“Boy, do you look down on our “Blowing Snow Group”, obviously a newcomer! Won’t you say hello to Fuyuki-sama? The eyelashes on the side heard that Lin Bai dared to refuse Lord Blowing Snow’s request, and said to Lin Bai with a bad face.

“It’s our old rule for people who enter the B level to say hello to Lord Blowing Snow at the beginning, do you kid want to break the rules?” Eyelashes walked to Lin Bai’s body and pointed at Lin Bai and said.

“Say hello?” Lin Bai thought about it carefully, then stretched out his hand and smiled at Chuixue: “Beauty, hello!”

Seeing Lindbergh’s playful greeting, the eyelashes and the mountain ape were angry, so he wanted to come up and teach Lindbergh a lesson.

“Well! Never mind! Chuixue waved his hand, signaling the two to stop moving, and then said to Lindbergh: “Do you know that there are many factions in the Hero Guild industry?”

“Faction! Know a little! Lindbergh replied that he had encountered the “vest legion” of the “vest Venerable”.

“Then you should know that if you don’t join a faction, you can’t survive in the Hero Guild!” Blowing Snow continued to Lindbergh.

“I really don’t know that? Why? Lin Bai had a surprised expression.

“Because it will be hindered!”

“By whom?”

“Get in the way of competitors!” Blowing snow said.

“Alright! Thank you for answering for me! Lindbergh thanked Blowing Snow.

“I’m not done yet!” Chuixue paused and said confidently to Lin Bai: “Return to my subordinates!” This way, you can safely hold your position in the B-class position. ”

Again, it was impossible for me to join the “Snow Blowing Group”. If a hero has a superior-subordinate relationship, he is not a hero. Lin Bai suddenly said seriously to Blowing Snow.

“In that case! Mountain Ape! Lash! Hearing Lin Bai’s answer, Chuixue frowned, and then shouted to the two of his subordinates.

“In!” The two of the mountain apes and eyelashes answered loudly.

“Fix him well for me so that he can never do heroic activities in the future!” Rejected by Lindbergh, Blowing Snow was also angry, and shouted orders to the mountain ape and eyelashes.

Hearing Lord Blowing Snow’s order, the mountain ape and eyelashes immediately attacked Lindbergh.

The mountain ape picked up a casserole-sized fist and shot towards Lin Bai, while the eyelashes held a pair of eyelash clippers in each hand and attacked Lin Bai.

“This thing can also be used as a weapon?” Lindbergh looked at the weapon of the eyelashes and really admired the imagination of the eyelashes.

“Phew!” “Bang” “Click! ”

“Hmm! Where are the people? As a result, both of their attacks were in vain, and Lindbergh did not know when he disappeared in front of them.

“So fast! Not aware of it at all! On the side, Blowing Snow, who was watching from the side, exclaimed. At the same time, my heart began to become calmer.

“Hey! Both of you! If you want to fight, go downstairs! Not on my doorstep! The disappeared Lindbergh did not know when he appeared on the street outside the apartment.

“Abominable! Boy, don’t you run if you have the ability? The muscular, simple-minded mountain ape yelled, jumped down from the third floor, and walked in the direction of Lindbergh.

Eyelash stood on the third floor and looked at Lin Bai, and said incredulously: “Impossible!” Just for a moment, when did you get downstairs? ”

“Mountain ape, be careful! Don’t be careless, this newcomer is not simple! So Eyelash reminded the mountain ape who took the first step. After shouting, the eyelashes also jumped down the third floor.

“Boy, look at the move!” The mountain ape walked up to Lin Bai and punched Lin Bai.

Facing this punch, Lin Bai unhurriedly raised his right hand and stretched out a finger.

“Snap!” Later, the eyelashes looked at the scene in front of him incredulously, and saw the powerful punch of the mountain ape, but Lin Bai’s finger was lowered.

“Hey! Big man, you’re too weak! Putting his finger against the mountain ape’s fist, Lindbergh said to the mountain ape.

“Impossible! Pick me up with another punch! The proud strength of the mountain ape was struck by Lin Bai, and he withdrew his fist in disbelief and punched Lin Bai again.

“I’m not playing with you!” In Lin Bai’s eyes, the mountain ape’s fist is weak in both strength and speed. Lin Bai’s right hand came first, grabbed the mountain ape’s arm, and then forcefully threw the mountain ape’s eyelashes backwards.

“Mountain Ape!” Seeing the mountain ape being thrown and flying towards itself. The eyelashes immediately stopped, ready to catch the mountain ape.

“Bang!” The eyelashes caught the mountain ape, and then the eyelash face changed. A huge force rushed in, and the eyelashes resisted, and they were flown backwards together with the mountain ape.

“Bang!” The two flew seven or eight meters backwards and fell to the ground. I didn’t get up for a while, and I lost my combat effectiveness.

“Hey! Blow snow! It seems that your subordinates are not good? After solving the mountain ape and eyelashes, Lindbergh said to Blowing Snow, who was standing on the third floor.

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