Start with Island Lord

Chapter 321 The Guardian's Mission (22)

Desolate valley.

As the purple mist pressed down, Rosen's body surface suddenly flashed, and a layer of shield that seemed very thin but extremely condensed emerged.

This shield was not a spell, nor a soul spell, but a wall of magic rings stimulated by the magic rings in the divine body!

The power of the ring wall came directly from Rosen's soul and indirectly from the rune nuclear energy battery on his back.

Because it was the power of the magic ring, it could not be focused. The current strength was legendary 16.8, and the power was 50,000 Rosens per second.

Almost at the same time, there was a buzzing sound.

The strange sound came from Rosen's pocket, and a ball of cold white light exploded with the strange sound.

It was the freezing power of the freezing stone.

The witch's artifact was not so easy to deceive, and there was a trap hidden in the freezing stone she gave.

Rosen certainly knew this, but he didn't care.

Because he had just observed carefully and determined that this so-called freezing stone could not trap him.

The next moment, the cold white light expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped Rosen's body, and then froze everything in this area.

Rosen clearly felt that the freezing power of the artifact completely isolated him from the outside world, making it almost impossible for him to draw any power from the environment.

But it doesn't matter, he can't be considered to rely on the outside environment.

A silver bell-like laughter came from the purple mist.

"Haha~ Your Majesty Rosen, in the end, you still have to play a maze game with me."

Inside the cold freezing field, Rosen smiled.

He reached out without restraint, took out the freezing stone from his pocket, tossed it up and down casually, and squeezed it hard.


With a sound similar to glass breaking, the freezing field surrounding the surroundings shattered instantly.

Rosen put the freezing stone into his pocket again: "To be honest, this artifact is not very powerful."

In fact, it is very powerful, especially against the void god composed of spiritual essence, it is simply a killer.

It's a pity that Rosen is not a void god.

Seeing the artifact ineffective, the witch was silent for a moment, but soon came back to her senses.

"Your Majesty Rosen, you really have some tricks, but this is normal, after all, you are an elemental powerhouse, not a void soul."

"But, you are still surrounded by my maze illusion."

Rosen looked at the deep purple mist surrounding him and smiled and shook his head.

"Your illusion is temporarily condensed, and it is far from the one carefully arranged in the cave."

"Moreover, there is a very obvious loophole."

"Loophole? Tell me about it?"

Rosen smiled and said: "Let's make a bet. If I can crack your maze illusion within one minute and find your true body, you will call me dad three times."

"What a messy bet! I won't bet!"

"Why, you don't dare? Are you afraid of losing?"

A voice came out of the purple mist again: "What if I win? What can I get?"

"Not only will I return the frozen stone to you, but I will also compensate you with an extra branch of life."

"Tsk~ Your Majesty, you are so generous."

"Then I bet."

Rosen took out the pocket watch from his arms, set it, and pressed the timing button: "Now, start!"

'Da Da Da Da~~'

The second hand of the pocket watch jumped one by one, and time began to pass by second by second.

But Rosen didn't move.

He stood there motionless, even closing his eyes, as if he was asleep.

"Da Da Da Da~ Da Da Da Da~~~"

In the blink of an eye, half a minute passed.

The witch couldn't help but say: "I say, you are not going to give me a life branch on purpose, are you?"

"Such a benefit that comes out of thin air is meaningless."

"Hey~ There are less than 20 seconds left."

As the voice fell, Rosen suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "I found you."

The reason why he was able to find someone so quickly was, first, Lai Fu's analysis. Second, the witch's restless mouth. Third, it was also because of the different maze structures of the void and the magic ring.

As the voice spoke, Rosen took a step forward.

The previous step was in the magic ring, and the next step went directly to the void outside the ring.

The void outside the ring was still shrouded in thick purple fog, but the visibility was much higher, reaching 10 meters.

In the void, Rosen took thirty steps forward, thirty steps to the left, and thirty steps back at a very fast speed, and finally took some small, seemingly irregular steps, like dance steps.

The reason for this is that the opponent distorted the time and space coordinates of this area, thus forming a very strange time and space maze.

The loophole is that the time is too tight, and the opponent only has time to strengthen the maze inside the magic ring, while the void maze is much simpler.

If Rosen entered the carefully arranged maze in the cave, he would have a lot of fun.

About six seconds later, Rosen successfully crossed the maze,

Then, he saw a vague figure with countless purple runes all around him 5 meters in front of him.

And this figure was sitting on a boulder in the valley, with his hands supporting his chin, looking at Rosen with interest.

To be more precise, he must have been interested before, but now he should be surprised.

Rosen smiled slightly, and looked at the vague figure sitting on the stone: "Ms. Witch, good evening."

The witch looked at Rosen who was also in the void, and after a long while she said:

"How did you get in?"

The great god can distort the magic ring and actively invite mortal legendary strongmen to enter the void.

But she didn't invite him just now, and the magic ring here didn't have any distortion. The other party actually broke through the ring wall and entered the void with the elemental body.

Rosen didn't explain and retreated back into the magic ring: "No matter what, I won."

The purple mist around him quickly dissipated, and a twisted lavender light ball appeared.

This time, it was the witch who twisted the magic ring and took the initiative to invite Rosen to enter the void.

Rosen walked forward a few steps, passed through the ring wall, and entered a sea of ​​flowers illuminated by stars.

Rosen already knew that this starry sky and this sea of ​​flowers were all illusions of the soul, not real existence.

In the sea of ​​flowers, a tall and charming woman with a strange fang mask on her face was kneeling.

She patted the sea of ​​flowers opposite: "Please sit down, the great Majesty Rosen."

She deliberately added an attributive, it seems that she already understood what happened.

Rosen walked to the opposite side of her and sat down cross-legged: "Miss Patnaros, you are not looking for me just to play this boring maze game, right?"

The witch looked at Rosen's restrained inner magic ring and asked instead: "Have you condensed the body of the true god?"

"I don't know if it counts, but it is indeed stronger than the body of a mortal."

The witch directly confirmed: "The inner magic ring is the body of the god."

Rosen shrugged: "Then count."

"Excuse me, but I want to know how this is done."

Rosen smiled: "I won't tell you."

But Then he said: "I won, it's time to fulfill the bet."

The witch was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed: "Sorry, I'm going to cheat this time."

Rosen didn't care: "Okay, okay, I don't care about this bet, but the fact is, you lost and I won."

The witch muttered: "This is really an unpleasant fact."

Then he asked: "What do you want to do when you come to the Everfree Forest alone this time?"

"Assassinate Druitan?"

"Guessed it right."

Whatever the other party guessed, he admitted it, showing sincerity without revealing his true intentions.

"Well, then Druitan is in big trouble."

The witch obviously didn't care about Druitan's fate, and she didn't come to play games with Rosen.

Straighten up, and said solemnly: "I have something serious to ask you for help."

"My previous move was to test your ability, but obviously, your ability far exceeded my expectations and exceeded my needs."

Rosen did not comment: "I borrowed your reputation to solve a small problem, so I do owe you a favor."

The witch sneered: "Your Majesty, don't be so mercenary, I certainly won't let you work in vain."

"I don't really believe what you said, after all, you were lazy just now. But, tell me, do you want me to help me?"

"I want to kill Gao Miller!"

"What did he do to you?"

"He is the soul projection of the Soul Devourer Antowanji. And I am the soul projection of the last guardian of the God Realm."

"My mission is to stop Antowanji and his projection, and find a way to completely destroy it."

This made Rosen's heart move slightly: "Can I know the deeper reason?"

The opposition in identity alone is not enough to convince Rosen to help.

The witch shook her head: "I am just a projection. My original body did not tell me more information, and I personally do not think it is necessary to know more."

Rosen understood: "So, you are just a tool of the original body."

"That's right."

This is the second time that Rosen has encountered this situation. The last time was the soul hunter Lily.

Of course, Rosen has created an independent soul for this Lily, so Lily is free.

But the witch does not seem to have it.

He asked directly: "Are you an independent life now?"

"Of course I am an independent life, but a void life with powerful power like me needs a meaning of existence."

"Maybe I don't know the full picture of the abyss incident, but based on my understanding of Gao Miller, I am very happy to kill him."

Rosen understood, and now he wants to know as much information about the abyss as possible.

I continued to ask: "Since Gaomiel is the projection of Antoine, he should have a special mission, right?"

"Of course, he has a well-known nickname, the Destroyer, which already explains his main mission."

"In addition, he has been trying to open the abyss, and has achieved certain results."


"Every once in a while, the gate of the abyss will open and release a large number of void demons."

"Originally, it was opened once every 1,000 years, but it has gradually shortened to the current 500 years, and the demons released after opening are getting stronger and stronger."

"So, do you agree to help?"

Rosen thought for a while: "Not now. , I'm not ready yet. "

"You are already a true god, what else do you need to prepare?"

"There are many things to prepare, and I think assassination is a means used by the weak."

The witch snorted: "Compared to Gao Miller, I am indeed a weak person."

"But Your Majesty, you are absolutely strong against Druitan, don't you also plan to assassinate him?"

Rosen grinned: "It's different. Your assassination is helpless. My assassination is a game."

The witch had nothing to say, and after a long silence, she said: "The next time the gate of the abyss opens is ten years later."

"If there is no interference, the scale of the gate of the abyss this time may be very large."

"If you don't want to see something horrible coming out of the gate of the abyss, it's best not to let it open."

"So, you have at most ten years to prepare."

"I see."

"By the way, Dritan was frightened by you and asked Adela for help, but Adela rejected him. So, he quietly surrendered to Hercules, the God of War."

"The God of War is not a simple one. He is very powerful. He has the artifact war chessboard and many servant gods with amazing combat power."

"In addition, the war golem he created also has amazing combat effectiveness on the mortal battlefield. Pay attention to this."

After saying this, the witch extended her hand to Rosen again: "I'm leaving. Give me back the frozen stone."

Rosen chuckled: "I want to borrow it."

"Okay, I'll lend it to you for one year."

After saying that, the witch turned into a purple ball of light and quickly flew away into the sky, and the scenery around Rosen returned to normal.

"Heracles, the God of War?"

Rosen was still sitting cross-legged in the valley: "I told you how Deruitan healed his scar and forgot about the pain. It turned out that he secretly found a new big brother."

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