Start with Island Lord

Chapter 318: Forging a Divine Body, Transforming into a Magic Ring (12)

Early morning.

The Natural Empire, the main base for high-energy magic research, the round table meeting hall.

It seemed like just a blink of an eye, and a year had passed since Rosen took back the endless compass.


Rosen would throw the endless compass in the middle of the round table at any time, and smiled to the high-energy research mages around the round table: “Finally, I figured this thing out.”

This year, his main focus was on studying the compass.

In order to achieve this, he maximized his soul strength to increase Lai Fu’s computing power limit.

Now, his soul strength has been optimized to Legend 8.4, and the scale has increased by 12 times compared to the initial level.

With the latest improved Supreme Crown, he has obtained Legend 16.8, 240,000 Rosen’s magnificent soul.

It is almost completely on par with the legendary 17 goddess of life Adela.

In addition to his personal strength, he also tried his best to increase his investment in the field of high-energy magic in the empire.

The main base for high-energy research under his feet is one of them.

This main research base is located in the north of Weilan, covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers, almost equivalent to the area of ​​the Sturgeon Island.

In the base, there are more than 30 sub-laboratories, and there are more than 100,000 related research mages, with an average mana of 6 rings per person, including 389 legendary mages.

And the development to this point is half the result of Rosen's deliberate guidance, and the other half is because the country has become rich.

Today, there are countless food synthesis factories in the empire, which not only convert cellulose, but have even tried to synthesize directly with inorganic substances.

This has led to an astonishing scale of food production and extremely low prices.

The empire has also built 18 solar cores.

The price of lightning has dropped to the level of boiled water.

With the supply of cheap and abundant energy, various industries in society have developed explosively.

As a result, the country has become incredibly rich.

When an individual becomes rich, he either degenerates or sublimates.

When a country composed of countless individuals becomes rich, the result is the same.

Either he indulges in luxury and enjoyment, or he strives to make progress and pursue a higher level.

As the emperor of the empire, Rosen could clearly feel that the trend of extravagance and enjoyment was gradually rising among the people of the empire.

This is a natural law, a phenomenon that is bound to occur and cannot be changed by personal will.

But it cannot be changed, but it can be guided.

Since the material abundance will always lead to great waste, it is better to waste it on the pursuit of higher magic mysteries.

Emperor Rosen has been using public opinion, faith, and decrees to guide in a multi-pronged way, pouring as much social power as possible into the field of magic.

Thus, an amazing high-energy magic base was born.

And this is just the beginning.

The sight returns to the round table meeting hall in front of him.

There are 72 high-energy research mages in the hall, who are the core mages of the high-energy magic laboratory.

Either they are the heads of the laboratory, or they are geniuses among geniuses, and they are all legendary mages.

With the help of the erudite magic tool, the minimum soul strength reaches Legend 8, and the soul scale is also above 1500 Rosen.

Each of them is also very young, with an average age of less than 32 years old, and they are basically genius graduates from various high-level magic academies in the empire.

And 99% of them are from the common people.

There are so many talents that they are emerging from the people like a fountain.

Almost all of them are new faces. If it weren't for Lai Fu's help, Rosen would not be able to remember them at all.

At this time, the head of the laser laboratory spread his hands, with some joy on his young face, but not much.

"Your Majesty, although the function has been figured out and some good uses have been found, it seems not worthy of the name of a divine artifact."

The chief designer of the sun core commented: "Although there are many types of high-energy elements synthesized by the Endless Compass, they are too ordinary."

The so-called high-energy element is a strange combination of high-energy spiritual essence and elements.

This high-energy element is very stable, and its physical and chemical properties are almost the same as ordinary elements, but its magic properties are two orders of magnitude higher than ordinary elements.

It looks beautiful, but the current conversions are light elements such as high-energy hydrogen, high-energy oxygen, and high-energy carbon.

It does have many applications, but its function is indeed a level lower than that of another artifact, the Life Branch.

A mage speculated: "Perhaps, we can use these high-energy elements to create high-energy life?"

"It is foreseeable that this kind of high-energy element life must have incredible magical power."

Immediately, a mage said: "How to create it? These high-energy elements are very poisonous."

It is indeed very poisonous. As long as more than 300 ml of high-energy water can poison an ordinary person, and the death is extremely tragic.

This characteristic also greatly limits the application of high-energy elements.

Another mage said: "Although it is poisonous, it is still far from the real poison."

"It is certainly difficult to create life from scratch, but it can be replaced."

"From the current biological replacement experiment, as long as a small amount of high-energy food is fed day after day, it is possible to replace a complex element life with a high-energy element life."

As soon as this was said, it immediately attracted doubts.

"Simply feeding is useless. The proportion is too small. It is impossible to achieve complete replacement, and even 5% cannot be replaced."

"Then use fine life spells to cooperate."

"This is a good idea, but the operation is very difficult. If you are not careful, the life will die suddenly."

"Yes, the difficulty is too high. I think this is far beyond the limit of what mortals can control."

"In my opinion, it is better to use the Endless Compass to directly convert the ordinary elements in complex life into high-energy elements."

"Your method is even more unreliable."

"There are so many elements in life, and the reactions are extremely complex. If it is directly converted, it is enough to tear the body of life bit by bit, which is simply the most terrifying torture in the mortal world!"

The genius mages discussed it one after another.

Most of the time, Rosen listened quietly, occasionally interjecting a few words and expressing his own opinions.

In the end, the mages unanimously proposed to set up a high-energy life research institute to study how to create high-energy life.

The country is not short of money now, so Rosen certainly proposed it.

At the same time, he already had an idea that was a bit crazy and only he could accomplish.

This idea is related to Lai Fu, and Lai Fu is Rosen's unique secret.

So, he didn't say much about his ideas, but just took a large number of high-energy elements synthesized by the Endless Compass and returned to his secret laboratory.

After entering the secret laboratory, Rosen placed these life-related high-energy elements in different categories.

These high-energy elements are very strange, and their appearance is almost the same as ordinary elements.

For example, high-energy carbon looks like black carbon powder.

When mixed with ordinary carbon powder, they cannot be distinguished from each other, and it is even difficult to separate them by physical and chemical means.

The only effective separation method is to use magic.

Rosen's plan is also very simple, which is to use these high-energy elements to replace the ordinary elements in his body bit by bit, so as to build a body made of pure high-energy elements.

For ordinary mages, this is naturally as difficult as ascending to heaven.

But for him, it is not a difficult task.

Of course, this matter is still very risky, and one will lose his life if he fails.

Therefore, Rosen did not directly and recklessly deal with himself.

He first conducted animal experiments.

With Lai Fu's super computing power as an aid, and the ultra-high-quality life branches as observation and operation tools, the experiment was not difficult and went quite smoothly.

Two days later, Rosen successfully made a living high-energy snail.

At first glance, this snail is no different from an ordinary snail.

Rosen tried to use attack spells on it.

First use a ring of lightning spell.


Fine lightning hit the snail.

If it were an ordinary snail, a thousand of them would have died, but the high-energy snail was safe and sound, and even gained some lightning power.

‘Tsk tsk, the amazingly powerful power affinity attribute is much stronger than I expected. ’

‘I originally guessed that the body of the true god should be composed of high-energy spiritual essence, but now it seems that I am only half right. ’

‘The true god should be a god-driven being composed of high-energy spiritual essence and ordinary elements. ’

Of course, snails are far from satisfying Rosen’s desire to explore unknown knowledge.

He immediately began to replace other kinds of life.

Fish, frogs, turtles, chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, cattle, sheep, and even apes.

All of them were replaced successfully.

At the same time, Lai Fu was trained to have a new high-energy element replacement ability.

Rosen called this ability "Forging the Body of God".

"High-energy replacement reaction is completely feasible. The high-energy life replaced has amazing magic power, and the more complex the life, the greater the ability improvement!"

"However, during the replacement process, the magic properties of ordinary elements and high-energy elements are very different, which will cause a serious imbalance of power inside the body."

"The stronger the power of the replaced body, the more serious the imbalance of power, and the more dangerous it is."

"To complete a safe replacement, you must have a control center with extremely high computing power and extremely strong capabilities to ensure the orderly progress of the replacement process."

The role of this "control center" is played by the newly trained ability of "Forging a Divine Body".

"Animal experiments and even monkey replacement experiments have been successful, and Lai Fu's ability has been trained to perfection."

"Now there is only the last step left."

This last step is naturally to replace the elements of your own body.

The last step is the most critical, the most difficult, and the most dangerous. Any mistake will lead to sudden death.

"Should I do it?"

Rosen sat in the secret laboratory, looking at the pile of high-energy elements in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"If I don't do it, my power will be exhausted. My magic power is at the highest level of Legend 19, and I will never break through the realm of high-energy magic."

"But the legendary realm is actually the power of eleven magic rings, and there is still a long way to go before the ultimate magic."

"If I do it, I might die, and everything will end."

"But then again, I have lived to this point, and I have seen all the scenery in the mortal world. Even if I die, there is nothing to regret."

"How many times can you fight in your life? Fight, and the motorcycle will turn into an airplane!"

Rosen decided to start.

So, he silently said in his heart: 'Laifu, run "Forging the Divine Body", casting target: the main body. '

"This behavior involves self-operation, and there is a certain risk of error. Do you want to continue?"


"Confirm the task and start execution."

"Casting begins."

With this command, the life force condensed by the branches of life finely manipulates the high-energy elements.

Finally, it is condensed into a large pot of "high-energy nutrient solution".

According to myths and legends about the release of the earth, this nutrient solution is the nectar of gods, and it can only be drunk by gods. If mortals drink it and lack luck, they will die suddenly.

Now, Rosen is just a mortal who wants to become a deity.

He has prepared everything he can. Whether he can succeed or not depends entirely on luck.

He took a deep breath, picked up the high-energy nutrient solution, and drank it all.

To be honest, it tastes quite delicious, a bit like vegetable stew.

It just tastes a little numb, as if it's electrified.

With the nutrient solution in his belly, "Forging God's Body" controlled the high-energy elements in it, replacing the ordinary elements of Rosen's body bit by bit.

The replacement process was silent. Rosen didn't feel much. He just felt that his body was numb and warm, just like taking a big mouthful of hot broth in the cold winter.

Of course, the replaced ordinary elements will not disappear out of thin air.

Some turn into dead skin on the skin surface, some turn into sweat, and some turn into feces and urine, which are continuously excreted from the body.

A percentage progress bar appeared in Rosen's vision, showing the replacement progress.


Rosen kept drinking the 'nutrient solution' until it was equivalent to the total amount of physical elements. The replacement process reached the most critical and dangerous step, which was to replace the ordinary elements of the brain.

If Rosen had done it by himself, he would have been in a panic right now and would have easily made a mistake.

But Laifu is an emotionless soul GPT.

To it, this is just a system upgrade.

The replacement process is still proceeding step by step without any disturbance.

I don't know how long it took, but Rosen felt that his vision was distorted, and suddenly it became completely black. He couldn't see anything, and he couldn't feel anything except the existence of his own consciousness.

It felt like I had entered nothingness.

Because there was no external reference, he didn't know how long time had passed.

Then, the horizon lit up again.

Turning around to look at the laboratory clock, I found that less than 10 seconds had passed.

Immediately afterwards, Rosen heard Laifu's voice.

‘One hundred percent replacement of high-energy elements has been completed, and the casting of the self-god body has been completed. ’

‘Perfectly fused with the Supreme Crown to generate an independent magic ring. The current ring strength is 11.84 (equivalent to the legendary 16.8). The maximum effective range of the magic ring: 3 meters in diameter (equivalent to the size of 300,000 Rosen souls). ’

This power is much stronger than before, and it no longer relies on external magic rings, but condenses its own independent magic rings!

Rosen's heart moved slightly, and with his thoughts together, he took a step forward. The light and shadow in front of his eyes suddenly changed, and then he realized that he had directly entered the eleventh magic circle.

Looking back is the tenth layer of the Dharma Ring, and looking forward is the void outside the ring.

There is nothing abnormal about the body, and there is no need to spend energy gathering strength to prevent loss.

With another thought, he ran the phase transfer technique.

One moment later we were at Nahuatl, and the next moment we were back at Castle Neuschwanstein.

The whole process is natural and without any discomfort.

But phase transfer across planes consumes a huge amount of power.

His power scale dropped from the peak of 300,000 Rosens to 100,000 Rosens.

This power is also very strange. It is similar to the power of soul and mana. It is a combination of the two.

"I now have an endogenous independent magic ring, so this power should be the power of the magic ring, or it can also be called divine power."

"But how can I replenish my divine power?"

After careful experience, I discovered the method.

‘As expected of a divine body, it can draw strength directly from the environment. ’

‘Well, it looks beautiful, but in actual use, it is still restricted by the laws of the world. ’

The result of the constraints of the world's laws is that the higher the energy target, the higher the efficiency of absorbing power.

If you want to gain power quickly and violently, you have to draw it from power cores such as the Sun Core or the Eternal Heart.

You can also get a lot of power from tides, sunlight, and volcanic eruptions.

If that doesn't work, you can also draw power from black stone burning, firewood burning, or various spells released by the enemy.

Rosen's secret laboratory is connected to the solar grid.

He directly put his hand on the high-voltage switch and absorbed the power from the power grid.


In about 3 seconds, Rosen replenished his strength, returning to 300,000 Rosen from the previous 100,000 Rosen.

He secretly sighed: ‘The energy in the power grid is so delicious! ’

After figuring out the power supply, Rosen began to consider specific life issues again.

‘My body is made of high-energy elements, which are poisonous to ordinary life. In the same way, ordinary elements are poisonous to me. ’

‘But life is active, exchanging materials with the environment all the time, and all around me are ordinary elements. ’

'That said, I'm living in a toxic environment. ’

After careful consideration, Rosen found that the matter was not as serious as imagined.

‘The ordinary elements that enter my body are automatically converted into high-energy elements at the cost of consuming power. ’

‘About an additional 100,000 Rosen’s power is consumed every day. ’

Therefore, as long as the power supply is sufficient, you can live peacefully.

But high-energy elements are also poisonous to ordinary people.

If ordinary elements enter his body and come out as high-energy elements, then he is a 'poison source'.

This matter must be resolved, otherwise he will die from this world.

Fortunately, Rosen is very familiar with the properties of high-energy elements.

After some exploration, he successfully created an elemental cycle spell.

Spell effect: ‘All elements entering the divine body are automatically given high-energy properties, and elements leaving the divine body automatically decay into ordinary elements. ’

The advantage of the spell is that Rosen can live freely in the mortal world, and because of the existence of the cycle, most of the power can be recovered from the decaying high-energy elements.

Therefore, the fixed daily power consumption is reduced from 100,000 Rosens to 6,000 Rosens.

It is much easier.

The disadvantage of the spell is that it is extremely delicate and complex, and it is controlled by Lai Fu, which will occupy Lai Fu's computing power for a fixed period of 5%.

At this moment, Lai Fu's computing power has reached an extremely amazing level, and 5% of the computing power is already extremely incredible.

This means that only Rosen can use this element cycle spell.

The source of power and the problem of life have been solved, and there is only one problem left, which is the improvement of power.

After some research, Rosen also figured it out.

"The method of improvement is similar to the past, which is to use the branches of life to optimize the body structure."

"In theory, as long as you optimize day after day, you can optimize to 23 rings."

"However, if I am in the 11th ring of the mortal world, once my strength exceeds 11 rings, my self-magic ring will transfer power to the plane magic ring, resulting in an increase in daily power loss."

"The stronger my self-magic ring is, the more power is transferred, and the more difficult it is to maintain."

"According to calculations, when I reach 13 rings of strength, the power loss will reach 300,000 Rosens every day until I fall back to the peak of the eleventh ring."

"So, if I want to become stronger steadily, I must either go to the abyss or improve the plane magic ring to 23 rings."

Obviously, the best way is to create a world that suits me.

Rosen looked at the current situation on the continent.

The Glorious Empire has completely seized the Dragon Islands and began to threaten the Holy Elf Empire's homeland.

But Druitan's injuries were completely recovered a month ago, and he returned to the mortal world and was planning to retake the Dragon Islands.

"It will take about three years for the Empire's sky battleship to be built. But I can't wait any longer."

What to do if you can't wait any longer?

Of course, go to the Holy Elf Empire to make trouble and find a way to kill Druitan.

You can't kill him secretly. You have to publicly execute him in front of the elves to completely destroy the elves' will to resist.

'I couldn't do it before. Now, it's still a little dangerous, but it's feasible. '

Should I do it?

Of course.

If I don't go to the Holy Elf Empire to have some fun, I'll be sorry for such a powerful body.

Sorry, sorry, the update is finished. It took a while to modify the details.

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