: Regarding the female protagonist question that many readers care about: This book has a complete outline, and a line runs down to the end. As for the female protagonist, my original style is a single female protagonist, but I will definitely be scolded, and I am not stupid.

  So it is estimated that it is more than one. I will not mention the film and television drama fans. I personally prefer one of the original ones. This girl will be around 40 words: appearing, and it is also the most entangled and complicated emotional drama with the protagonist.

  Of course, it won't be poisonous.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 140 This is Ruan Hongyi [3]

  Everyone listened to Ruan Hongyi's words quietly.

  "Although abetting others to commit suicide should be punished as intentional homicide, in the process of instigating others to commit suicide, the subjectivity of the suicidal person's behavior often plays a decisive role."

  "So taking that into account, the punishment should be lenient according to the merits of the case."

  Fang Ze did not interrupt and continued to listen.

  Ruan Hongyi said: "Also, if the behavior of instigating others is very inactive, has little effect, and is subjectively out of goodwill, in this case, it may not be regarded as a crime."

  "Unless the other party lacks a subjective correct understanding, it can be judged that intentional homicide."

  "Captain Fang, am I right?"

  Outside the window, Li Ruisi subconsciously turned his head to look at Luo Bixin, who nodded, saying that Ruan Hongyi was right and fully complied with the legal details.

  This "eight thirty zero"

  Guys, I really understand! Fang Ze opened his mouth, but at this moment he couldn't find the language to refute Ruan Hongyi.

  Because Ruan Hongyi, what he said is the truth.

  Seeing that Fang Ze didn't speak, Ruan Hongyi smiled and said, "Fang team, there is one more point."

  "Under the circumstances I said, if the family members of the deceased are not investigated, then it seems that the case can not be filed."

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

  This statement is still true.

  If it is clear that it was intentional homicide, no matter

  Whether the family of the deceased will be investigated or not, the procuratorate will file a public prosecution to the court on behalf of the state, and it is impossible to exonerate.

  However, if the circumstances stated by Ruan Hongyi are satisfied, the procuratorate cannot initiate a public prosecution, and it is up to the family of the deceased.

  If the family members of the deceased do not intend to prosecute, and the circumstances are relatively minor, the instigator's behavior is not active, and there is a good side, they can be exempted from punishment.

  Recalling that car accident, Ruan Hongyi was in charge of lobbying, and Ma Zhuo came forward to give money.

  Then Ruan Hongyi can also be said to be active or not in the process of persuasion.

  After all, the other party is terminally ill and will die soon.

  Furthermore, Ruan Hongyi contributed tens of millions of huge sums of money so that after the death of the deceased, his parents, wife and children could live a good life for the rest of their lives, which can be said to be kindness.

  Finally, will Liu Xia sue? The answer is no.

  Once sued, then tens of thousands of family properties will be wasted and returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

  They would all die anyway, so to Liu Xia, how they died was of course not important.

  Ruan Hongyi can get out of the car accident completely.

  As for the case of deliberately hurting people, after all, three years have passed, and if the investigation is carried out again, the other party may choose to take the money and leave. On the contrary, Ruan Hongyi is also fully buffered. This is Ruan Hongyi's current psychology and activities.

  Both cases are innocuous.

  At least, it's much lighter than intentional murder.

  At this moment, Fang Ze finally saw the vulgar IQ.

  Luo Bixin and others also looked at Ruan Hongyi in surprise.

  This guy is really not an ordinary tough guy.

  In this case, the possibility of three crimes being punished is very small, and only the Li Ruicheng case remains.

  "This is Ruan Hongyi!"

  Li Ruisi gritted his teeth.

  Although he doesn't like each other, but objectively speaking, he has to admit that Ruan Hongyi's talent is real, almost on par with his brother Li Ruicheng.

  Back then in Zhongnan, Li Ruicheng of the Li family,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ruan Hongyi of the Ruan family can be said to have a very high status in the upper class circle.

  It's been three years and they haven't changed.

  Still so annoying.

  , so knowledgeable.

  At this time, even Luo Bixin couldn't help but ask: "Rui Si, Ruan Hongyi was rich and capable back then, not a rich second generation who was just waiting to die, what kind of girl can't get it, why use force? "

  She was talking about the rape case.

  With Ruan Hongyi's net worth, if you like a girl, it's just a matter of moving your fingers, so why go to crime even if people don't agree and don't love money, it's just a change of person, why pay such a big price.

  Li Ruisi replied: "It's not that simple. Ruan Hongyi is more about revenge. That girl is Cen Xue's friend and has always had a bad relationship with Ruan Hongyi, but she admires my brother very much. It's more complicated."

  Although he didn't say everything, Luo Bixin probably understood something.

  Once men and women deviate from the normal track, the final result can only be conflict, or even hatred.

  On the other side, facing Ruan Hongyi who looked calm, Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

  It should be said, not to mention, this guy is indeed not a simple character.

  No wonder it has become so popular in Zhongnan, and now it seems that it is not entirely because of the family.

  Fang Ze said with a chuckle, "I admit everything you said."

  Ruan Hongyi smiled: "Thank you Captain Fang for understanding."

  At this moment, Fang Ze threw away the cigarette in his hand and said lightly, "I have something to tell you."

  "Captain Fang, please speak."

  "Ma Zhuo, arrested."

  Hearing this, Ruan Hongyi's face froze, and then he returned to normal: "Oh, why?"

  Fang Ze said: "Because he was an accomplice in the murder of Li Ruicheng."

  Ruan Hongyi lowered his eyes, took a sip from the water glass in front of him, but did not respond.

  Fang Ze approached Ruan Hongyi, stared at him closely and said, "Since I can bring you here, I can be sure that you are the murderer of Li Ruicheng."

  As soon as these words came out, Ruan Hongyi put down the water glass and said: "Captain Fang, since we are all people who understand the law, don't play dumb riddles anymore."

  "Although I know Li Ruicheng and have had conflicts with him, you can't suspect that I killed people because of this."

  "Do you have any evidence?"

  Fang Ze turned around, picked up a photo, put it in front of Ruan Hongyi, and said, "How to explain?"

  Ruan Hongyi glanced at it and said, "Meet an old friend and 5.

  3, isn't this normal? Besides, wasn't it fine when he left?"

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Ruan Hongyi, do you think I found nothing?"

  "Do you think that Ma Zhuo's level is unmatched in China and you believe in him?"

  Ruan Hongyi shrugged: "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Seeing that the other party was ready to die, Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, and said, "Ma Zhuo has provided you with a perfect way to kill, and you have no doubts about Ma Zhuo's ability."

  "I think he must have said something to you: domestic forensic doctors can never find out the real cause of death."

  "Am i right"

  Hearing this, Ruan Hongyi's facial muscles trembled, but his expression remained calm.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 141 Details of the case [4]

  Whether it was a car accident or intentional injury, Fang Ze didn't care.

  He only cares about the murder in front of him.

  The reason why Ruan Hongyi chose bone marrow transplantation to create suspended animation was not only to avoid prison, but also to make it easier to get rid of Li Ruicheng without getting caught.

  This is a thing that kills two birds with one stone, why not do it is like a deliberate arrangement by God, everything goes very smoothly, and there is no deviation in the plan.

  More importantly, Ruan Hongyi also has the help of a top medical expert.

  This undoubtedly brought great trouble to the detection of the case.

  It is a pity that it is precisely because Ma Zhuo is too good, that extremes will turn against him, causing him to expand his self-confidence.

  He didn't take the forensic doctor in his eyes, or even the police.

  He was sure that his masterpiece, no one could read.

  In Fang Ze's mind, the whole case has formed a message from Ma Zhuo's heart: Invincible, how lonely it is.

  Staring at Ruan Hongyi in front of him, Fang Ze said to himself: so this time, just enjoy loneliness with Ruan Hongyi in prison.

  0 Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Fang Ze straightened up and said softly, "Hydrogen fluoride."

  These three words made Ruan Hongyi's face immediately congeal.

  Fang Ze continued: "Let's recreate the case, of course, you can raise questions, I welcome it."

  "The afternoon before the incident, you called Li Ruicheng. The content of the call was probably: I am a friend of Ruan Hongyi. There are some very important issues that need to be made clear with you face to face."

  "When Li Ruicheng heard the name of the dead man Ruan Hongyi, he was naturally very surprised, but he didn't show it and hid Cen Xue who was beside him." This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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