Luo Bixin hesitated for a moment and said, "Senior brother, what should I do here, Teacher Mingchuan?"

  The main reason why she was transferred from Guangming Municipal Bureau to Penghai Municipal Bureau was Ming Chuan, director of the forensic department who investigated Penghai.

  Now that the clues are basically clear, Miyagi fell silent on whether the Mingchuan side should also increase the investigation efforts to mention this issue.

  After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "What do you think?"

  Fang Ze had already known about this, and he replied, "I personally don't recommend doubting one's colleagues without evidence. Once you make a mistake, it will be bad for anyone."

  Miyagi hesitated: "But Mingchuan was indeed at the scene at that time,,, how to explain this?"

  Fang Ze said: "Many unknown things seem suspicious, but after a real investigation, they are actually quite reasonable. I think you can ask them directly."

  "Ask Mingchuan directly"


  Fang Ze said: "Of course, if you have doubts, I can do it for you."

  "If you are still worried, you can routinely adjust Chuan's life experience to see if he has anything to do with Zhu Jiamu. In this way, you can save a lot of trouble."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After the phone was quiet for a while, Miyagi asked Xiang Luo Refill: "Sister, what do you think?"

  Luo Bixin thought for a while and said, "I don't think I can let go of any doubts. Let's investigate Mr. Ming Chuan's life experience. I'll go."

  Miyagi: "Okay, discuss it with Penghai, I'll check Zhu Jiamu first."

  "Fang team, don't forget to come and sit in Guangming City when you are free."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin put down his phone, turned his head and said, "Do you really want to ask him face to face, in case it's his words?"

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's better to maintain trust between colleagues."

  "Ten thousand steps back, even if he really did it, he definitely wouldn't be able to hide it for long."

  "Don't worry, it's me."

  The last sentence made Luo Bixin feel at ease and smiled.

  Fang Ze blinked, looking at Luo Bixin with a lazy smile on his face, in the latter's exclamation, he threw her on the bed again.

  Three days later, the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  During the past three days, Fang Ze has been wandering around the train station, asking questions from house to house, hoping to find some clues about the Yangcheng case.

  But time has passed, many shops are newly opened, and the previous owners along the street have long since left.

  This Fang Ze's investigation has added a lot of difficulty.

  Sometimes Fang Ze still thinks that it would be great if he could travel through time and space.

  Restore the situation at that time and find the first crime scene.

  Right now, the probability is zero.

  3:[-] pm, forensic medicine.

  Huang Xiaorong is not here, there are only two people here.

  Ming Chuan looked at Fang Ze in front of him and frowned.

  "Fang team, you suddenly came over and asked me what I'm doing about this"

  Fang Ze smiled and did not hide: "Mr. Mingchuan, don't misunderstand, I am also doing a routine inquiry for friends over there in Guangming City."

  "Routine Inquiry"

  Ming Chuan looked unhappy and said, "It means that there is a case involving me."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  "what case"

  "Homicide case."

  Fang Ze didn't say much. After all, it wasn't his own case. Did he have the right to inform others about the details?

  "Homicide case"

  Ming Chuan's eyes narrowed, obviously he did not expect that one day he would be involved in the murder case.

  If it was someone else, Ming Chuan didn't want to pay attention to it, but he couldn't ignore Fang Ze, who he admired very much.

  After hesitating for a while, Ming Chuan said, "I'm here for psychological counseling."

  "Psychology, Counseling"

  Fang Ze was stunned for a moment, but couldn't help but glance at Ming Chuan, and said, "Mr. Ming Chuan still needs to do psychological counseling."

  This is not a question, but a strange one.

  Psychology and counseling refers to the process of using psychological methods to provide psychological and assistance to those who have problems in psychology and adaptation and seek to solve the problem.

  As a senior forensic doctor of Penghai Municipal Bureau, Ming Chuan actually has psychological problems, "Are you surprised?"

  Ming Chuan smiled helplessly.

  Fang Ze hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy on your privacy, can I ask what's going on?"

  Ming Chuan said: "Psychological, stress disorder."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 148 Let me catch the thief? 【2】

  Within the forensic department.

  "So it is."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  According to the description of medical knowledge, psychological stress disorder refers to a group of functional sperm disorders caused by the direct action of strong or persistent psychological and social factors.

  Generally speaking, social factors are the direct cause of the disease in patients with such mental diseases.

  And most of them are from childhood.

  It seems that Teacher Mingchuan's childhood was not so perfect.

  Fang Ze said, "Can you tell me something about your childhood, maybe before the age of five?"

  Ming Chuan frowned slightly: "Fang team, you don't believe me"

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "Of course not. Since the topic has already started, I think it's better to ask clearly, this way it will save a lot of trouble."

  "I think, Mr. Mingchuan doesn't want Guangming City to keep staring at you."

  Hearing this, Ming Chuan pondered for a while, then sighed: "Well, in fact, I have forgotten everything before the age of five."


  Fang Ze was stunned and said, "How could I forget?"

  Theoretically, memory begins to be preserved after the age of three until adulthood.

  Even if you forget most of the things, some memorable plots should be remembered for a long time.

  At least make an impression.

  Ming Chuan glanced at Fang Ze, knowing why he was confused, and said, "I really forgot. As for why I forgot, I don't know."

  "Maybe it's because the memories of childhood are not very good, so choose to forget."

  Fang Ze thought for a while and nodded, agreeing with Ming Chuan's guess.

  People have psychological self-defense, and selective forgetting is one of them.

  For those who have experienced bad things, people will involuntarily activate their psychological and defense mechanisms to force themselves to forget unpleasant memories.

  This is normal.

  in line with human psychology.

  Fang Ze didn't say much.

  At this time, Ming Chuan asked, "Fang team, has the Guangming Municipal Bureau already listed me as a suspect?"

  Regarding this question, Fang Ze explained: "Mr. Mingchuan, don't blame them either."

  "The murderer's modus operandi in this case is very unique. Guangming police judged that the murderer had received medical training."

  "In addition, Mr. Ming Chuan, you just happened to appear at the crime scene, so they are justifiable to suspect."

  Hearing this, Ming Chuan shook his head helplessly.

  As a police officer, he certainly understands these principles.

  According to the normal investigation logic, if you appear at the scene of the crime and have the ability to meet the modus operandi, you will indeed be listed as the investigation object.

  However, although I understand the truth, I will be somewhat uncomfortable when my colleagues are suspicious of me for no reason.

  Seeing that Mingchuan was a little depressed, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Mr. Mingchuan, don't worry, I will explain to the Guangming Municipal Bureau about the crime scene."

  "I think this matter should come to an end."

  Ming Chuan nodded, as long as things don't end.

  Otherwise, it will have a big impact on his work at the police station.

  The director of the forensic department of the dignified city bureau turned out to be a murder suspect.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  If this is spread, it will not be good for the reputation of the entire police force.

  At this moment, Fang Ze's phone rang.

  He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, and said, "Mr. Mingchuan, I'll go first, thank you today, and please forgive me for the inappropriateness."

  Ming Chuan got up and said, "It doesn't matter, I understand, I understand."

  After leaving the forensic department, Fang Ze answered the phone while walking

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