In the eyes of the spellbreaker, the only person who can fight against Little Red Riding Hood is the Holy Knight Uther.

"From the current point of view, this little red riding hood is not our enemy, and we have to thank the other party, but if there is a fight, we don't have to be too afraid."

Zheng Hang has the power of time and can completely slow down Little Red Riding Hood's time. No matter how fast Little Red Riding Hood is, it's useless.

Over here in Crazy Town.

After hearing that Si Lin was stopped by Little Red Riding Hood alone, the Crazy Town Town Chang immediately threw the tea cup in his hand at Si Lin angrily.

Then Si Lin got a wound on his head.

"Si Lin (ajbj), you really disappointed me this time."

Although the mayor of the crazy town doesn't know whether four thousand superpowers can kill Zheng Hang, but now he just gave up without even trying, how can the mayor of the crazy town be willing to do so. (Read Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mayor, please give me another chance. This time it is to repay Little Red Riding Hood for helping us. Even if Little Red Riding Hood takes action again next time, I will not let Zheng Hang go."

"That's enough, Si Lin, your character is still too kind. You are no longer suitable to deal with Zheng Hang. Let Mingjie carry out the next task."

After the mayor of Crazy Town finished speaking, Mingjie walked in from outside and came to Si Lin's side.

"Mingjie, I hope you won't be as hesitant as Si Lin."

"Don’t worry, mayor. I can do things that Si Lin can do, and Mingjie can do things that Si Lin can’t do. As long as the mayor gives me a chance, I will definitely give him a satisfactory answer."

"Very good, you all go down."

The mayor nodded towards Mingjie in agreement, and then spoke.

When he came outside the mayor's office, Mingjie said to Si Lin:

"I couldn't stand your self-righteousness before, but now you dare to disobey the mayor's order just for the sake of repaying a favor in your heart. It's really ridiculous."

"Mingjie, Zheng Hang is not that easy to deal with. If you are not careful, you will suffer big losses."

It's a pity that Mingjie didn't understand Si Lin's kindness at all, and thought that Si Lin was trying to cash in on him, so he couldn't help but say:

"If you can't do it, just say you can't do it. Don't confuse me with you."

After Mingjie said that, he turned around and left.

Seeing Mingjie's arrogant look, Si Lin knew that it was useless to talk more, so he couldn't help but sigh. Now that he doesn't have to deal with Zheng Hang, he can just rest for a while, so he just thinks it is to give himself a break. Fake.

With the participation of Little Red Riding Hood, neither Crazy Town nor Waist Collar could take action against Zheng Hang in a short period of time due to Little Red Riding Hood’s face, which gave Zheng Hang some buffering time. He took out the communication crystal ball, and Zheng Hang contacted Uther and asked Uther to immediately lead a team to the canyon base to support him.

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