Obviously, this kid is a little scared.

  One more friend is better than one more enemy.

  Especially in this society full of minefields, it is not good to make too many enemies in this line of work.

  "I'll be waiting for you at any time, sorry."

  Uncle Cheng pushed his glasses, smiled and got up to say goodbye.

  After Uncle Cheng left the dining car, Fang Ze smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "Send a message to the train attendants and ask them to check the tickets routinely."

  "The key point is to see how many people are in the soft sleeper No. [-] box."

  "Remember, be very natural and don't show anything."

  "Yes, Fang team."

  In the miniature earphones, came the response of the plainclothes team members.

  Afterwards, Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu: Prepare to close the network.

  Not long after the WeChat was sent, news from Luo Bixin came: Fang Ze, come back soon, the situation here has changed! After seeing this WeChat, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, and he quickly got up and left the restaurant

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 158 Angry Wang Jie [5]

  After returning to the sixth carriage and sitting down, Fang Ze instantly felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

  The girl on the opposite side who used to be kind, now has a sullen face, her eyes have been on: wandering around herself.

  That scrutinizing gaze made Fang Ze feel a little inexplicable.

  The WeChat sounded again, Fang Ze glanced at him casually, and immediately raised his brows.

  After replying a message and telling the other party that the money was with him, Fang Ze put away his mobile phone.

  The long-haired man stared at Fang Ze for a while, then suddenly smiled: "This brother, you are hiding something."

  Fang Ze's expression remained unchanged, and he chuckled lightly: "What do you mean by this?"

  Is it impossible to reveal the identity.

  Since getting on the train, he has told Luo Bixin not to care about anything, not to ask anything.

  And he, perfectly concealed the characteristics of being a criminal policeman.

  Disguise 12! This is Fang Ze's unique ability.

  As long as some details are not exposed, it will never be discovered by others.

  Fang Ze still had this confidence.

  The long-haired man glanced at Shi Shi and said in a low voice, "In front of me, I advise you not to pretend to be garlic!"

  The girl next to him also looked colder.

  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze understood and showed a meaningful smile.

  These two guys also regard themselves as pickpockets.

  It seems that when I went to the dining car just now, the other party already knew that the money from the stone had been stolen.

  Luo Bixin had already told him on WeChat: The long-haired man and Shirou had left alone, but their attitudes changed greatly after they came back.

  In order to prevent exposure of identity, Luo Bixin did not follow.

  This incident can fully show that the long-haired man is indeed trying to strike a stone, and has already done so, but in the end he finds that there is no money in the bag.

  It seems that these two guys are really not an ordinary couple.

  After he figured out the matter, Fang Ze smiled slightly: "What's your name?"

  "Wang Bo."

  The long-haired man didn't intend to hide it, he answered the question directly, and then waited for Fang Ze's next words.


  Fang Ze nodded slightly and smiled lightly: "I did it, what do you want?"

  Hearing this, the face of the girl opposite completely sank, and just about to get up, she was held down by Wang Bo.

  "This friend, how about a chat in another place?"


  Fang Ze stood up, left his seat with Wang Bo, and walked towards the less-populated smoking area.

  Shitou looked at the direction the two were leaving, and wondered: "Sister, what happened to the two big brothers, is there a misunderstanding?"

  Facing the stone, the girl smiled, stepped forward and patted his hand, saying: "It's okay, it's nothing to do with you, they are just talking about some business matters."

  "Oh that's right, the two big brothers are in business, they're amazing, they must make money.


  "Unlike me, you can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year with hard work."

  Stone smiled.

  In the smile, there is a very comfortable simplicity.

  Seeing that the other party mentioned money, the girl turned her face again to look at Luo Bixin.

  As a criminal police officer, Luo Bixin felt a little wrong at the moment.

  It is understandable if this girl is deliberately and Shi Hu for the sake of money.

  But now that the money has been lost, why the girl is still so concerned about the stone should be Fang Ze.

  Isn't it for the money? Why is Wang Bo so suspicious? Luo Bixin can't understand.

  On the other side, Fang Ze lit a cigarette and handed it to Wang Bo.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Wang Bo didn't answer, just looked at Fang Ze coldly.

  Fang Ze didn't care either, put the cigarette back into the cigarette case, and looked out the window.

  After a while, Wang Bo opened his mouth and said, "Friend, you take the money from the silly boy."

  Fang Ze slowly exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Yes."

  After receiving a positive answer, Wang Bo's eyes turned cold and he said, "It seems that you don't understand the rules."

  "How do you say that"

  Wang Bo snorted coldly: "Everything is about first come and then come, you dare to cut off the sheep I like!"

  Fang Ze smiled without saying a word.

  He was actually thinking in his heart: This method is very good, it can defraud all the hidden criminals without any brains.

  It looks like it will be useful in the future.

  Otherwise, everything is said inside: Although undercover is dangerous, it is the most efficient.

  As long as you pretend to be qualified enough, the other party is stupid enough.

  The more similar you are, the more stupid he is.

  The next moment, Fang Ze said lightly: "I'm slow, I blame others for not following the rules."

  Having said this, Fang Ze turned his head to look at Wang Bo, smiled coldly and said, "It would be light for me to rob you of a sheep. No matter how nonsense I am, I will clean it up with you, believe it or not."

  Hearing this, Wang Bo narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became: Dangerous.

  It seems that it is possible to attack Fang Ze at any time.

  But the confident look of the other party made Wang Bo a little uncertain.

  Once entangled for a long time, it will not be good for anyone, and it may even attract marshals, which will outweigh the gains.

  "Okay, you wait."

  Wang Bo pointed at Fang Ze, turned around to leave the smoking area, and bumped into the girl who was walking quickly.

  "Wang Jie! What are you doing!"

  Wang Bo stopped him and shouted in a low voice.

  "You go back first!!"

  Wang Jie shook off the opponent and strode towards Fang Ze.

  Wang Bo was not at ease, he did not leave, and waited in place.

  Coming to Fang Ze, Wang Jie took a deep breath and said, "What I want to say is very simple, return the money to the stone!"

  Seeing Wang Jie coming, Fang Ze wanted to repeat the original words.

  But after hearing the content, I was stunned for a moment.

  He slowly turned his head to look at Wang Jie, and said in surprise, "What did you say?"

  Wang Jie said word by word: "I said: Give the money back! The stone!"

  "Do you know how easy it is for him to make money? In order to save a few hundred yuan in handling fees, he didn't choose to mail it, but to carry it at any time!"

  "That's the hard-earned money he used to build a house and marry a daughter-in-law when he went home! How could you hold back his promise and kindly steal his money?"

  "Once Shishi knows that he has lost his money, what will happen to him, you say, what will happen to him!"

  Wang Jie was excited and sincere.

  It doesn't look like a lie at all.

  However, Fang Ze was a little confused. He took a serious look at Wang Jie and said, "Aren't you Wang Bo's girlfriend?"


  "Then there is a conflict between you two."

  Wang Jie said: "I admit that he is indeed trying to make this money, but even if I try my best, I won't let the stone money go away in vain!"

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