Start with Island Lord

Chapter 320 Witch Patnaros (12)


Rosen followed Fogg all the way through a narrow and desolate valley.

The valley is full of rugged rocks, not a single tree, not even many weeds.

The road is also very difficult to walk, and you have to climb over rocks blocking the road from time to time.


From time to time, various strange and strange little animal sounds can be heard in the gaps between the stones and deep in the weeds, making the valley seem even quieter.

It is already far off the pilgrimage route.

In the valley, apart from Fok who led the way, Rosen followed all the way.

In Rosen's perception, no elves can be felt within a radius of 2 kilometers.

It should be regarded as one of the few wilderness areas in the Holy Elf Empire.

Rosen leisurely followed Fokker and commented: "This place is really remote."

Falk nodded repeatedly.

"It's a bit remote, but still very safe."

"Walking a little further, when we reach the end of the valley, there will be a hidden cave. After passing through the cave, we will be completely safe."

His tone sounded calm, but his soul revealed a wave of anxiety and urgency, and the wave got stronger the closer he got to the cave at the bottom of the valley.

Obviously, the answer to the mystery most likely lies in the cave.

The cave is not far away.

Rosen concentrated on sensing the situation in the cave, and found that the cave was shrouded in an extremely dense soul mist, and his vision of the void was completely disabled.

He also used various detection spells, but the result was that he was also unable to penetrate the fog of the cave.


Such a concealment ability is certainly not something that a lower elf with level 4 mana can deploy, nor is it even something that a powerful god can do.

"It should be a great god who is targeting me."

At this point, only the Great God has the ability to obscure Rosen's perception.

"Who could it be? And what are their plans for me?"

Rosen was very curious and needed to understand this matter thoroughly.

What he was about to do was very exciting, and he didn't want to have the interference of a great god out of thin air.

So, this trouble has to be solved.

Soon, the two reached the bottom of the valley, less than fifty meters away from the cave entrance.

Falk waved to Rosen: "I will lead the way, follow me."

He did not hesitate to move forward first, but the fluctuations in his soul told Rosen that this guy was controlled by a strong fear, as if he was gambling with his life.

Rosen stopped.

He could feel that although he was still some distance away from entering the cave, as long as he took one more step forward, he would enter the realm of mist.

This last 50 meters away from the cave is the real essence of this mysterious misty realm.

At first glance, there is nothing in this distance, but after careful perception, you will find that there is actually an extremely clever illusion arranged here.

Here, illusion and reality overlap almost completely, deceiving the observer's perception almost perfectly.

But once you step into it, the illusion will flow instantly, and the scenery will immediately change, trapping people inside.

Rosen felt that any powerful god, or even a careless great god, would step into the trap without noticing and let his opponent play with him.

But of course he couldn't deceive Rosen, who was fully vigilant.

Falk walked a few steps and saw that Rosen didn't follow, so he urged: "Hurry up, why are you hesitating?"

Rosen is not stupid, how could he step into the trap set by others?

He took a few steps back and shook his head: "Sorry, man, the game is over."

After saying this, he ignored Fokker and turned around to leave.

"Hey~~Don't go~~Don't go~~"

Fokker became anxious and turned around to chase after him.

Rosen quickened his pace.

The other party also started to trot, and soon reached Rosen's side. He panted and asked, "Rod, what are you running for?"

Rosen waited for him to catch up, and with a sudden thought, he used a mage's hand to lift the unknown lower elf into the air.

"Okay, stop pretending. Now tell me who is instigating you."

"No one ordered me around."

The mage's hand immediately squeezed his throat and tightened it little by little.

"No, no, no, no, I said, it's an upper elf."

"I didn't know his name or even what he looked like, but he said he just had to find a way to get you to the cave."

"His power is very terrifying and can easily kill me. I have no room to refuse him."

Falk's mouth was very loose, and he would use all his moves at the slightest threat.

Soul fluctuations told Rosen that these were the truth.

This lower-level elf was just a nobody, so Rosen naturally wouldn't argue with him. He took out a few sun nuts from his pocket and handed them over.

"Take this money and get out of here, just keep today's events in your stomach and pretend that nothing happened, otherwise you will die very miserably."

"Okay, okay~~I'm leaving now~"

The lower elf rolled and crawled away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Rosen returned to the foggy realm again and shouted to the cave 40 meters away.

"Man, if you want to fight with me, just do it. If you want to say anything to me, just say it. Don't be so nagging."

There was no way he could enter the cave anyway.

After shouting, there was no response except the echo from the valley.

Rosen shrugged: "No matter who you are, I don't have time to play games with you. Since you won't show up, then goodbye."

He turned around to leave, and as he walked, he began to count down in his mind.


When the countdown reached 3, the mysterious existence finally couldn't hold it back anymore.

A disembodied voice came from the cave.

"Your Majesty Rosen, guess who I am?"

Rosen paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "I guess you are the witch Patnaros."

There are a total of 7 great gods in the void.

The supreme god Gaumiral is sleeping, and the goddess of life Adela is a decent person and will not play tricks.

Alamanni, the Lord of the Night, has made peace with him.

The remaining four great ones are Hercules, the 18th-level God of War, Karl, the 17th-level God of Destruction, Talos, the 18th-level God of Order, and Patnaros, the 17th-level witch.

The first three have nothing to do with Rosen, only the latter has some connection.

Therefore, Rosen naturally guessed the latter.

"Guessed wrong, guess again."

Rosen had no way of judging whether this was true or not, but Laifu's new ability "Mind Reading" could.

This ability can comprehensively determine the opponent's intentions through information such as sound waves, mana fluctuations, soul fluctuations, etc.

Rosen is an emperor. He meets countless people every day and has seen many void gods and demons. He has already trained "Mind Reading" to an incredible level.

At this time, the mind-reading judgment result is ‘98% likely to be a lie. ’

In other words, the opponent is most likely a witch.

Rosen thought back to the rumors related to the witch, and felt that the actions in front of him were very consistent with her prank-loving personality.

Therefore, it is almost 100% certain that this is the witch.

This made Rosen slightly relieved, because he and the witch did not have any major issues. Although the witch likes to play tricks on people, she has no evil deeds in the mortal world.

Therefore, there is a high probability that she just wants to tease herself.

But no one likes to be pranked, and Rosen certainly didn't want to either.

So, he smiled lightly and said: "Miss Patnaros, if you are so free, just find a place to sleep. Why come to me for fun."

"I'm not a witch."

"Don't be so stubborn. Shar, Lord of the Moon, told me that you might come to me for trouble. So I've been waiting for you."

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, because I don't care."

After saying that, Rosen continued to stay away from the cave.

"Well, I am."

The tone changed from an ethereal state to a clear and delicate voice, which reminded Rosen of Alice's cat.

He turned around and looked at the entrance of the cave: "Then stop hiding. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you want to cause trouble, just come and find it. I'll take care of it."

A voice came from the dark cave: "I just like to hide."

"Then I'm leaving."

Rosen turned around and left very simply.


Rosen kept walking.

"I'm waiting for you at the deepest part of the cave. I also set up a very interesting maze in the cave. If you can find me through the maze, I will tell you how to deal with the Nirvana Sword."

Rosen paused, half-turned around and said, "What if you set up not a maze but a death trap? Wouldn't I be tricked by you?"

"I promise it's Maze, I swear on my credibility."

"It's our first time dealing with each other, and we don't know each other at all. No matter what you swear, it's useless."

At this point, Rosen changed the topic: "Of course, you can also let me believe you. You can pledge an artifact to me."

"Hmph~ You think so beautifully."

"Without the artifact as collateral, there is no need to discuss anything."

After speaking, Rosen turned around and continued walking forward. After walking about five steps, he heard a faint sound of breaking through the air behind him.

The sound was not loud and the speed was not fast. He gave way a little and heard a 'plop' sound coming from beside him, and a dark blue 'stone' as big as a fist fell to the ground.

"With the Freezing Stone, as long as you input enough power, you can use it to freeze everything, including the soul of the great god."

Rosen broke off two bushes to make 'chopsticks', picked up the dark blue stone and observed it carefully. After thinking about it, he picked another leaf, wrapped the stone, put it in his pocket, turned around and left. .

"Thank you for the artifact, witch, I'm leaving."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe you set up a maze in the cave, but I never said I wanted to enter the maze and play games with you, right?"

"As for this artifact, since you took the initiative to give it to me, it belongs to me."

"So, bye."

Rosen walked quickly without looking back. At the same time, the alert level of "War God's Heart" was raised to the highest level, ready to deal with the witch's attack at any time.

After walking about twenty steps, I heard an angry voice behind me.

"Rosen, I'm very angry now!"

The sky suddenly changed.

With one 'swipe', it changed from the dusk red to a strange deep purple.

Immediately afterwards, Rosen also saw a thick dark purple mist appearing around his body, pressing towards him from all directions.

This prank-loving witch took the initiative to give up the so-called 'cave maze game' and attacked Rosen directly.

That's exactly what Rosen wanted.

He is not afraid of impromptu attacks, but of well-planned traps.

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