"Good birds need to know how to choose a tree to perch on."

  Yaruo opened her mouth, but did not speak again.

  0 Since Uncle Cheng has already decided, it is useless to say anything.

  "Yaruo, invite him to the dining car for a chat."

  "All right."

  Ya Ruo nodded, then got up and left the soft sleeper compartment.

  After Ya Ruo left, Uncle Cheng warned again: "Listen, from now on, if anyone dares to hunt again, I will not tolerate it!"

  "Yes Yes Yes"

  Everyone nodded quickly, with a trace of fear in their expressions.

  Uncle Cheng got up and said, "It really doesn't let me worry, the team is not easy to lead."

  After speaking, Uncle Cheng also left the carriage and walked towards the dining car.

  At this moment, Fang Ze was sitting quietly in his seat.

  Beside, Shishi fell asleep, not knowing that the money in his bag is no longer money

  There was nothing unusual about the couple on the opposite side, except that the long-haired man looked at the stone from time to time, as if he could no longer hold back.

  Luo Bixin kept staring at him secretly.

  Fang Ze was thinking of Ya Ruo.

  Judging from the opponent's skill, it will not be an ordinary pickpocket.

  If expected, it should be one of the members of the gang of pickpockets.

  Then, if the stolen money is intercepted, what will the other party do? The first possibility is to inform other gang members and come to take revenge.

  That way, things will be fine.

  The second possibility is that no one talks about it and finds an opportunity to regain the ground.

  The third possibility is to inform the leader, the other party is likely to come to test, or win over.

  There is one last possibility: as if nothing happened, this possibility is very low, the woman is obviously a vengeful person.

  Then, at this pace, the difficulty for him to lock down all the suspects will be greatly reduced, saving a lot of effort.

  Besides, the couple opposite him felt more and more wrong as time went on.

  Especially the long-haired man, who is usually invisible, but as long as he deliberately observes, his body is definitely not clean.

  At a certain moment, Ya Ruo came towards him from the aisle, and when he passed Fang Ze's seat, he silently said two words to him.

  "dining car."

  She didn't stop and left quickly.

  Fang Ze raised his brows and showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

  To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 156 bells and whistles [3]

  Fang Ze didn't get up immediately.

  Since the other party asked him to go to the dining car, it means that someone wants to see him.

  Then, who will this person be? It is most likely that... Uncle Cheng.

  There is a small probability that they are the so-called brothers and sisters of the other party.

  If it is the former, the purpose should be to win over.

  If it is the latter, the purpose is revenge.

  No matter who it is, it is beneficial to Fang Ze.

  And it sends out a signal that members of the pickpocket gang may already know their existence.

  That way things are simpler.

  It seems that this group of pickpockets did not know that they had been targeted by the police.

  Taking out his mobile phone, Fang Ze sent Luo Bixin a WeChat message: Keep an eye on the man in front of you, I will go to the dining car and see those pickpockets.

  Luo Bixin had already turned the phone to silent.

  After seeing this WeChat, she had no reaction, as if she was reading an unrelated "May [-]"

  important information.

  Soon, Luo Bixin's WeChat message: You have locked the suspect, she is a little strange.

  Could it be that when Fang Ze left, what happened? Fang Ze was chatting with Luo Bixin while replying to WeChat, in order to prevent the flaws from being seen by people with intentions.

  "I'll go find him first or stay in the hotel first"

  Although the question was inexplicable, Luo Bixin responded quickly and smiled: "Let's find the hotel first, it's not good to bother him all the time."

  After Fang Ze finished typing, he nodded and said, "Alright then, where do you want to live?"

  Luo Bixin said, "A chain hotel will do."

  The conversation between the two is normal, and on the surface it looks like a couple traveling abroad.

  On WeChat, Fang Ze: Not yet, it is estimated that they will be caught within half an hour, you don't care about this, keep an eye on this person.

  Luo Bixin: He really has a problem. The girl on the other side is very nice, and he is pregnant. He doesn't look like someone with a criminal record.

  When Fang Ze left, she chatted with the girl opposite and learned a lot.

  After seeing Luo Bixin's reply, Fang Ze paused, but did not raise his head.

  Being pregnant made Fang Ze a little surprised.

  But the focus right now is not here, Fang Ze replied: I'll talk about it later, I'll go first.

  After posting, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Are you hungry?"

  Luo Bixin was playing with his mobile phone and said casually: "It's okay, are you hungry?"

  "A bit."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  "Then go get something to eat, remember to bring me a bowl of instant noodles, do you need it?"

  After speaking, Luo Bixin looked at the couple on the opposite side.

  The long-haired man smiled slightly and looked at the girl next to him.

  The girl smiled and said, "No need, thank you."

  "Okay, then wait for me for a while."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze got up and walked towards the dining car. After Fang Ze walked away, the girl looked at the sleeping stone, turned her head and glared at the man, and there were some small movements in her hands.

  Seeing that, there seems to be a disagreement between the two.

  This scene fell in Luo Bixin's eyes, and a hint of vigilance rose in his heart.

  It seems that Fang Ze's previous suspicions were not out of thin air from the 7th carriage to the dining car, and seven [-]th carriages need to pass in the middle.

  Fang Ze walked very slowly.

  It just so happened that the aisle was very crowded, and everyone was not walking fast, which made him not so attractive.

  Everyone in the seat is within the scope of Fang Ze's review.

  After filtering one carriage, Fang Ze came to the next carriage.

  Looking at a seat at will, the young man in the seat turned his head and looked at Fang Ze for a moment, then looked down at his clothes.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  At this moment, his face was slightly condensed, and he quickly turned his eyes away.

  Fang Ze's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to move forward. At the same time, he said in a low voice: Eight carriages, 112 seats.

  The police officer who was in charge of recording in the cabin far away, after hearing Fang Ze's words, hurriedly wrote it down.

  Fang Ze continued walking.

  "Sixty-five seats in eight carriages."

  "Twelve seats in eight carriages."

  "Nine carriages with fifty-four seats."

  "Ninety-one out of ten carriages."

  Time passed slowly, and when Fang Ze was standing in front of the dining car door, there were already seven people who were found by him.

  Not doubt, but certainty! All these people, without exception, had more or less strange reactions to his appearance.

  People who don't know each other don't have that kind of expression.

  There is only one possibility, Yaruo told the people in the gang what he looked like and what he was wearing.

  The reason, he doesn't know.

  In short, he has entered their sight.

  This is exactly what Fang Ze wanted.

  Pushing the door of the dining car, Fang Ze randomly chose a seat and called the waiter: a set meal 0 "Okay, please wait a moment."

  The train meals were already prepared, so Fang Ze waited for a while before the set menu was served.

  Ya Ruo and Uncle Cheng sat silently on the seats behind him.

  Fang Ze had already seen it when he passed by, but he didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

  His current character must be arrogant and cold.

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