"Hey senior brother, why are you calling so early! If you don't give me a reason, I'll never stop with you!"

  In his voice, there was a strong sense of getting up.

  Fang Ze held back his laughter, it was the first time he saw the other side of Luo Bixin.

  The outside voice on the other end of the phone was quite loud, even if the speakerphone was not turned on, Fang Ze could vaguely hear it clearly.

  "Little Junior Sister, why did you lose your love when you lost your temper so early in the morning?"

  Luo Bixin took a peek at Fang 02ze and said, "No, no, you'd better get down to business."

  Such a quick change in attitude made Miyagi suspicious for a moment, and couldn't help but say, "Junior sister, are you alright?"

  "It's alright!"

  There was silence on the phone for a while, then said: "Okay, it's fine, yes, the case has progressed, and I would like to thank Captain Fang for his advice."

  Referring to the mummification case, Luo Bixin said sternly: "What's going on?"

  Miyagi Road: "According to Captain Fang, I investigated the connection between all the dead and found a surprising commonality."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin's sleepiness disappeared, and he said, "What's the common point?"

  Miyagi Road: "All the dead, once participated in a scientific expedition mission together!"

  "Scientific research mission and then what else is there to discover?"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze seemed to have forgotten that he was at Luo Bixin's house, so he couldn't help but ask, "Is someone dead?"

  "That's right! You're so smart! It's someone who's talking!"

  "Refill, who's next to you?"

  Miyagi immediately noticed something was wrong. The voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be a man! Fang Ze's face changed slightly, and then he realized that he looked at Luo Bixin apologetically.

  This time, it seems that the other party has been exposed.

  Luo Bixin was a little embarrassed, and glared at Fang Ze angrily, but he was not angry.

  It's not a shameful thing, it's all adults.

  It's just a little embarrassing for a girl.

  She coughed, hiding her embarrassment, and said, "That what, it's Fang Ze."

  As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone, trying to digest the fact that there was a lot of information.

  After a while, Miyagi's stunned voice sounded: "Junior sister, you are with the team!"


  Luo Bixin's voice is very small, like a child.

  "My mother! The speed of light, you guys!"

  Miyagi raised the volume, and the shocking Luo Bixin took the phone a little further away.

  "You can do it, you have just been transferred from Yangcheng for a few days, and you have taken care of it."

  "He seems to be younger than you, sister and brother love you."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Why didn't you notify me of what happened, it's not good to be sneaky, be careful and I'll tell the master."

  "By the way, what happened to you early in the morning, were you tired last night?"

  Originally, Miyagi was a very stable detective, but when facing Luo Refill, it seemed like a different person.

  The relationship between their brothers and sisters is really good.

  Hearing the sound of a machine gun in his ear, Luo Bixin sighed helplessly, and said, "I'm talking about senior brother, let's talk about the business first, okay?"

  "Oh yes, let's get down to business. Turn on the speakerphone. I want to talk to the team. He is much smarter than you."

  "What are you talking about!"

  Luo Bixin was a little speechless, but still turned on the hands-free.

  "Hey, are you open? Is the squad in the squad? Can you hear me?"

  Fang Ze coughed lightly and said, "Gong team, I'm Fang Ze."

  Miyagi: "Hello, Fang team, I know your deeds, a role model for all detectives."

  Fang Ze rubbed his eyes that he just woke up, and said with a smile: "The palace team has won the prize. What did you just say about the scientific expedition team?"

  When it comes to business, Miyagi immediately entered the role, and said solemnly: "Fang team, you guessed it right, the scientific research team at that time did indeed die!"


  Miyagi: "Zhu Jiamu!"

  Fang Ze said seriously: "Continue talking."

  Miyagi: "Zhu Jiamu is a professor of geology. He was ordered to participate in a scientific expedition mission and went to the desert, but he disappeared in the desert in the end."

  "Is there any more"


  Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

  Luo Bixin didn't intervene. In terms of case reasoning, she was far worse than Fang Ze, so naturally she would not cause trouble.

  After a while, Miyagi said: "Fang team, do you have any ideas?"

  Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "The refill should have told you my inference before, the case is very much like a vendetta."

  1 "Now that I heard you talk about the scientific expedition mission, then I can basically be sure that it is a vendetta."

  "hmm why"

  Miyagi asked.

  Fang Ze said: "First of all, it is definitely not a coincidence that the person who came back alive from the scientific expedition mission died mysteriously."

  "Secondly, it is the method of killing. First, let me ask you a question: how do people who get lost in the desert die?"

  Miyagi blurted out: "Death of thirst, once people get lost in the desert, if there is no water, they will die due to dehydration."

  Speaking of which, there was no sound from Miyagi's side, as if he had thought of something.

  After a while, Miyagi said solemnly: "Fang team, you are right, the deceased were made into mummified corpses, which is almost the same as Zhu Jiamu's death state at that time!"

  "Fang team, I really admire it!"

  Fang Ze said: "Yes, the murderer used the same method to kill everyone in revenge. It should be to make these people feel the same despair of dying as Zhu Jiamu."

  Luo Bixin, who was beside him, looked at Fang Ze in disbelief.

  After a few years, the unsolved case was actually found here in Fang Ze, and the clues were found in a very short period of time.

  Even though she's used to it, she still can't hide her shock

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 146 Rectification review, embarrassing

  !Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 147 Dialogue with Mingchuan [1]

  The chapter has been rectified. During the review, the author of this kind of plot is not well-controlled, and it is easy to be blocked. After editing, it takes time to review. I temporarily put the revised version on the work, and readers who haven't read it will look for it.

  in the bedroom.

  Miyagi: "That's right, that's true!"

  "If it wasn't for vendetta, the murderer wouldn't have to spend so much effort turning all the dead into mummified corpses!"

  "Fang team, what do you think should be checked next, please!"

  The voice fell, and Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Actually, the idea is very clear now, just follow this clue to investigate. The murderer and Zhu Jiamu should know each other."

  "And it's not just as simple as knowing each other, the two must have an irreversible relationship, and the possibility of their relatives committing the crime cannot be ruled out."

  Miyagi: "Do you mean to start with Zhu Jiamu: to investigate his friends and relatives?"

  Fang Ze said: "That's right."

  Miyagi was silent for a while, then said: "The scope of the investigation seems to be a bit wide, Fang team, can you narrow the scope?"

  Fang Ze pondered a little and said, "Yes, 60 Chazhu Jiamu's direct descendants or students and apprentices who have a good relationship."

  "According to the time you said, Zhu Jiamu's age is almost eighty or ninety, 809 years old."

  "At that age, if you don't have the ability to kill, you can basically exclude friends of the same age."

  "The age of the murderer should be between twenty and fifty to fifty."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Miyagi said: "I understand, after your analysis, the case is much clearer, thank you, Fang team!"

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "We are all friends and should help each other."

  After the case was finished, Miyagi's voice changed, and he teased: "I said Fang team, the refill is the police flower of our Guangming City Bureau. You are very quick."

  Before Fang Ze could speak, Luo Bixin said directly, "Senior brother! What are you talking about!"

  "Cough cough."

  Miyagi let out a haha ​​and said, "That's what, I won't bother you for now. I'll investigate the case, and this time I'll find him out!"

  "Wait a moment."

  Miyagi was about to hang up when Luo Bixin interrupted.

  "Well, what's the matter, sister, is there anything else?"

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