Fang Ze did not speak.

  Luo Bixin continued: "Why don't you go eat something later?"

  Fang Ze said: "I've been thinking too much recently, I want to be quiet and quiet, and I don't want to go outside."

  Luo Bixin thought about it for a while, then bent down gently, a few strands of hair hanging down fell on Fang Ze's neck.

  "Otherwise, come to my house to eat"

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  People 0 Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 145 Warm Night [4]

  9:[-]:[-] PM, Penghai Qiming Huating.

  The TV was on, Luo Bixin walked out of the kitchen and placed the last dish in front of Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze glanced at it and said, "I really didn't see that you have this kind of craftsmanship, who did you learn it from?"

  At this moment, on the coffee table in the living room, the dazzling and dazzling home-cooked dishes take up the space, such as boiled pork slices, stir-fried rapeseed, fish-flavored shredded pork, etc., there are seven or eight.

  It is really a waste for two people to eat so many dishes.

  Luo Bixin wiped his hands, sat opposite Fang Ze, and said with a smile, "I have become a talent, I am still very confident in my cooking skills."

  "That's not so much."

  Fang Ze pointed to the table in front of him.

  Luo Bixin said: "Isn't the case of Tianlai Manor solved? I will celebrate it for you alone!"

  After finishing speaking, Luo Bixin picked up the opened "[-]"

  For the red wine, Fang Ze poured a small half glass.

  "Come on, cheers."

  Luo Bixin picked up his wine glass and said.

  Fang Ze also smiled and picked up the wine glass and touched the refill Luo: "Then thank you Captain Luo."

  Bringing this case up, although it didn't take long to solve the case, it did take a lot of Fang Ze's mind.

  Fortunately, the clues have never been broken. With his keen thinking, Fang Ze followed the clues and finally found Xue Yi, that is, Ruan Hongyi's head.

  The trial went well, and the case was considered closed.

  The two drank the red wine and chatted while eating.

  Luo Bixin said: "Fang Ze, I saw you stunned for a while when I was cooking. Is it because of this case?"

  "Well, a little bit."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Whether it's Ruan Hongyi or Ma Zhuo, they are both top-notch talents. It's a pity to ruin their life like this."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin felt the same way, and it would indeed make people feel regretful that a person with a high IQ commits a crime.

  But she said: "You don't have to think so much. Everyone is equal before the law. Looking back on those criminals in the past, isn't that the case?"

  "It is extremely vicious and brutal to kill innocent people, but there are only a small number of them. Most of them are impulsive and vendetta, and they have their own reasons."

  "Anyone who breaks the law must be punished."

  While talking, Luo Refill poured red wine on Fang Ze.

  "makes sense."

  Fang Ze nodded, picked up the wine glass and touched Luo's refill.

  "By the way, you said before that Li Shenghua gave you the bank card"

  Luo Bixin asked.

  Hearing this, Fang Ze took out the bank card and put it on the table.

  Luo Bixin glanced at it and said, "How much money is there?"

  "do not know."

  Fang Ze shook his head.

  Estimated at least twenty million."

  Luo Bixin hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is there any problem?"

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "It's okay, I guess it won't be used."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  The other party and Li Ruisi are good friends, and Li is Fang Ze's elder, so it doesn't hurt to give some money.

  Besides, Fang Ze is not taking money for profit, not to mention that with Li Sheng Huanan's energy, if he really asks for something, he will not ask Fang Ze here.

  Li Shenghua must know a lot of people with high positions such as Fang Ze.

  The two did not continue this topic, and chatted about things other than work while eating.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Before I knew it, it was past ten o'clock.

  A bottle of red wine is empty.

  But Luo Bixin and Fang Ze were obviously still there: they were so excited, they opened another bottle.

  "I'm very curious about one thing. How did you become the candidate for the SWAT elite training camp instructor, and you wouldn't be able to get selected in the city bureau?"

  Luo Bixin asked a question.

  Fang Ze stared at the TV program in front of him, and said casually, "The drug dealer who caused me to be injured and hospitalized at that time was not caught in one go."

  "After I was discharged from the hospital, I participated in the pursuit. I broke into the opponent's nest alone and had a shootout, killing five people5 and capturing three people alive."

  "After hearing about it, Bureau Xu recommended me to go to Zhongnan for the assessment, saying it would be helpful for promotion, so I went."

  "That's when I met Zhao Dejun."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words carefully, Luo Bixin said in surprise, "How dangerous you are alone!"

  Fang Ze said with a chuckle: "The time is urgent, it's too late to wait for support, and besides, those guys' skills and marksmanship are too bad, it's a piece of cake."

  Luo Bixin frowned and said, "That's too dangerous, bullets don't have eyes, so don't do this in the future."

  Between the words, Fang Ze's concern was revealed.

  As long as any drug dealer, who is not a desperado, is really at the end of his life, he will not care if you are a policeman or not.

  Rather than being caught and sentenced to death, it is better to break the net and get a chance at life.

  This is the state of mind of almost all drug traffickers.

  Fang Ze turned his head to look at Luo Bixin, smiled and said, "I wasn't hurt at that time, and now I'm not. People will grow up."


  Luo Bixin blinked and said, "You train often"

  To this question, Fang Ze said: "That's right."

  Of course he wouldn't say anything about the system.

  Another half hour passed.

  The two had already finished eating, Fang Ze was slightly drunk, and Luo Bixin seemed to be a little drunk.

  Seeing that there were still a lot of wine and food left, Fang Ze said, "The food is really good."

  Luo Bixin leaned lazily on the sofa, her face flushed from the alcohol, and said, "Fang Ze, are you not good at cooking?"

  Fang Ze replied while watching TV, "It's okay, I'm just too lazy to do it. If I'm alone, I might as well order takeout."

  Luo Bixin blinked and said, "Why don't you think I'll do it for you?"


  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze turned to look at Luo Bixin, and met her water-like pupils.

  After staring at each other for a few seconds, Luo Bixin suddenly started 2.

  Six bodies, leaning forward and sitting next to Fang Ze.

  With her cheeks close, Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze with drunken eyes, and said fragrantly: "Tell you one thing, I really want to like you."

  Fang Ze didn't have much reaction, just quietly looking at Luo Bixin who was close at hand.

  After waiting for a while, after seeing no movement from the other party, Luo Bixin said angrily: "Fang Ze, are you a man?"

  These words directly ignited the lead in Fang Ze's heart.

  It's not a man, my temper! Without any pause, Fang Ze hugged Luo Refill with his back and pressed her directly on the sofa.

  Clothes were scattered on the ground one by one.

  The lights are bright and the night is quiet.

  In the living room, only indescribable voices are left

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 146 The phone call from Miyagi [5]

  In the early morning of the next day, when the sun shone in the bedroom, Fang Ze opened his eyes.

  Turning his head subconsciously, Luo Bixin was lying quietly beside him.

  Fang Ze smiled slightly and raised his left hand just as he was about to touch the other person's hair, but the phone rang at this moment.

  It's from a Luo pen.

  She was awakened and subconsciously got up to get the phone, but she forgot that she didn't seem to be wearing clothes.

  Turning his head to look at Fang Ze with a smile on his face, Luo Bixin blushed, quickly pulled up the quilt, blocked it, and grabbed the phone with his right hand.

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