
  Fang Ze didn't expect to get a positive answer.


  Tong Yushan recalled for a while, and said eloquently: "I have a deep impression on these two people. They are a pair of pickpocketing partners. They mainly steal wallets and mobile phones, and they often appear in major temple fairs."

  "The method is neat and neat, never leaving any flaws, let alone being discovered. If it weren't for the fraud case some time ago, they would never have been discovered."

  "We have the approximate appearance and features, and we are looking for it."

  "Fang team, why are you suddenly asking this?"

  "They appeared in Yangcheng or Penghai"

  Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "What is a fraud case?"

  Tong Yushan said: "These two guys played fairy dance, drove away the BMW of a rich man in Ding'an City, and forced him to sign an equity transfer agreement."

  "How much"

  Fang Ze asked.

  Tong Yushan thought for a while and said, "A total of three or four million."

  Asked here, Fang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers.

  According to the law, the crime of fraud can be divided into "large amount" according to the amount of money

  , "a huge amount"

  , "a particularly large amount"

  And the amount of fraud of several million is already regarded as "a particularly huge amount"

  This kind.

  If you prosecute, you will be sentenced to at least ten years in prison.

  If there are other serious circumstances, several crimes will be punished together, and even life imprisonment may be imposed.

  "Such a serious criminal record?"

  Fang Ze muttered to himself in a low voice, then shook his head helplessly.

  Good and evil are only in one thought, this sentence is really good.

  Unfortunately, Tong Yushan said strangely: "Fang team, what did you say?"

  Fang Ze looked at Tong Yushan and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  Let him handle this by himself.

  "You go back to the crew first, there are still fish that slip through the net on the train."

  "Ah good."

  Seeing that Fang Ze didn't plan to make it clear, Tong Yushan naturally wouldn't ask questions, nodded and left the soft sleeper carriage.

  At this time, in the aisle of the smoking area of ​​the sixth carriage, Wang Jie and Wang Bo were having a final quarrel.

  Wang Jie's eyes were already full of tears, she looked at the man in front of her, and choked up: "I don't want to say anything more, just give the child in my stomach some virtue and stop it."

  "I don't want to hide in this way anymore"

  Wang Bo frowned and said, "Can you stop people like us? Don't forget that we are wanted by the Ding'an City police!"

  "Also, there are police officers on this train! Didn't you see the previous arrests! Maybe we are also being targeted!"

  "We'll get off at the next stop! One ticket, and you can live in peace, okay?"

  Wang Jie shook her head and said, "If you get caught, just get caught. For the sake of my stomach, I won't do those things again."

  "As for your other money, I don't care, you must help me get it back."

  "If you can't get it back, or if you want to keep it for yourself, I will never forgive you in my life!"

  After speaking, Wang Jie silently turned around and left.

  Wang Bo could clearly see the tears dropped by the other party.

  At this moment, Wang Bo felt pain in his heart, feeling that he really owed the other party too much.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After being together for so many years, she never asked for anything. After taking a deep breath this time, Wang Bo's eyes became in vain: sharpened.

  And Fang Ze, holding a cloth bag, walked slowly towards here.

  After seeing Fang Ze, Wang Bo's eyes turned cold, and he slowly took out a knife, blocking Fang Ze's way.

  Fang Ze lowered his head slightly, raised his eyelids and said, "What are you doing?"

  "Hand over the money."

  Wang Bo spoke quietly.

  "The money is with me, come and get it yourself if you want."

  Hearing this, Wang Bo snorted coldly, and stabbed Fang Ze in the chest without any pause.

  Fang Ze was too lazy to entangle with him, let go... The hand holding the cloth bag grabbed out Wang Bo's wrist like lightning, and suddenly pulled back with force.

  The next moment, Fang Ze hit Wang Bo's back with an elbow, pressing him firmly against the wall of the carriage.


  What happened in this second changed Wang Bo's face.

  Ordinary people can't have this kind of skill at all.

  Sure enough, with a crisp sound, Wang Bo felt a chill on his wrist.

  0 "You are the police"

  Wang Bo gritted his teeth and turned his head to stare at the indifferent Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze acted swiftly and handcuffed both Wang Bo's hands before slowly picking up the cloth bag on the ground.

  Inside, there are sixty thousand dollars.

  Grabbing Wang Bo's arm, Fang Ze pulled him to the corner.

  "The money is here."

  Fang Ze lifted the cloth bag and said.

  Wang Bo glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, his face changed.

  Since the money is in the hands of the police, there is no need to worry about losing it.

  I think Wang Jie should be relieved.

  Fang Ze said, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

  "Wang Jie."

  Wang Bo spoke calmly

  "Why did she help that boy?"

  Wang Bo showed an ugly smile and said, "I don't know, maybe Wang Jie thinks he is a good person."

  Fang Ze looked at Wang Bo for a while, and said, "Ding'an City's fraud case, you guys did it."

  By now, Wang Bo knew that he was powerless and nodded.

  "Wang Jie is pregnant"

  Mentioning this matter, Wang Bo frowned, with deep guilt in his expression, and nodded again.

  "Come with me."

  After asking a few words, Fang Ze took Wang Bo and went to the cabin.

  After seeing Wang Bo, Tong Yushan widened his eyes and said, "That couple who cheated on this train is also on this train."

  They didn't tell Fang Ze that there were other cases, and how the other plainclothes police officers who pinpointed the suspect from the vast crowd also looked at each other in dismay.

  This... Captain Fang will really surprise them, I really don't know how to do it.

  Fang Ze didn't say much, and waved at Tong Yushan.

  Seeing this, Tong Yushan hurried over.

  He whispered something in the ear of the other party, after listening to Tong Yushan, he was stunned for a moment, and after a little pondering, he said: "Okay, Fang team, everything is up to you, don't worry, I will handle it."

  Fang Ze smiled: "Thank you, Boy Scout."

  "Hey, what did you say, you helped us so much, it should be me who said thank you!"

  Tong Yushan waved his hand, indicating that the other party was too outspoken

  Remind you with Feilu: Three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 161 After half a year, surrender [2]

  The train arrives in [-] minutes.

  Fang Ze came from the aisle, did not return to his original position, but sat next to Wang Jie.

  Wang Jie turned her head subconsciously, and when she saw it was Fang Ze, her face sank again.


  She was about to say something, but saw Fang Ze hand a cloth bag to Luo Refill, and motioned for the other party to change it.

  At this moment the stone is drowsy, and the senses are at their weakest.

  In addition, the other party has a lot of nerves, if you are careful, you will not be found.

  Luo Bixin quickly understood, and after nodding, he quietly reached out and slowly pulled out the paper in the stone backpack.

  Afterwards, she returned the [-] yuan to the original owner.

  Seeing this scene, Wang Jie turned to look at Fang Ze, and said in a low voice, "Why, my conscience found out?"

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