Start with Island Lord

Chapter 319: Dritan's Perfect Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (22)


A figure appeared on the top of the snow-capped peak of the Tianzhu Mountains in a weak wave of power.

It was the Natural Emperor whose power was close to the legendary level 17 and whose size exceeded 300,000 Rosens.

In terms of power, Rosens was already on par with the average great void god.

Logically speaking, with such a huge power, the transmission movement should be quite large.

After appearing, it would also cause strong pressure on the local magic circle, causing the magic circle to be greatly distorted.

But the movement caused by Rosens was probably only equivalent to a small three-ring spell.

This was not because he had power control skills that surpassed the void god, but simply a benefit brought by the divine body.

The void god composed of low-energy spiritual essence is like a ball of ‘liquid’. If the movement is a little bigger, it will shake violently.

The high-energy elements that make up the divine body are like solid iron blocks. No matter how they are tossed, the shape is very stable.

The shape itself is stable, so the impact on the surrounding environment is naturally small.

At the top of the snowy peak, Rosen was wearing a simple leather armor that was easy to move. It was gray in color and very simple in style.

He was carrying a medium-sized package, which was also dark gray in color and very inconspicuous.

At first glance, he looked like an ordinary mortal adventurer.

But in fact, the leather armor was indeed ordinary leather armor, but the package contained a huge mystery.

This package was called "Pocket Eternal Heart", also known as "Rune Nuclear Energy Battery".

It weighed 50 kilograms, was 40 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide, and 20 centimeters thick. It was not big, but it burned enriched uranium. The output power could be freely adjusted between 4 and 50,000 Rosens per second, and it could maintain the maximum output for 4 months.

In normal times, it replenished Rosen's daily consumption of 6,000 Rosens per day for the "Element Cycle Spell".

In battle, it provided him with energy.

At the limit, all the enriched uranium could be squeezed together to exceed the critical mass and used as a small atomic bomb.

He stood on the snow peak and jumped to the west, and there was the endless forest where the Holy Elf Empire was located.

At first glance, it was an endless dense forest.

But in the empty vision, it was a huge soul fog, and the fog was thicker than that of the Natural Empire.

The formation mechanism of the fog was also different from that of the Natural Empire.

The fog of the Natural Empire was interwoven with more than a dozen soul fluctuations of inherent frequencies. As long as the computing power was strong enough, it could be cracked.

But the soul fog of the Elf Forest was because of "all things have souls".

In the forest, every tree has a soul. The trees are lush and connected to each other, and they communicate with each other, which produces various frequencies. The soul ripples are extremely dense and change at any time.

Thus, a high-level soul fog is formed that no one can see through.

"This is really a good thing that has been precipitated by time."

According to the records of the plane's history, Druitan came to this plane for more than 8,000 years and personally transformed it for 3,000 years. After he left, the elves patched it up for another 5,000 years on the original basis and created such a wonderful thing.

Entering such a forest, Rosen's ability of void vision was directly wasted by 99%, and he could only see two kilometers at the farthest.

Fortunately, he had sent a lower-level elf clone to the Endless Forest a long time ago, and with Dora and Sissi as internal support, he had been collecting topographic maps inside the Holy Elf Empire.

Now that he has collected it for six or seven years, he dare not say that he has collected it all, but at least he will not get lost easily.

He took a deep breath, let the cold air on the top of the mountain enter his body, and exhaled a long breath. He felt his spirit suddenly shaken, and then he ran away from the snow peak.

During this time, he did not use any magic to assist. He relied purely on the huge power contained in his body to run very fast, almost the same as a cheetah on Earth sprinting at full speed.

The reason why he did not use magic was that every tree in the endless forest was an extremely sensitive scout.

The aboveground parts of each tree were connected to each other, and the roots underground were also connected to each other, forming an airtight and extremely sensitive all-round detection network from 10,000 meters in the sky to hundreds of meters underground.

Rosen also knew that as a void god with an obsessive-compulsive disorder for perfection.

Druitan has been improving the detection ability of trees to the limit of his ability, and has strengthened his ability to a perverted level.

This is also the biggest reason why it is difficult for foreign scouts to invade the Holy Elf Empire.

Rosen is now too powerful.

Once he enters the forest, it is like an elephant breaking into a small room. It is extremely difficult to hide from the detection of these tree sentinels.

He is not afraid of being besieged by the elves, but he is afraid of scaring Druitan into a turtle.

So, he has to lay a low-key plan.

Soon he ran down the snowy peak and came to the edge of the endless forest.

Here, Rosen walked around and found a striking boulder.

He felt in the crack under the boulder and took out something about the size of an apricot, similar to a nut.

This is the oak amulet, which is equivalent to a high-level pass to the endless forest.

After carrying it, as long as you keep a low profile, you can ignore the detection of tree sentinels.

This was naturally given by Dora. The amulet is valid for half a month and must be replaced after half a month. It is a loophole in the forest safety rules.

After wearing the amulet, Rosen walked into the endless forest leisurely.

From the outside, the forest seems to be connected, like an airtight green carpet.

But once you enter it, you will find that the dense upper canopy is only the upper canopy, and the middle and lower layers are quite empty.

Each big tree is at least thirty or forty meters apart, the vegetation on the ground is also quite sparse, and roads in the forest extend in all directions.

Although they are all dirt roads, they are covered with a layer of fallen leaves, which are soft when you step on them, like a natural blanket, and are quite comfortable.

Except for the dim light, the view is quite good.

The population of elves is also very large, 2 billion, but about half of them are souls, living in various trees.

Five percent are animals, of which 500 million are humanoid elves. The other 500 million are various transformed so-called beast-shaped elves.

In short, everything stems from Dritan’s idea of ​​‘animism’.

Rosen walked along a remote path. After walking for more than 10 kilometers, he arrived at a forest avenue called the Pilgrimage Avenue.

Follow this road and walk 1,600 kilometers northwest to reach the elven capital Atlascen.

That was also the destination of his trip.

At his current pace, it would take about 13 days.

The Pilgrimage Avenue is quite lively, and you can often see all kinds of elves making pilgrimages to the capital. There are many kinds of them.

There are leopard-headed men, bear-headed men, griffins with gryphon-headed bodies, horses with one horn on their heads, the so-called forest banshees whose upper body is a human and the lower body is a horse, the whole body is a human, a fairy with a pair of wings, and occasionally Dragons can be seen walking.

In short, it's like entering a different animal world.

Rosen used transformation to disguise himself as an underworld elf, and the package on his body was also disguised as an elf-style wooden suitcase.

Of course the elves couldn't see through his disguise, so no one doubted his identity.

He was walking intently when suddenly there was a sound of frolic behind him, but it was a group of forest banshees running over.

These forest banshees seemed to have endless energy and no worries at all. They ran and chased each other, and their clear laughter spread far and wide.

To avoid being kicked by the hooves of these banshees, Rosen stayed far away from the roadside and waited patiently for them to pass.

While hiding, I casually glanced at these strange creatures a few times.

It can be seen that forest banshees are generally over 1.8 meters tall.

Thanks to De Ruitan's obsessive-compulsive disorder for perfection, the face is generally very beautiful, the upper body is beautiful and plump, the lower body is elegant and powerful, and the overall appearance is very coordinated.

The clothes on my body are also very particular.

The upper body is similar to what a person wears, and the lower body is similar to what a horse wears. It is covered with a very exquisite warm tapestry with a rich forest style.

However, the lower body was probably too far away from the hands, making it difficult to clean the dirt, so the various excretion openings were not covered, leaving it naked in the air.

Rosen thought to himself: "This is really awesome. Most people can't conquer it."

Probably for the sake of racial reproduction, or because they want to get inspiration for transformation from the hand of the Creator, all the elves transformed by Dritan can combine with each other to produce offspring.

Naturally, they also match each other physiologically.

So, when this group of forest banshees ran past quickly, many male elves nearby stopped to watch.

As for what to look at, only God knows.

The forest banshees didn't care about being looked at, and some even flirted with the elves on the roadside, making a group of male elves furious.

After a few curious glances, Rosen withdrew his gaze.

After the group of forest banshees ran past, and just as they were about to continue on their way, they heard a male voice coming from beside them: "Hey, man, are you going on a pilgrimage to Atlascen?"

Rosen turned around and saw that he was a lower-class humanoid elf, whose soul age indicated that he was only 50 years old.

Among the elves, this is equivalent to a human being in their 20s, which is very young.

This young male elf was wearing a very ordinary traveler's leather armor with several patches on it, but he was still tall and strong and had four rings of mana.

Judging from the information sent back by the clone, he should be a down-and-out elf traveler.

Judging from the feedback from the soul fluctuations, this guy has some intentions for him. As for what the picture is, it is not yet clear.

Not wanting to get into trouble, Rosen responded calmly: "This has nothing to do with you."

Unexpectedly, the male elf followed him in a familiar manner: "Man, I am also going to Ataracen for a pilgrimage. If I go alone, I will be bullied. Why don't we go together?"

The status of the lower-class humanoid elves is indeed not high. After thinking about it, Rosen nodded: "My name is Rhodes, what is your name?"

"Folk, from Blue Lake."

"Colorful Valley."

Rosen also reported a place name, so as to avoid accidents, he deliberately chose a place far away from Blue Lake Town.

"Oh~~I heard that Colorful Valley is a good place."

Fokker praised, then nuzzled his lips towards the forest succubus who was walking away in front of him, and asked: "Good brother, can you lend me some money?"

This jump was a bit big. Rosen frowned and said, "Are you saying hello to me just to borrow money?"

"Hehe~" Fokker smiled awkwardly: "Just asking casually, forget it if you don't have any. I just want to find those laughing sisters to satisfy my hunger."

Rosen's lower elf clone has been wandering in the forest for six or seven years, so he can naturally understand what he said: "Why are you looking for Sister Laughter? Can't you find an ordinary member of the same race?"

Falk shook his head repeatedly and stared at the forest banshee: "How can the Laughing Sisters of the same race be strong enough?"

Seeing his hungry look, Rosen felt sympathy and took out two thumb-sized sun nuts from his pocket: "I gave them to you, they should be enough."

Sun nuts are the common currency within the elves, similar to the silver coins of the human race.

Fok's eyes suddenly lit up: "Rod of the Colorful Valley, you are such a generous and kind person. I will remember your kindness and will definitely repay you when I have the chance in the future."

He took the Sun Nut and strode to catch up with the Laughing Sisters.

After a while, he negotiated the deal, held the hand of a Laughing Sister, and entered the woods beside the Pilgrimage Avenue.

In the Elf Kingdom, this behavior is called "the call of the wild", and at least one-third of the elves were born here.

As a result, all kinds of indescribable freaks were born.

Rosen didn't take this little thing to heart and continued to hurry on his way.

Unexpectedly, about five minutes later, Fok caught up from behind again.

"Wait~~Rod~~Wait for me~~"

Rosen was stunned: "What, the negotiation broke down?"

"What do you mean the negotiation broke down?"

Fok was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly: "I'm done."

"This is too fast!"

These two Sun Nuts are not cost-effective.

Fok waved his hands vigorously, as if to drive away the embarrassment, and then said: "You are a good man, I want to tell you a very important news."

"Oh, tell me."

"The news was told to me by Twiggy, Twiggy is the witch just now."

"She said that if we go a little further, we will pass through the running valley of the dragon Ariva. For some reason, Ariva has gone crazy and eats people everywhere. For safety, we'd better take a detour."

"By the way, I happen to know a very safe shortcut."

Rosen still felt that this Fok had some intentions towards him.

He was not in a hurry for this trip, so after thinking about it, he simply saw what this guy wanted to do.

"Okay, then we'll take a detour."

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