Apart from her master, she had never seen Fang Ze with such a skill, her left hand wrapped around her back.

  Feeling Fang Ze's movements, the woman's expression changed, and she said coldly, "Where is the thief, dare to hit the old lady's idea!"

  Fang Ze approached the woman and whispered in his ear, "It's not a thief, it's a thief."

  "Che, you will really put gold on your face!"

  woman, disdain to talk, try to earn sex

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  However, he was trapped by Fang Ze and couldn't move at all.

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the carriage.

  The voice was rapid, like a flight attendant.

  The faces of the two men froze at the same time.

  Fang Ze didn't think much about it, he hugged the woman directly, showing the appearance of a couple being affectionate.

  The footsteps slowed down, and a man's voice sounded: "Hey, hey, pay attention, this is a train, not your home! What does it look like to be seen by others!"

  After hearing the voice, Fang Ze quickly turned his head and wanted to leave the woman, but was hugged by the woman again.

  He didn't resist, and smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, we'll go back now."

  "Well, don't do this again!"

  The flight attendant shook his head helplessly.

  Now these young people really don't distinguish between time and place, and they are home everywhere when they are emotional.

  After the flight attendant left, the woman wrapped her arms around Fang Ze's neck and winked, "Handsome guy, do you want to play something exciting?"

  Fang Ze sneered, opened the woman, opened his arms, and said, "Don't mess with me, or you will die! Get out!"

  After leaving the woman, Fang Ze had a cloth bag on his left hand.

  The woman glanced at the cloth bag and had no plans to fight again.

  She knew that she was no match for this person.

  Taking a deep breath, the woman said indifferently, "Do you know who you are provoking?"

  Fang Ze shrugged and said, "I don't know, why, is it a big deal?"

  The woman stared at Fang Ze for a while and said, "Remember, my name is Ya Ruo!"

  Fang Ze scratched his ears indifferently and said, "I'm not interested in your name, so hurry up and get out of my sight."

  "This money belongs to me."

  Seeing that the other party couldn't enter the oil and salt, Ya Ruo gritted her teeth, took a deep look at Fang Ze, and left the place by mistake.

  After the other party left, Fang Ze looked at the money in his hand, pondered a little, and said in a low voice: "Someone from the smoking area in the sixth carriage, take the money and keep it safe, those people have already taken action."

  "Okay, the squad will be here soon."

  The plainclothes policeman closest to the sixth carriage arrived quickly, took the cloth bag handed over by Fang Ze, and said, "Fang team, is the suspect locked?"

  Fang Ze said: "Go back first and talk about it later."


  On the other side, Ya Ruo did not return to her seat, but went to the soft sleeper carriage.

  After pushing open the door of a room, Ya Ruo strode in.

  There were five or six people in the carriage, and one of the young men glanced at Ya Ruo and said with a smile, "What's the matter, who's messing with you?"

  Ya Ruo sat on the bed angrily, and said coldly, "The sheep was not caught, but was bitten by a dog!"


  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

  In the innermost part, an elegant-looking middle-aged man with glasses put down his knife and fork, picked up the napkin next to him and wiped his mouth.

  Afterwards, he turned to look at Ya Ruo, and said with a light smile, "Didn't I say Ya Ruo, this car doesn't hunt, you are taking my words on a deaf ear"

  Ya Ruo was silent for a while, then said: "The money of that silly boy is obviously given away, Uncle Cheng, don't give it up for nothing."

  The middle-aged man took a sip of water and said, "Did you get it for free?"

  "Who is the one who cut the Hu? He can grab food from your mouth."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 155: A Narrative of the Dining Car [2]

  "I don't know. It's just a mad dog. He looks very young, but he's very powerful. I'm not his opponent."

  Several people looked at each other and turned to look at the middle-aged man.

  Ya Ruo's strength is the closest to Uncle Cheng, and even she said, I am afraid that the other party is really not a simple person.

  Uncle Cheng glanced at Ya Ruo and said, "I'll settle the account with you about the unauthorised hunting if you don't obey the order. Let me talk about this guy, Jie Hu, how did she know that you were able to handle it?"

  Ya Ruo thought for a while, then said: "He is in the same compartment as that silly boy, I guess he's been watching before getting on the bus."

  "You all know how stupid this kid is, lest others not know that he has money, so it's not surprising to be targeted."

  Hearing this, Uncle Cheng nodded and said, "It seems that he is a fellow man, what else did he say?"

  Speaking of this, Ya Ruo's face was a little unsightly, and she said coldly, "Tell me to get out of the way, don't hit him, the money has already belonged to him."

  "And said that no matter who it is, if you mess with him again, it will kill you."

  As soon as these words came out, Uncle Cheng didn't have much reaction, but the other brothers and sisters exploded.

  "What! So crazy!"

  "Damn! This is not taking us seriously!"

  "Uncle Cheng, leave it to me, and I'll let him remember!"

  "I don't think he will give up a finger, I don't think he knows that Lord Ma has three eyes!"

  Several people spoke up in anger, as if their profession had been greatly insulted.

  Uncle Cheng's face was indifferent, and he tapped on the table and said, "Quiet! Quiet!"

  Several people's voices stopped.

  Uncle Cheng warned: "I didn't tell you, don't get excited when things go wrong, keep calm and calm."

  "How can you do things even if your mind is restless"

  "Look at your appearance, have you fed the dogs all the teachings you have given to you on weekdays?"

  As he spoke, Uncle Cheng shook his head helplessly, somewhat resenting that iron is not steel.

  After glancing at a few people, Uncle Cheng said, "With your frizzy state, it is estimated that Ya Ruo is not the only one who refuses to obey orders. Who else has hunted in this car?"

  Several people were silent.

  Uncle Cheng continued: "I know, say it now, I will take it lightly. If I find out, the family law will serve it, and I will never tolerate it!"

  Hearing this, several people's expressions suddenly changed.

  The so-called "family law"

  , doesn't seem like a fun thing.

  At the moment, someone hurriedly said, "Uncle Cheng, I have hunted."

  "Sixth Junior Brother also fought"

  "There are also three senior brothers who have also fought, and now they are in the ninth carriage."

  After careful calculation, four or five people have already made a move.

  After listening, Uncle Cheng sighed and said, "It's good to have momentum, and it's worthy of praise, but if you don't obey orders, it's a big taboo!"

  "Okay, the family law can be exempted, and the guilt cannot be escaped. Within two days, you are not allowed to eat!"

  "Uncle Xie Cheng, Uncle Xie Cheng!"

  A few people looked happy, and quickly thanked them. At the same time, they also relaxed. As long as it is not an expert method, it will be better! a shame!"

  "it is good."

  "Yes, Uncle Cheng."

  "Don't worry, Uncle Cheng, I'll let you know right away."

  At this moment, Uncle Cheng looked at Ya Ruo and said, "How's that guy's technique and personality?"


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Hearing this sentence, Ya Ruo said in surprise: "Uncle Cheng, you want to pull him over"

  Uncle Cheng smiled slightly, rubbed his white hands, and said, "What talent is lacking most in the [-]st century."

  Ya Ruo hesitated for a moment, then said, "He is agile and moves quickly. According to my estimation, he should have practiced free boxing or Sanda."

  "The technique of stealing is extremely skilled, and he is a veteran."

  "Experienced, you can see at a glance where I'm hiding my money."

  "As for character"

  Speaking of this, Ya Ruo paused and said hesitantly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult, this kid is cruel, unruly, and very arrogant, and won't be willing to do things under others."

  In the previous fight, the other party didn't show any kindness at all.

  Even for a beautiful girl like her, she would be even more ruthless if she faced others.

  Uncle Cheng always had a smile on his face. Hearing this, he said, "How do you know if you don't try?"

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