"Hey Xiaoqi, it's me, have you returned to Zhongnan?"

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "I'm on the road, I'm on the train, what's wrong?"

  "Did you see the photo I posted?"

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "I see."

  "Help me see if this person has undergone plastic surgery."

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "Okay, wait a minute."

  The phone fell silent.

  After a while, a voice sounded: "Hey Fang Ze."


  I'm here, you."

  "The person in the photo has undergone major cosmetic surgery, it should be bone cutting."

  "Okay, thank you."

  After speaking, Fang Ze wanted to hang up.

  "Hey, wait a minute."

  Jiang Xiaoqi's voice sounded again.

  Fang Ze picked up the phone and said, "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "You are in Central South"

  Fang Ze: "Yes, Penghai's case is involved here. Come and investigate."

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "When are you going?"

  Fang Ze thought for a moment and said, "Let's go now!"

  Jiang Xiaoqi: "Leave you guy right away, as soon as I come, you go and target me, right?"

  Fang Ze smiled and said: "How is it possible, the photo I sent you just now is a major suspect in this case, I must rush back to Penghai immediately."

  Jiang Xiaoqi was silent for a while, then said: "Well, next time you come to Zhongnan, don't forget to inform me."

  Fang Ze: "Definitely."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze made another call under everyone's puzzled eyes.

  "Hey Ding team, don't ask, just do as I say."

  "Call Xue Yi immediately and say that the person who rented his house is involved in the case and needs the head of the household to come to the police station to make a statement. It's just a statement, don't say anything else, don't ask, understand?"

  "When I go back, I will ask him personally."

  Ding Chunqiu: "Okay, I know, when are you coming back?"

  Fang Ze: "Go back immediately and take the nearest flight."

  Ding Chunqiu: "Okay, then I'll wait for you at the police station."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze took a deep breath and smiled.

  Luo Bixin said strangely: "Fang Ze, what's wrong?"

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Xue Yi and Ruan Hongyi are quite cruel to him."

  :Happy New Year, Happy New Year's Day, go back to your hometown in the lunar year, update later to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 138 What are you arresting me for? 【1】

  Two hours later, a black Mercedes crossed the viaduct and sped toward the highway toll booth.

  In addition to Fang Ze and Luo Bixin, there were also Li Shenghua and his son in the car.

  Originally, Fang Ze was going to take the plane, but unfortunately there was only one flight, and it had already taken off.

  For the train, you have to wait more than three hours.

  In addition, Li Shenghua asked to return to Penghai together after learning that Fang Ze had investigated all the cases, so he chose to drive.

  Since there is no way to fly, driving is significantly faster and more private than the speed of the train.

  Along the way, the words of the four people became obviously: less, occasionally chatting a few words, and it has nothing to do with the case.

  I don't know if it was an illusion, but Luo Bixin always felt that the atmosphere was a little dignified.

  Li Ruisi concentrated on driving the car and remained silent.

  As the distance got closer, his eyes became colder and colder.

  There are about six or seven hundred kilometers from Zhongnan to Penghai. Until 4:[-] p.m., the black car finally stopped at the Penghai Municipal Bureau! Several people quickly got off the car and walked quickly to the hall.

  At the moment in the city bureau lounge, to exaggerate, Ding Chunqiu was a little overwhelmed.

  Because the confession to Xue Yi had already been done.

  Ding Chunqiu kept in mind Fang Ze's previous entrustment and tried all the topics he could think of, but still couldn't delay the time until Fang Ze came back.

  Now, he couldn't think of any reason to stop Xue Yi from leaving.

  On the sofa, a young man sat there with his legs crossed, staring at Ding Chunqiu in front of him with dissatisfaction.

  This person is undoubtedly Xue Yi.

  "I said, Officer Ding, it's been four or five hours, now, after you ask me, what else is there to do here!"

  Ding Chunqiu looked embarrassed and said, "Mr. Xue, there are still a few small problems, don't worry about it."

  For citizens who are not involved in the case and are just routinely taking confessions, his attitude must be well-adjusted.

  After all, the other party is not a criminal.

  Xue Yi sighed and said, "Officer Ding, you said this an hour ago, but within this hour, you asked a total of three 3 questions."

  "Either ask me where I'm on a business trip, or ask me about the recent house price, or even ask me if I have a girlfriend"

  "Are you taking notes? It's completely nonsense! What the hell are you trying to do?"

  "If there's nothing wrong, I really have to go!"

  Hearing this, the embarrassment on Ding Chunqiu's face grew even stronger.

  He also had no choice, he really couldn't find a question to ask, and could only delay the time with one sentence left and right.

  The job that Fang Ze gave was really not easy to do.

  I don't even know what they want to do.

  After a light cough, Ding Chunqiu smiled and said, "What is that, Mr. Xue, where are you going later? Did you invite a friend to dinner?"

  Xue Yi twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Officer Ding, if you want to go to dinner with me, just say it, you can order whatever you want!"

  "Is it interesting for the two of us to spend time here, talk about something!"

  Ding Chunqiu hurriedly said: "I have something to do.

  , of course there is something, you let me drink water.

  After finishing speaking, Ding Chunqiu turned around and picked up the cup, and walked slowly to the water dispenser.

  He pressed down to drink water, and the thin stream of water slowly poured into the cup.

  Looking at the speed, it is estimated that it is not much different from the turtle.

  Xue Yi immediately had a black line on his face.

  "Fang team, you're back."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  "Good team."

  At this moment, a series of voices sounded outside the door.

  After Ding Chunqiu heard these two words, his expression brightened, he quickly filled the water glass, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

  This guy, finally came back! If he doesn't come back, he really can't hold it anymore! Soon, the door opened, and five or six people came in, including Jiang Xiaobai and Pan Pu.

  Xue Yi turned to look.

  After his eyes fell on Li Shenghua and Li Ruisi, his expression immediately froze.

  After quickly covering up, Xue Yi stood up.


  Ding Chunqiu smiled and nodded, "You're back."

  "Well, hard work."

  Fang Ze patted Ding Chunqiu on the shoulder, he naturally knew that in the past few hours, in order to keep Xue Yi, the other party probably used all his strengths.

  The reason why he didn't tell Ding Chunqiu the truth was because he was afraid that the other party would subconsciously accentuate his tone during the conversation with Xue Yi, or he would say something wrong.

  With Xue Yi's degree of prudence, a little trouble can arouse his vigilance.

  It's not that I don't believe Ding Chunqiu.

  As a criminal policeman, Ding Chunqiu is naturally very good, but if it is to pretend to deceive people, I am afraid it is almost meaningless.

  Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what.

  Fang Ze would not take this risk.

  Turning to look at Xue Yi, Fang Ze chuckled lightly: "Xue Yi"

  Xue Yi nodded and smiled: "It's me, may I ask you?"

  "My name is Fang Ze, captain of the criminal police team."

  Hearing this, Xue Yi hurried over, and at the same time stretched out his hand and said, "So it's the party team, hello hello."

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