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  "Then, he went to the appointment alone and went to Changyuan Mansion, which is your residence in Penghai."

  Hearing this, Ruan Hongyi couldn't help crossing his hands.

  "After Li Ruicheng came to your house, you didn't reveal your identity, but chatted with him about Ruan Hongyi in the past."

  "There is no hatred, no contradiction, and it is even very peaceful, quite a bit of a smile that means ignoring enmity and enmity."

  "Li Ruicheng also gradually let go of his guard, and you used something that caused him to fall into a coma for at least [-] minutes."

  "Can you tell me what it is?"

  Having said that, Fang Ze lit a cigarette again.

  Ruan Hongyi looked up at this time and said, "Captain Fang, just say what you want to say. I don't know, why do you ask me if the autopsy results are not all out?"

  Fang Ze said: "In the body of the deceased, there is no coma drug."

  Ruan Hongyi lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief.


  Fang Ze changed his voice and said, "I know what it is used for."

  Ruan Hongyi raised his head slightly, but there was no engraving, and he seemed indifferent on the surface.

  "It's not sleeping pills, it's not ether, these can be detected, it's spray-type ethylene oxide!"

  As soon as these words came out, Ruan Hongyi's pupils suddenly widened and he concealed it again.

  But at this moment, he obviously began to get nervous, and his crossed hands kept rubbing.

  Fang Ze moved slightly, pacing the trail: "Epoxy

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  B, an organic compound, is toxic and carcinogenic, and if a small amount is inhaled, you will fall into a coma within a few minutes.”

  "As a starting agent for the chemical industry, ethylene oxide has a fatal flaw, that is, its chemical properties are very reactive."

  "But this fatal flaw becomes a great advantage in your hands!"

  "It can interact with many substances, including but not limited to acids, heavy metal salts, reducing agents, etc., but these can also be detected."

  "Then what to do? Ma Zhuo taught you a way."

  "That is"

  Fang Ze took a breath and let it out softly.

  He looked at the escaping smoke and said, "Nicotine!"

  "Ruan Hongyi, can you tell me, since you said you wouldn't smoke, then?"

  "What's the matter with the cigarettes found in your house"

  Ruan Hongyi felt a little cold at the moment.

  How could the guy in front of him know so much! Ma Zhuo confessed is impossible! He is a very smart person, and he will never be deceived by the police without any evidence! Fang Ze's voice kept saying: "We continue to talk ."

  "When Li Ruicheng was in a coma, you injected hydrogen fluoride near his heart and lit a cigarette."

  "He woke up quickly because the ethylene oxide was neutralized by the nicotine."

  "Although it is incomprehensible, no abnormality has been found."

  "Finally, he's gone, and you had a good time chatting."

  "The next night, you bought five red silk scarves, and went to his residence when Li Ruicheng had heart discomfort."

  "After meeting Li Ruicheng, you showed your true identity, and your words were fierce, and maybe there was physical contact."

  "Li Ruicheng was shocked to learn that you are still alive, which directly led to cardiac arrest."

  "After he died, you poured the concentrated sulfuric acid you brought on him and walked away."

  "But don't worry, 00 asked to continue to create illusions to confuse the police, and this is the story of the city hospital buying corpses."

  "After the second time, you are still worried, and the amputation appeared."

  "After the third time, you took out the fourth red silk scarf, gave a woman two thousand yuan, and sent it to the police station."

  "I don't think there will be a fifth red scarf. Do you want us to find it ourselves?"

  A cold sweat broke out from Ruan Hongyi's forehead.

  If it wasn't too bizarre, he even suspected that the other party was watching him do these things the whole time.

  What's going on and what's wrong? Even if the guy surnamed Fang finds out something, he can't even know the details so clearly! He has begun to suspect that Ma Zhuo really confessed! Outside the window, everyone watched in shock. Ruan Hongyi even had a trace of fear in his heart.

  A person with a high IQ, plus a top medical expert.

  Once these two people join forces to commit a crime, what will happen! Unsolved cases and unknown causes of death, let alone unsolved cases and unknown causes of death, let alone the results.

  It would be good to be able to check the right direction! Fang Ze stomped on the second cigarette and chuckled, "Ruan Hongyi, is the story good?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 142 Who Are You? 【1】

  At this time, Ruan Hongyi's face was slightly pale, and the movement of crossing his hands became more and more violent.

  Even Li Ruisi, who didn't know much about criminal psychology, could see the nervousness on Ruan Hongyi's expression, mixed with a little shock.

  It was obvious that Fang Ze's words had a great impact on him.

  So much so that Ruan Hongyi, a person with strong psychological qualities, could hardly hide his turbulent mood.

  Fang Ze's words were also seen from the side, and there was basically no discrepancy.

  In the interrogation room, Ruan Hongyi, who was stared at by Fang Ze, couldn't help swallowing and squeezed his hands tightly.

  It seemed like this could ease the tension in his heart.

  Just when Ruan Hongyi was a little confused, Fang Ze took a step forward, slammed the baffle plate in front of the iron chair, and shouted loudly: "Ruan Hongyi! You are not telling the truth!"

  Suddenly, Ruan Hongyi was terrified.

  "You think it's all unknowingly"

  "You think Ma Zhuo's methods can hide everyone in the world"

  "You think you're playing tricks on the police, it's very clever"

  "I tell you!"

  Fang Ze pointed at Ruan Hongyi and said coldly, "You guys are still far from this little trick!!"


  Fang Ze patted the baffle again and shouted, "Where is the rest of sulfur hexafluoride!"

  A series of cold questions, coupled with the description of Fang Ze's case that completely matched, made Ruan Hongyi's psychology and defense line show signs of collapse at this moment.

  And Fang Ze's last sentence made Ruan Hongyi speak subconsciously: "No, there is no left, it's used up."

  Before he finished speaking, Ruan Hongyi reacted immediately, stopped the words, and his face changed drastically! He suddenly raised his head and stared at Fang Ze, and said angrily: "Fang! You play with me!!"

  Ruan Hongyi never imagined that one day he would be surrounded by the police's interrogation skills! Fang Ze smiled, stood up slowly, and lit a cigarette again.

  After a brief interrogation, this is already his third cigarette.

  He rarely smokes so much.

  People like Ruan Hongyi, whether it is interrogation skills or polygraph equipment, are not very useful, it can be said that it is almost like a decoration.

  Basically useless.

  But like this perfect crime, once you deduce the detailed course of the case, and not a single detail is left behind, not a single clue is left out.

  So for the murderer, the shock is huge.

  He will think a lot of things, causing indirect confusion in his thinking.

  Finally, one hit kills! Even if the opponent will react in an instant, it is already too late.

  Interrogation of such a person requires speed and a little luck.

  Breathing out a breath of smoke, Fang Ze chuckled lightly: "Oh, after running out, it seems that Ma Zhuo didn't give you much, but it's enough."

  Ruan Hongyi's face was pale and pale at this time, staring at Fang Ze.

  He no longer concealed it, and the shock in his eyes was fully revealed.

  He wanted to do the last fight.

  Seeing what the other party had to say, Fang Zefang kept silent and chuckled: "There are complete monitoring and recording equipment here, and I have a detailed case investigation file."

  "If these two things are put together, I think the judge and the jury will be very interested."


  Ruan Hongyi gritted his teeth and swallowed what he was about to say.

  Fang Ze continued: "Hydrogen hexafluoride plus concentrated sulfuric acid, tsk tsk."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "I said, with your identity and character, even if it is revenge for killing people, you shouldn't do such a boring thing, so it is."

  "This Ma Zhuo is a talent, it's a pity, it's a pity"

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