Fang Ze's face was calm and he said, "So you accepted the money in a grand manner."

  Liu Xia bowed her head in silence and did not answer the question.

  Actually, thinking about it carefully, Liu Xia did nothing wrong.

  Her husband was dying, and he spent all his wealth in order to cure the disease. This was a disaster for an ordinary family with old people and young people.

  Anyway, it can't be cured, and you can get huge sums of money for no reason, and no one will investigate why.

  Even Liu Xia really loves her husband.

  It's two different things.

  Fang Ze took out his mobile phone, got up and put the tablet in front of Liu Xia, and said, "Is that him?"

  Liu Xia looked up and nodded, "It's him, what the hell is going on with me?"

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "It's alright, let's go."


  Liu Xia was stunned for a moment, but didn't seem to react.

  After a while, she got up hastily,

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  Said: "Okay, goodbye, police officer."

  After speaking, Liu Xia left the reception room without looking back.

  She didn't break the law, and she couldn't even say that she was wrong. Fang Ze's biggest gain was to get this important information.

  At this time, Luo Bixin asked, " that person Ma Zhuo?"

  She didn't see the photos on Fang Ze's phone.

  As soon as these words came out, the other three 3 also looked over.

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Yes, it's Ma Zhuo. It seems that the person who was burned to death in the car accident should be Liu Xia's husband."

  "Tens of millions, in exchange for a life, or a life of being burned alive, I should say, is it worthwhile or is it worthless?"

  "It was Liu Xia's husband who was burned to death"

  When Dong Yewei and the others heard this, they were very surprised.

  Luo Bixin and Li Ruisi didn't speak, they looked at Fang Ze quietly, hoping that the other party could clear their doubts.

  If the person who was burnt to death was Liu Xia's husband, then what happened to the autopsy report, Sun Li, director of the forensic department, couldn't help but say, "Team Fang, the test results should be correct, it is indeed Ruan Hongyi."

  Zuo Rong also nodded and looked at Fang Ze.

  This is a difficult point to articulate.

  Fang Ze said slowly: "That's right, this is the biggest doubt in this case. If you figure it out, everything will be revealed."

  "Where is the problem?"

  Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

  No one bothered him.

  After a while, Fang Ze said to himself: "Why did Ma Zhuo call the police in advance? What can I get?"

  "Alert in advance"

  "If you call the police in advance, the traffic police and fire trucks will arrive earlier, and the fire caused by the accident will be extinguished faster."

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed: "In this case, the burning degree of the corpse will be completely different."

  The next moment, he turned his head to look at Zuo Rong and Sun Li, and said, "How was the burning level of the scorched corpse at that time? If it burns for a while, is it impossible to detect?"

  The two thought for a while, and Zuo Rong said, "Yes, the fire was put out in time. If it burns for a while, the bones may be completely carbonized. If you suffer, you will not be able to determine your identity at that time."

  Fang Zemao suddenly opened up! He said in a deep voice: "That's right, if you burn for a short time, it will leave skin, hair and blood, and if you burn for a long time, it will cause bones!"

  "The timing is just right, and the gasoline on the deceased was probably poured on by himself!"

  "It's to completely carbonize the skull and torso bones!"

  "Ruan Hongyi and Ma Zhuo, these two bastards, actually took tens of millions to force a terminally ill patient to do such a thing!"

  Seeing that Fang Ze seemed to fully understand the case, everyone's attention was focused on Fang Ze.

  Zuo Rong also seemed to sense something was wrong, he slowly stood up and said, "Captain Fang, the deceased's"

  Fang Ze said: "The deceased.

  It's Ruan Hongyi, I almost forgot that he has such a top medical expert as Ma Zhuo!"

  Luo Bixin's face condensed: "Fang Ze, the deceased's Ruan Hongyi has been replaced!"

  "That's right!"

  As soon as these words came out, Li Ruisi, who was next to him, finally couldn't sit still, and said in amazement: "And how can such an operation be done?"

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold, and he said softly, "Bone marrow transplant!"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 137 Xue Yi?Ruan Hongyi? 【4】

  "Bone Marrow Transplant"

  When these four words came out of Fang Ze's mouth, the expressions of Sun Li and Zuo Rong changed at the same time.

  As a senior forensic physician, they certainly know what that means.

  If so, then Fang Ze's suspicions are completely justified.

  The identification of the corpse is indeed fine, but this matter is wrong at the root, let alone the result.

  Li Ruisi was also shocked and speechless for a long time. After recovering, he quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Li Shenghua.

  At this moment, Sun Li and Zuo Rong looked at Fang Ze with admiration.

  Some questions are easy to say, but inferring the final facts out of thin air without any basis is not something ordinary people can do.

  This is what Zhuge Liang said after the fact.

  Dong Yewei stood up, his eyes burning brightly: "Instructor Fang, you are saying that Ruan Hongyi concealed himself through bone marrow transplantation, created his own death, and then committed murder"


  Fang Ze's words are like gold. At this moment, he is thinking about the last question: where is this guy now, and what he wants to do next is confirmed, Dong Yewei sucked in a breath of air.

  This crime can be said to be deliberate.

  "Instructor Fang, is this kid in Zhongnan!"

  Dong Yewei asked immediately.

  If the other party is in Zhongnan, he will immediately issue an order to find this bastard.

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "No, he must still be in Penghai."

  When the words fell, Fang Ze breathed a long sigh of relief. At this point in the investigation of the case, he finally figured out the most important issue.

  He also did not expect that Ruan Hongyi would actually think of this method.

  There were almost no flaws in every detail, and all the forensic doctors involved at that time were deceived.

  As long as this is done, Ruan Hongyi can do whatever he wants, even if he leaves fingerprints, he can't be found on his head at all.

  In the end, it will only become an unsolved case.

  Dong Yewei said: "Instructor Fang, since Ruan Hongyi is in Penghai, I wonder if it is necessary to immediately notify the whole city of martial law and never let him leave.

  Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

  "A person who uses the words "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" to the extreme, doesn't he really have no success?"

  Dong Yewei was taken aback: "what do you mean?"

  The rest of them also looked at Fang Ze. Could it be that Ruan Hongyi created such a huge illusion? Fang Ze said slowly: "I underestimated his level of caution. From now on, I will treat him as an extremely cautious person. people."

  "If I were him, would I have thought like this at the time: Once this matter is exposed and it happens to the public, how can I avoid being wanted by the police?"

  "Li Ruicheng is not... an ordinary person. Once the Ministry issues a wanted order, no matter how he hides, he will be found sooner or later."

  The crowd looked at each other.

  If this is really Ruan Hongyi's time, then this person is too scary, and it is not enough to change the bone marrow.

  Beside, Luo Bixin asked a question: "Fang, the bone marrow can be replaced, why didn't he replace the fingerprints together?"

  Fang Ze said: "Because Ma Zhuo can't be perfect.

  "Fingerprint change, which is possible in today's medicine, is through skin replacement, but the technology is not very mature."

  "Generally, only people who have been burned will do the skin.

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  After peeling, skin feel and touch are impaired.”

  "Fingers are important organs of the human body. Once the skin is replaced, it will affect the whole life. Ruan Hongyi does not have the courage."

  Luo Bixin nodded in understanding.

  Zuo Rong also said: "Fang team is right, skin replacement cannot be [-]% matched now, and even the most professional plastic surgery hospital in the world cannot make the sense of touch undamaged."


  Fang Ze turned to look at Zuo Rong.

  Suddenly being stared at by Fang Ze, Zuo Rong was stunned, and said, "Fang team, is there any problem?"

  "You just said plastic surgery hospital"


  Fang Ze blinked, quickly took out his phone, and dug it out: The two photos were carefully compared.

  Then, he opened WeChat, and after some operations, he made a call

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