"Team Fang, Team Luo."

  Ding Chunqiu came and sat next to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze poured him a glass of water and said, "Did Zhong Ju make it clear to you?"

  Ding Chunqiu picked up the teacup and finished drinking, nodded and said, "It's been made clear, the pickpocket gang in Ding'an City has heard of it."

  "you know"

  It was Luo Bixin who spoke, and she had never heard of it.

  Ding Chunqiu said: "That's a group of habitual pickpockets. They have been active in many cities in recent years. Penghai's side has also received relevant reports."

  "didn't catch"

  "six seven, three"

  Fang Ze filled Ding Chunqiu with water again and asked.

  Ding Chunqiu nodded and said, "I didn't catch them. These people are very cunning and have a unique modus operandi. There has never been a scene where they were exposed."

  "Almost every victim was stolen without even noticing it, and they didn't even know when they lost it. It's very difficult to investigate."


  Hearing this, Fang Ze became interested and said, "It seems that they are all well-trained people. The leader of the gang is probably not easy."

  "Well, the information has been sent to the city bureau, you can take a look."

  Ding Chunqiu handed the phone to Fang Ze and continued: "Ding'an City Bureau once caught a person. Although he is not a gang member, he knows a few things, including their leader."

  Fang Ze took the phone and flipped through it, then chuckled, "Good guy, he still has a name, Uncle Cheng"

  "That's right."

  Ding Chunqiu said, "This Uncle Cheng should be the leader of the pickpocket gang. He is good at disguising and rarely takes action himself, probably to train his people."

  Luo Bixin said at this time: "It sounds like an organized and disciplined team."

  Ding Chunqiu nodded and said, "According to the person who was arrested, there is a strict hierarchy within this gang, and they are equal to each other as brothers and sisters."

  "As for Uncle Cheng, his prestige is extremely high, and he can't say otherwise. The management method is rewards and punishments, and no one dares to disobey."

  Looking at the information on the phone, Fang Ze became more and more interested, and said in a low voice, "I thought it was a group of thieves, but now it doesn't seem that simple."

  "Even if there is a mob, but as long as there is an excellent leader, it will become an organization like an iron barrel."

  Returning the phone to Ding Chunqiu, Fang Ze said, "No wonder the Ding'an Municipal Bureau has not caught anyone over the years."

  After putting away the phone, Ding Chunqiu said: "I'm afraid this task will not be completed, because we don't know if they will do it on this train."

  "If they don't do it, how can the guest and the suspect"

  Fang Ze tapped the table lightly and smiled: "People are different from each other. As criminal police, we must learn to observe."

  "criminal psychology, isn't it the most basic"

  "People around you, remember when you get used to it."

  Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu glanced at the nearby crowd and said, "Tell me, you have seen all the people in this fast food restaurant."

  Fang Ze picked up the teacup, took a sip of water and said, "What do you think?"

  two people looking at each other

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  at a glance.

  Why don't you believe it.

  Ding Chunqiu coughed lightly, looked back, and whispered, "Captain Ding, do you remember that person behind you?"

  Fang Ze pondered for a moment and said, "Remember."

  "Then you analyze and analyze and I will listen."

  Fang Ze said: "Male, in his early twenties, over [-] meters tall."

  "Facial features: Short hair with bangs, double eyelids, thin lips, well-defined features."

  "A white professional top, dark black trousers, a shirt tucked into the trousers, a black belt, and black leather shoes."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin took a peek at it and said in surprise, "It's true"

  "You're a voyeur."

  Ding Chunqiu was also surprised and said, "Fang team, do you know what he does?"

  Fang Ze said: "In his jacket pocket, there is a work card, which should be a nearby employee."

  "But near the train station, there is only one more formal company, and that is QianMedia Advertising Company."

  "He should be an employee inside, his position is not high, he came here to order nothing, not to eat, it is estimated that he secretly skipped work 0"

  After listening to Fang Ze's analysis, Luo Bixin said suspiciously: "true or false"

  Fang Ze smiled without saying a word.

  At this moment, Ding Chunqiu suddenly turned around and said, "You belong to Qianmi, right?"

  Hearing the voice, the young man was startled, put down his phone and raised his head suddenly, glanced at Ding Chunqiu, hesitantly said, "You are you?"

  Ding Chunqiu said solemnly: "I'm the business director of Qianmei. You don't know me, but I know you. What are you doing during working hours! Be careful I deduct your salary!"

  As soon as these words came out, the young man got up quickly and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just came out to get some air, go back immediately, go back right away"

  After speaking, the young man quickly left the fast food restaurant while bowing.

  Seeing the other party fleeing in embarrassment, Luo Bixin laughed out loud: "It's really from Qianmei."

  "I said Team Ding, what are you doing to scare people? It looks like he just started working."

  Ding Chunqiu said with a smile: "These young people are getting more and more outrageous. They don't work well, but they skip work, so they should be taught a lesson."

  After speaking, he turned to look at Fang Ze, gave a thumbs up and said, "Team Fang, it's amazing."

  "That's a must."

  Facing Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu, Fang Ze made a rare joke.

  While chatting, the time is about to reach 1.


  Three people 3 went to the electronic ticket machine to get the tickets and went to the waiting room.


  Ticket gate.

  Fang Ze turned around and said, "Don't do anything after getting in the car, first contact the people in Ding'an City."

  "it is good."

  The two nodded in understanding.

  There are many passengers on this train, all three of them are in six carriages.

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin were sitting next to each other, while Ding Chunqiu was not far away.

  "Eighty-one, eighty-two, 82, Fang Ze, this is it."

  This is three consecutive sittings, Fang Ze chose the middle position, and Luo Bixin sat on the edge.

  By the window was a young man who looked like a migrant worker, wearing a felt hat, with a simple appearance and a simple and honest smile on his face.

  "Brother, who are you?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 152 Is there a thief under the sky [3]

  Not long after Fang Ze sat down, the other party opened his mouth and said, very familiar.

  There is a strong local accent in the voice.

  It seems that it should be from the countryside to the city to work.

  Fang Ze and the two were also infected by his smile, the former smiled and said, "We are Penghai people."

  "Penghai people, are you traveling?"


  "Where to travel?"

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other and both smiled.

  This young man is quite enthusiastic.

  "Drinking water? I have water here, why don't you bring water in the car?"

  While speaking, the boy took out a water bottle from his bag and handed it to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Thank you for not being thirsty, the next stop will be here."

  "oh oh."

  The boy nodded, but did not insist, and put the kettle back again.

  "Do you eat fruit, big brother? I have it here, and that... sister, do you eat it?"

  Fang Ze was a little helpless.

  This kid seems to be a little too enthusiastic.

  If you are impatient, you will probably feel disgusted.

  Bu 04 talks and talks again, like this young man, he has no scheming person, and there are very few in this society.

  "Stone, eat it yourself, don't disturb others."

  It was a girl sitting opposite the boy who was talking. She smiled apologetically at Fang Ze and said, "I'm sorry, he's just like this, and he wants to talk to anyone he sees."

  "it's okay no problem."

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