Three days later, in the morning, Lindbergh was turning on his computer and browsing the official website of the Heroes Association.

“Huh! My hero ranking has gone up so much! Lindbergh looked at his own information in the hero roster, and in the data, Lindbergh’s hero ranking directly rose from 50th place in Grade B to 10th place in Grade B, and he suddenly rose 40 places.

Lindbergh pulled down the web page and saw his achievements displayed on the web page.

A-level merit: subduing a gang of vicious bank robbers and rescuing hostages.

“No wonder it rose so quickly, subduing this group of bank robbers turned out to be an A-grade merit.” Lindbergh understood the reason why his hero ranking rose so quickly.

“Look at Saitama’s again!” After reading his roster of heroes, Lindbergh planned to take a look at Saitama, after all, Saitama also contributed to the operation to subdue the bank robbers.

“The 100th place in the C grade, not bad, although it is still the C grade, it has also risen more than a hundred places.” Lindbergh said when he saw Saitama’s hero ranking.

C-level heroes are generally easy to upgrade, because C-level heroes are generally ordinary people or a little stronger than ordinary people. However, to upgrade from C level to B level, it generally depends on the accumulation of many merits or a big merit to upgrade.

After browsing his and Saitama’s roster of heroes, Lindbergh was idle and began to browse the other heroes.

Among the C-class heroes, only two heroes can arouse Lindbergh’s attention. One is naturally Saitama, and the other is an “undocumented knight”.

The current hero ranking of “Undocumented Knight” is not the first place in the C-class in the future, but the twelfth in the C-class.

Although the combat power of the undocumented knight is very ordinary, he has a strong sense of responsibility as a hero and is a classmate with Saitama.

After browsing C-level heroes, Lindbergh began to browse B-level heroes.

Third place in Class B: Mountain Ape

Second place in grade B: eyelashes

Class B: Hell Blowing Snow

“No matter how many times you watch it, the blowing snow is still so beautiful!” When Lindbergh saw the first place in the B-grade Hell Blowing Snow, he took a few more looks.

Next, Lindbergh began browsing A-class heroes.

38th place in Class A: Snake


When Lindbergh was browsing the official website of the Heroes Association, three people appeared outside the gate of the no-man’s land where Lindbergh was. The three men, two men and one woman, all wearing black suits and women wearing black dresses and a white coat over their shoulders.

These three are the top three of the B-level heroes that Lindbergh just browsed on the official website of the Heroes Guild: Mountain Ape, Eyelash, and Hell Blowing Snow.

“It’s all here! Now start entering the target’s stronghold! Of the three, Blowing Snow crossed his hands in front of his waist and said to the ape and eyelashes.

“Yes!” The mountain ape and eyelashes said in unison.

“If the other party shows the slightest intention of resisting, you know what to do, right?” Blowing Snow continued to say to the two of them, the mountain ape and eyelashes.

“Understood, Lord Fuyuki!” Eyelash replied seriously.

“Teach him a good lesson, so that he doesn’t dare to be so arrogant again!” The mountain ape, who looked like a gorilla, replied loudly.

“Let’s go!” Blowing Snow waved his hand and motioned for the two to go ahead.

“Yes, Fuyuki-sama!” The mountain ape shouted with a big mouth.

“Click!” As soon as the iron lock on the iron mesh door of the mountain ape was forced, the iron lock was torn off. Then open the iron mesh door, walk with the eyelashes on both sides of the blowing snow, and walk towards the no-man’s land.

Twenty minutes later, the three members of the Blowing Snow group arrived at the apartment where Lindbergh lived.

“The tenth hero of the B rank – Lindbergh! I know you’re here, get me out! The first Snow Blowing Lord in Grade B has something to say to you! Walking to Lindbergh’s room, his eyelashes shouted loudly into the room where Lindbergh lived.

“Hmm!” Lindbergh, who was in the room, heard someone call him, got up and opened the door.

Lin Bai opened the door and saw three people standing outside the door. The woman in the middle, Lin Bai recognized at a glance that it was Hell Blowing Snow.

“First meeting, newcomer Lindbergh. I’m hell blowing snow, you should have heard of it, right? Chuixue saw Lin Bai come out and said to Lin Bai.

“Of course I’ve heard of Hell Blowing Snow, the hero ranked first in Grade B, the younger sister of Little Long Roll!” Lin Bai looked at Blowing Snow, and when he looked closely, his face was really similar to the length of the small tornado, and he was an adult version of the small tornado.

“You know my sister?” Chuixue heard Lin Bai mention his sister Little Tornado and asked Lin Bai.

“Recognize! Of course I know! We are very good friends! Lin Bai said to Chuixue with a laugh in his heart.

“Oh! Since you can know my sister, you must have some skills. Let me tell you bluntly, I came today to let you join the “Snow Blowing Group”, how about it? “Blowing snow directly stated the purpose of his arrival.

“Join the “Snow Blowing Group”, sorry, that’s not possible! Lindbergh answered in the affirmative negative of Blowing Snow’s suggestion.

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