"You'd better give it back to me, or else"

  There was a strong threat in the words.

  Hearing this, Fang Ze threw away the cigarette handle and said, "Why don't you let me think about it?"

  "it is good."

  Wang Jie nodded, "I only give you half an hour!"

  After speaking, Wang Jie turned around and left the smoking area without looking back.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 159: All Arrested! 【6】

  Looking at the direction the two left, Fang Ze scratched his head.

  This scene seems familiar.

  One thing has been confirmed, this couple must have a criminal record.

  But for some unknown reason, the girl seemed to have the idea of ​​closing the mountain.

  She is not trying to steal the stone's money, but to protect.

  It seems that before getting on the train, there should be a little story between Shishi and her.

  In Fang Ze's heart, for the first time ever, a tangled state of mind arose.

  Do you want to let her have this thought, when a voice suddenly sounded in the earphone.

  "Fang team, the investigation has been completed. There are five people in the soft sleeper No. [-] box, four men and one woman."

  At this time, there is still more than half an hour before the train arrives at the station.

  Fang Ze glanced around, and after confirming that no one was there, he said in a low voice, "Team Luo stay where they are, watch the two guys on the opposite side, and everyone else is ready to act!"

  The voice fell, and there was a commotion in the cabin.

  The atmosphere suddenly became: tense.

  "Children, they found all the gang members so quickly, it's true"

  A plainclothes team member temporarily turned off the microphone and asked in a low voice.

  It's only been over an hour.

  They are also preparing for a protracted war.

  He even planned to fail the mission.

  Tong Yushan turned his head and glared at him, and said, "Question the team"

  "Do you know who he is? That's the top case-solving expert who has been the captain of the criminal police for one year."

  "Not only the provincial government, but also people in Zhongnan are concerned. I don't know how many unsolved mysterious cases have been solved in a short period of time. Is it difficult to catch a few thieves? His ability is what you can imagine."

  "Do things well, don't make a mess!"

  The plainclothes team member who spoke was embarrassed with shock, obviously not expecting the captain's resume in Yangcheng to be so dazzling.

  He hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, Boy Scout, I've lost my words."

  At this moment, Fang Ze walked towards the soft sleeper car, and said in a low voice: "All police officers, determine their own positions. After the operation in Box No. [-] is over, arrest people immediately!"




  "Team D, you go to the No. [-] carriage with the largest number of people, move quickly and don't cause panic."

  "okay, I get it."

  Orders are given in an orderly manner.

  Soon, Fang Ze stood at the door of Box No. [-].

  Several members of the boy team stood nearby, ready to rush in at any time without knocking on the door, Fang Ze opened it directly.

  There were indeed five people inside, and three of them were playing cards.

  And Ya Ruo was rubbing her shoulders for Uncle Cheng.

  "Uncle Cheng, you will enjoy it."

  Fang Ze stepped in and opened his mouth with a chuckle.

  "It's your boy!"

  "I don't know what the sky is high and earth! Uncle Cheng went to you in person to give you face, but he didn't appreciate it!"

  "I knew you were crazy, but I didn't expect how crazy!"

  "What the hell are you trying to do!"

  The three of them put down their playing cards and spoke angrily.

  Ya Ruo had already recounted what happened in the dining car before. The three of them were so angry that they almost went to find Fang Ze to settle the account.

  Uncle Cheng didn't expect the other party to come over so quickly, he waved his hand and said, "Shut up, treat your distinguished guests, be polite and polite."

  Turning to look at Fang Ze, Uncle Cheng smiled and said, "Why, I've thought about it clearly"

  Fang Ze nodded with a smile, and said, "After thinking about it clearly, I think we can really have a good chat."

  Hearing this, Ya Ruo sneered

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Kou: "I thought you were so tough, just figure it out, hand over the stupid boy's money first."

  Uncle Cheng said: "Ya Ruo! What did you say, since the tens of thousands of dollars was taken by Brother Fang, it should belong to him."

  "We do big things, don't care about these petty profits."

  Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, stretched his right hand into his waist, and said, "Uncle Cheng is Uncle Cheng, it's really cool, why don't we talk about it in another place?"

  After speaking, Fang Ze raised his hand, and with a crisp sound, the handcuffs hung in the air.

  Seeing Fang Ze's handcuffs on his fingertips, the faces of the four people in the box suddenly changed.

  Although Uncle Cheng's face was calm, his pupils shrank suddenly.

  "You are the police!"

  "Bastard! Got tricked!"

  Four people 4 just got up.

  "Don't move!"

  "Don't move! Be honest!"

  Tong Yushan rushed in with someone, held the four of them firmly in the corner, and put on handcuffs.

  "Every other box! Action!"

  After the intercom sounded, all the police officers, including Ding Chunqiu, were already ready, and they suddenly attacked, holding the person on the seat number with their backhands, and quickly took them out of the carriage.

  Only the surprised passengers were left.

  Inside the box.

  Fang Ze slowly came to Uncle Cheng and put handcuffs on him.

  He didn't resist, just stared at Fang Ze coldly.

  He never imagined that... the Leng Ao pickpocket who stole money from Yaruo's hands and purse from him was actually a policeman! "Don't look at me like that, didn't you say it, there will be around us at any time? police."

  Fang Ze smiled lightly.

  Uncle Cheng's face trembled, and he still hasn't reacted until now.

  He has seen a lot of police officers, and there are more or less temperaments in his body that cannot be removed.

  It stands to reason that he wouldn't be wrong.

  At least, flaws and suspicious places can be found.

  But Fang Ze gave him the feeling that he was a master thief who recognized money but not people, and was extremely confident.

  Is it really because the contact time is too short and only met once? I am too careless! Even the number of members who was fooled by the other party has been revealed! At this moment, Uncle Cheng really wants to scold people! He stood up and looked at Fang Ze said: "Awesome, among the police, you are probably the most skilled in stealing."

  If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have no doubts about Fang Ze.

  Where there is a policeman, if you go to practice manual work and say it, others may not believe it.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Uncle Cheng has passed the award, it's just a trick to dig worms, and I got an axe in front of you."

  "take away."

  Before leaving, Ya Ruo did not forget to grit her teeth and give Fang Ze a cold look.

  Dare to love yourself, you are being used as a gun by the other party! Just because of tens of thousands of dollars, these people were uprooted! In the box, only Fang Ze and Tong Yushan were left.

  Tong Yushan looked at Fang Ze in admiration and said, "Fang team, I'm really convinced, if it wasn't for my own experience, I wouldn't believe anything!"

  Tong Yushan really felt a lot today about the saying that there is no virtuous person under the reputation.

  Fang Ze didn't respond to Tong Yushan, lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said: "Tong team, over there in Ding'an City, have there been any... unsolved cases recently?"

  "For example, stealing and abducting, the suspect is a couple."

  Hearing this, Tong Yushan was stunned.

  Although I don't know why the other party suddenly asked this, I still thought about it seriously for a while.


  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 160 Take away Wang Bo [1]

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