There were two eggs in the set, Fang Ze picked up one, peeled it, and ate it quietly.

  Uncle Cheng and Ya Ruo looked at each other, then slowly got up and came across to Fang Ze.

  "Hello, can I sit here?"

  Uncle Cheng smiled and opened his mouth, looking very polite.


  Fang Ze looked out the window, talking while eating eggs.


  After the two sat down, Uncle Cheng did not express his intention immediately, but waited for Fang Ze to finish eating the eggs.

  Afterwards, Uncle Cheng smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, my apprentice doesn't have long eyes, and the sheep was bitten by the shepherd dog. Please bear with me, bear with me."

  In his habit of speaking, he seemed to like to repeat the last few words.

  Fang Ze took a sip of water and said, "The shepherd doesn't dare to be a wolf, it's just a wolf. Whoever dares to snatch food from me, I will fight as hard as I can."


  Ya Ruo looked angry and just opened her mouth, but was stopped by Uncle Cheng.

  He didn't change his smile, picked up the egg in front of Fang Ze, and said, "It's ugly."

  When the words fell, Uncle Cheng squeezed the egg with his thumb and middle finger, and put it on the table and swiped it sharply.

  High-speed rotation, with index finger spirit 3.

  1 The delicate vibration makes the egg skin fall like snowflakes.

  Only ten seconds have passed, when the egg is still, it has become a crystal clear egg core.

  Uncle Cheng put down the peeled egg and said with a smile: "I'm not good at laying, I have accepted a few apprentices who are not good enough to go to the rivers and lakes, I don't know what your Excellency is called"

  Fang Ze glanced at the scattered egg skins and said, "Gorgeous and flashy."

  Yaru frowned.

  Uncle Cheng kept smiling at Fang Ze, as if waiting for the other party's next words.

  Or wait for the other party to teach you.

  At this moment, Fang Ze threw out a wallet and threw it to Uncle Cheng.

  After seeing this familiar wallet, Uncle Cheng's smile solidified slightly.

  Ya Ruo's expression changed, and she said coldly, "Stinky boy! When did you steal it?"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 157 You're just a thief too! 【4】

  The wallet is Uncle Cheng's.

  Fang Ze didn't answer, he picked up the bowl of porridge in front of him and drank it quietly.

  Uncle Cheng restrained his smile, stared at Fang Ze for a while, and slowly put away his wallet.

  He didn't check what was missing in it.

  Ya Ruo on the side looked at Fang Ze in surprise while her expression changed.

  Being able to steal the other party's wallet without Uncle Cheng's awareness is not something that can be done casually.

  Especially when the two sides have never met, or even have no physical contact, the difficulty has skyrocketed.

  It can even be said that it is almost impossible.

  How did this guy do it? At this moment, she seems to believe the other party's previous words: I am a thief, not a thief.

  Uncle Cheng didn't speak any more and waited quietly for Fang Ze to finish his meal.

  When Fang Ze put down his chopsticks and picked up the napkin, he opened his mouth and said, "My friend, dare to ask your surname"


  "It turned out to be Brother Fang, disrespectful, disrespectful."

  Uncle Cheng clasped his fists and said, "You are the first person who can steal something from me."

  Fang Ze raised his eyelids and mocked: "You're 05 praising me"


  Uncle Cheng nodded seriously.

  Fang Ze shrugged indifferently and said, "I'm full, tell me, what are you doing with me?"

  Uncle Cheng put away the original idea of ​​recruiting, and after pondering for a while, he said: "It is really too subservient to be a thief with Brother Fang's ability. I wonder if you are interested in cooperating."

  "Not interested in."

  Fang Ze spoke directly.

  Uncle Cheng didn't take it seriously, smiled and said, "Brother Fang didn't listen to me, so he refused in such a hurry."

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "I don't need to cooperate. I can do what I can do by myself."


  Ya Ruo snorted coldly, this sentence is too crazy.

  "Bold, I like it."

  Uncle Cheng clapped his hands and said, "But brother Fang also has to figure out one thing. Many times he is a hero, but he will not end well."

  "I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes, what do you think?"

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold: "Are you cursing me or threatening me?"

  Uncle Cheng waved his hand and said, "Of course not, I just reminded Brother Fang."

  "Being mixed in this society, you have to be careful in everything, around us, it may appear at any time"

  He didn't finish his sentence, the meaning of what he said was obvious.

  Fang Ze stared at Uncle Cheng for a while, then smiled: "You're right, it is indeed possible to appear at any time, but what does that have to do with me?"

  Uncle Cheng took the trouble and said: "People like us, report to keep warm, one more person, one more point of guarantee"

  "It will be a little more dangerous."

  Fang Ze interrupted Uncle Cheng's words.

  Hearing this, Ya Ruo couldn't help it and said, "Uncle Cheng, don't talk nonsense with this kid. The road is half way to the sky, so why bother with him?"

  Uncle Cheng ignored Ya Ruo's words, shook his head helplessly, and said, "It seems that Brother Fang is still worried about me."

  "Well, I'm not forcing it. If you change your mind, come and find me in the soft sleeper No. [-] box at any time."

  Fang Ze glanced at Uncle Cheng and sneered: "I don't see it, you are still a team.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ah, I don't know how many people are down there."

  "Hundreds or Thousands"

  Fang Ze's chat is very skillful.

  He has always shown disdain for Uncle Cheng.

  Confident and sarcastic.

  The sarcasm was mixed with unabashed contempt.

  The feeling to the other party is: compared with me, you are still far behind, and you are not worthy to cooperate with me at all.

  Only in this way, the other party will not have the slightest doubt.

  Facing Fang Ze's question, Uncle Cheng smiled and said, "I'm not good at the job, I hired a few apprentices and brought them out to train the team today, one out of ten."


  Fang Ze's heart moved.

  The numbers are wrong.

  Where are the other three? Are they in the box or the sleeper, Fang Ze's expression remained unchanged, and after taking a sip from the teacup, he said, "What's your name?"

  Uncle Cheng said: "Thanks to the people on the Tao to give face, call me Uncle Cheng, ashamed, ashamed."

  "Oh, Uncle Cheng."

  Fang Ze put down the cup and said, "The more people there are, the more trouble there will be. Uncle Cheng should be careful when he walks on the road in the future."

  "Maybe one day, it will be betrayed by the people under him."

  "What are you talking about!"

  Ya Ruo slammed the table, pointed at Fang Ze, and said angrily, "Don't put on a pose for me there and stir up trouble!"

  "No matter how powerful he is, he is just a thief!"

  Fang Ze asked back, "Aren't you?"


  Yaruo's tone suffocated.

  Uncle Cheng turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "I shouldn't have brought you out, I know nonsense every day! Shut up!"

  Facing Uncle Cheng's scolding, Ya Ruo bowed her head angrily, but her eyes became more and more cold when she looked at Fang Ze.

  Turning to look at Fang Ze, Uncle Cheng said, "Brother Fang, my heart goes to Mingyue, and my qualifications are a few years earlier than you. You should also take Uncle Cheng seriously, what do you think?"

  "Young man, don't be too arrogant, or you will get yourself into trouble sooner or later."

  "If you make 813 Cheng unhappy, the consequences will be very serious."

  Fang Ze glanced at Uncle Cheng, hesitated a little and said, "Uncle Cheng is a senior, well, I will seriously consider it."

  Hearing this, Uncle Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

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