
  Fang Ze was surprised: "Does she have a cat or a dog?"

  Luo Bixin said: "I have a cat, and there are traces of being scratched by the cat."

  Fang Ze was a little strange.

  Luo Bixin said: "what's the matter?"

  Fang Ze said: "The city is not as good as the country, but all pet owners will basically have their pets vaccinated when they are young."

  "Where did the rabies virus come from, was the cat checked?"

  : The reason for the lack of updates today is because I forgot the details of the mummification case and went to check it again. After checking it, I began to doubt my life.

  I didn't feel anything when I was watching the show, but it always felt wrong to write it out in detail. The screenwriter wanted to forcibly fill in the hole, which made my brain a bit burnt out.

  Many clues are suspenseful and can't stand scrutiny. Lang Shiming's character changes are too fast and anticlimactic.

  In fact, these are not important, the most important thing is that it is too inconsistent with the general urine of crime-solving TV series.

  From the mid-term, everyone, including me, guessed that Lang Shiming had a problem, and then the ending turned out to be him, so there was no sense of surprise! It's just a huge reversal to stun the audience.

  Forget it, let's keep reading, I'll reduce it.

  I don't really want to write about this case.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 150 In front of the train station [1]

  Luo Bixin nodded and said, "I have already checked, that cat does not have rabies virus."

  After speaking, she also noticed something was wrong and asked: "Fang Ze, if the cat does not have rabies virus, can the injured person be infected with rabies?"

  Fang Ze didn't even hesitate, and said directly: "Impossible."

  After being denied, after answering, Luo Bixin frowned and lowered his head: "What's going on? Is it man-made?"

  Fang Ze said: "It's human."

  Luo Bixin looked up at him.

  Fang Ze continued: "Either the pet is infected, or it is artificially injected. The former possibility is ruled out, and only one remains."

  "As you can see from the recent Yang Shuang case, it was a murder with a strong purpose."

  "In addition to your analysis of the orphanage, then the possibility of killing people and killing their mouths can basically be established."

  Having said that, Fang Ze took a look at Luo Bixin and said, "Yes, Captain Luo, he is quick-witted and makes bold inferences. It's not like you."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin rolled his eyes at Fang Ze and snorted: "That's because you used to lead the investigation in front of you, and you covered up all my light!"

  Since Fang Ze was transferred to Penghai, he has been in charge of solving all cases.

  Regardless of clues, direction or speed, they are always in front of everyone, indirectly turning Luo Bixin, including Ding Chunqiu, and other outstanding detectives into executors.

  In contrast, it seems that Luo Bixin and the others are novices in handling cases.

  In fact, on the contrary, without the ability, Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu would not be able to become the captains of the criminal police team.

  The ability to solve cases independently is still very strong.

  But with Fang Ze, they were much more relaxed.

  Hearing these words, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Braining ideas and cooperating with each other, whoever investigates is quick to listen to whoever."

  Luo Bixin tilted his head and said, "If you don't leave Penghai, I'm afraid we will all have to listen to you in the future!"

  Fang Ze spread his hands and said, "Then you can investigate this case yourself, I won't interfere."


  Luo Bixin was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and hugged Fang Ze's arm, leaned closer and said, "Don't, just do me a favor, this case has dragged on for too long, and it can't be delayed any longer."

  Seeing Luo Bixin, who was showing the attitude of a little woman again, Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, and said, "I can't do it today or tomorrow, I have a mission."

  "What is the mission?"

  Luo Bixin wondered.

  Why didn't she receive the notice Fang Ze told Luo Bixin about Xu Liangjiang's phone call.

  After listening to this, Luo Bixin said speechlessly: "You, Bureau Xu of Yangcheng, can do it, really take our Penghai Criminal Police Team to have nothing to do every day and let us cooperate to catch the pickpocket"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "I told him the same, but the Zhong Bureau has already responded, and the train passes Penghai again. It's not a big deal, try to end it at the next stop."


  "At ten o'clock in the evening, if the train tickets are already bought, we can go there for three people."

  "Is three people enough? Don't you mean pickpocket gang?"

  Robin refill.

  Fang Ze explained: "Ding'an Municipal Bureau attaches great importance to the plainclothes Dabian. All of them are dispatched. There are dozens of people. We are only responsible for determining the location of the gang members."


  Luo Bixin nodded, Fang Ze said:

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Let's eat and wait near the train station, and join us."

  At 7:3 pm: [-]:[-], night falls.

  In a fast food restaurant nearby, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin had finished their meal and were chatting.

  We were talking about the details of the mummification case.

  Luo Bixin took a sip of milk tea and said, "What do you mean, we still need to find out Chuan"

  Fang Ze glanced at her and said, "Can we stop using the word "cha", there is no evidence pointing to him, and there is no direct clue to suspect him."

  "According to the progress of your investigation, I don't think Mingchuan is involved in the case."

  Luo Bixin pondered.

  She still believes Fang Ze's judgment, no matter what.

  Intuition or something else.

  After a while, she asked, "Then why do you keep your eyes on him?"

  Fang Ze said: "There is something that doesn't make sense."


  "Ming Chuan told me in the afternoon that it's a little strange that he doesn't remember things when he was a child."

  "I don't remember things from my childhood"

  Luo Bixin said in surprise: "No way, three or four, memories after the age of three can be preserved into adulthood."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Yes, that's why I feel strange."

  "If it is psychological, self-defense, and selective forgetting, then what did Mingchuan experience during that period?"

  "If not selective forgetting, what is the cause of memory loss?"

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze and said, "Do you doubt anything and tell me."

  Fang Ze said: "First, all the relevant personnel of the orphanage died, and secondly, Mingchuan's memory in the orphanage disappeared. Is it a coincidence?"

  "Until now, no one knows the specific situation of the welfare home more than [-] years ago. It seems that someone deliberately erased it."

  Hearing these words, Luo Bixin couldn't help but nod his head, which is indeed very strange.

  "I have another inference, just listen to it."

  Fang Ze continued: "If someone wants to hide that period, why did the people in the orphanage die, but Mingchuan lost his memory, and the people are fine?"

  Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed: "You mean, why didn't that person kill Mingchuan?"


  Fang Ze nodded.

  Luo Bixin thought for a while and said, "Ming Chuan is a policeman after all, he shouldn't have the guts right?"

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "If the orphanage's murder was really done by one person, would he still care about one more policeman? Anyway, the outcome is the same."

  Luo Bixin thinks that too, there is really no need to be concerned about identity.

  Fang Ze said: "So, Mingchuan has a high probability of being related to this case. As for whether it is involved in the case, I don't know."

  Luo Bixin understood.

  No wonder the other party also asked her to investigate matters related to Mingchuan.

  The key point is here.

  The reason for the disappearance of memory is likely to be the key to solving the case.

  At this time, Ding Chunqiu arrived

  : Chapter 146 has not been reviewed yet, I am very sorry for affecting everyone's reading.

  I just put it in the public chapter, everyone go to the work to find it.

  It has been revised, the original manuscript cannot be sent, and it is estimated that it will be sealed.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 151 Who Are You? 【2】

  The two stopped discussing the mummification case.

  There should not be too many people who know about this temporarily, otherwise, it will not affect Mingchuan's career well.

  Especially a colleague like Ding Chunqiu.

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