Fang Ze said with a smile.

  The name "Stone" is quite simple and rude.

  Luo Bixin said strangely: "Is Shishi your brother?"

  Judging by the way they dress, they don't look alike at all.

  The girl explained with a smile: "It's not my brother, I just met him not long ago, I like him very much."

  "So it is."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  A simple, honest and honest boy like Shi Shi, whoever sees him will have a good impression on him, as long as he is not a scheming person.

  Fang Ze glanced at the girl across from him, then glanced at the man beside her, and fell silent.

  The small talk was just an interlude, and the train moved quickly.

  Ten minutes later, Fang Ze gave Luo Bixin a look, then got up and left his seat.

  Seeing this, Ding Chunqiu who was not far away also stood up.

  If the Luo pen core does not move, and leaves at the same time, it will attract the attention and vigilance of those who are interested.

  When he came to a place where there was no one in the smoking area, Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  "Hey, I'm Fang Ze."

  "okay, I get it."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze and Ding Chunqiu walked towards the cabin in the aisle.

  Someone has been waiting here for a long time.

  After the door was closed, a middle-aged man stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Fang team, hello, hello, I'm Tong Yushan, these are people from the plainclothes team."

  "Good team."

  "Good team."

  "Good team."

  Everyone spoke very quietly so that no one outside the carriage could hear them.

  "Hello, this is Ding Chunqiu, deputy captain of the Penghai Criminal Police Team."

  "Hello Team Ding."


  After saying hello to each other, Fang Ze didn't talk much and asked straight to the point, "Children, what's the situation now?"

  The train was bound for the far north, and he didn't want to wait until the end.

  Referring to this issue, Tong Yushan said: "They must be in the car, but I don't know who they are."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  They also have a lot of headaches, lest they catch the wrong person and let Uncle Cheng run away."

  "It's fine for the others, but this one called Uncle Cheng must be caught this time, please let the team."

  They also had no choice, so they turned to the Yangcheng Bureau, hoping to get Fang Ze to cooperate with the arrest.

  It's hard to find out the whereabouts of this gang, if they let them run away, they won't have such a good chance next time.

  Although they have not seen the ability of Captain Fang Zefang, they have heard of it.

  If you want to deal with a few thieves, it shouldn't be a problem.

  There is still some gap between the plainclothes brigade and the excellent criminal police.

  What they can't do doesn't mean Fang Ze can't do it.

  After listening to Tong Yushan's words, Fang Ze understood, except that he knew that the other party was on the train, he didn't know anything else.

  After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and asked, "How many people on the other side?"

  "I don't know, ten or so ten:."

  As soon as these words came out, Ding Chunqiu was speechless, he thought he had some clues.

  The whole train counts hard seats, soft seats, hard sleepers, and soft sleepers, and there are thousands of people at least.

  Among the thousands of people, ten people were arrested without any basis. 10 How can I use the mirror? Tong Yushan also seemed to feel that things were a little difficult, and smiled awkwardly: "Fang team, Ding team, I'm really sorry, please bear with me. contain."

  "If you really can't catch it, you can only blame them for being lucky."

  Ding Chunqiu looked at Fang Ze and found that the other party seemed to be thinking about a problem.

  "Fang team, what's wrong"

  Fang Ze turned his head and said, "This gang of pickpockets is fine, but it's just the couple across from my seat, there seems to be something wrong."

  "Well, what's the problem with you?"

  Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "I can't tell."

  "It's okay for a woman, but that... long-haired man has always been vigilant and scrutinized in his eyes, not only for me, but also for others."

  Ding Chunqiu wondered: "You can see it all"

  "It shouldn't be wrong."

  Fang Ze nodded, put aside the question, and said, "Leave it alone.

  That's it, the focus now is to determine the location of all the suspects, do you have the miniature walkie-talkie?"

  "Bring it."

  Yushan hurriedly passed the three 3 earphones and the miniature microphone to Fang Ze, including Luo Bixin's.

  After receiving it, Fang Ze said: "In this way, everyone keeps in touch at any time. As long as you meet suspicious people and communicate with each other, I will personally confirm."

  "Child team, find a person responsible for recording, as long as I mentioned the seat number, write down all."

  "When arresting, act at the same time."

  "Okay, Fang team, we all follow your command!"

  After explaining some things again, Fang Ze and the two left the cabin and returned to their seats.

  Seeing Fang Ze coming back, Shi Shi, who was sitting by the window, turned around and said, "Brother, do you think there are thieves in this world?"

  "Stone! What do you say!"

  The girl on the other side quickly stopped.

  Shitou said unhappily: "Sister, I just want to ask this big brother, the big brother will definitely not lie to me."

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin strangely, with a question in his eyes.

  What is the situation, Luo Bixin smiled helplessly, and whispered something in Fang Ze's ear.

  Fang Ze, who understood, also smiled and shook his head, this stone is quite cute.

  "Brother, tell me, have you..."


  Fang Ze looked at the couple opposite and said, "Don't worry, there are no thieves in the world."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 153 The money was stolen! 【4】

  Hearing Fang Ze's words, Shi Shi smiled happily.

  "Sister, listen, let me tell you, there are no thieves in this world."

  "You just think people too badly."

  The woman opposite the stone sighed helplessly, looked at Fang Ze and Luo Bixin apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, my brother is a little too kind."

  She didn't think of the right words, she could only use "kindness"

  Two words to describe the stone.

  Fang Ze smiled and nodded in understanding.

  To say it nicely is kindness, to say it badly is to be stupid.

  Although there are still many good people in this world, there is never a shortage of bad people.

  At least in this carriage, there was more than one thief, it was a gang.

  Once someone like the stone is targeted, it is impossible to escape, and it is certain to be stolen.

  And just now Luo Bixin quietly told him that Shitou seemed to be carrying a lot of money with him.

  I guess it was earned from working abroad.

  On this train, it is more dangerous.

  Fang Ze casually looked out the window, and out of the corner of his eye aimed at Shi Shi's bulging backpack.

  If the money in the bag is really money, at least five or six, ten thousand.

  For a child who goes out to work in the countryside, five or six, Wan can already be called a huge sum of money.

  Once lost, the blow to him is not an ordinary big one.

  The thought flashed by, but Fang Ze didn't think much about it.

  Before getting off the train, he must clear all the pickpockets on the train, which can also be regarded as an indirect way to remove a hidden danger for the stone.

  At this moment, Shitou smiled and said, "Brother, we are in the same group, so let me just say, there are no thieves in this world."

  As he spoke, Shi Shi still did not forget to pat his backpack.

  Fang Ze coughed lightly, and couldn't help scratching his eyebrows, not knowing what to say.

  Even he felt that the boy Shishi seemed to be a little too naive.

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