And Fang Ze and Luo Bixin also saw an acquaintance.

  Cen Snow.

  Speaking of which, since Ruan Hongyi was arrested, they have never met with Cen Xue, nor have they called to inform the progress of the case.

  It was the identity of the murderer, so they didn't know how to speak.

  Two of the most important men in my life, fighting each other.

  One died, one went in, and it was impossible to come out again...

  Such a result is really unacceptable.

  Looking at Cen Xue standing at the entrance of the Municipal Bureau, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other and had to bite the bullet and walked over.

  After hearing the footsteps, Cen Xue turned around, stared at the two and said, "Why didn't you tell me that the murderer was Ruan Hongyi?"

  Fang Ze did not speak.

  Luo Bixin explained: "Cen Xue, you were in a bad state when you were 06. We are afraid that you will be stimulated again."

  Cen Xue laughed at herself, and said, "I'm not stimulated by the stimulation, is there less?"

  "Xue Yi, Ruan Hongyi, hehe, I'm really stupid."

  "I thought he was a caring and warm man, but he turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

  As soon as these words came out, the two looked at each other.

  It seems that in the process of Fang Ze's investigation, Xue Yi and Ruan Hongyi have often gone to the hospital to find Cen Xue.

  At the gate, an escort police car was already waiting.

  Not long after, Ruan Hongyi and Ma Zhuo were escorted by the police and walked out of the city bureau.

  After seeing Ruan Hongyi, Cen Xue's eyes immediately turned red, it was an unforgettable hatred.

  "Nuan Hongyi!"

  After shouting angrily, Cen Xue raised her legs and was about to rush up.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze hurried forward and grabbed Cen Xue.

  The armed escorts also blocked the front to prevent Cen Xue from making any unfavorable actions.

  Ruan Hongyi, who had been keeping his head down, suddenly trembled when he heard Cen Xue's voice.

  He didn't dare to look up at Cen Xue.

  After staring at Ruan Hongyi for a while, Cen Xue took a deep breath and said, "Fang Ze, let me have a few words with him."

  Fang Ze hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, but you can't leave my side."

  While speaking, Fang Ze did not let go... and still held on to Cen Xue's body.

  "it is good."

  Cen Xue nodded in agreement.

  Fang Ze pulled Cen Xue and waved at the armed police officer in front, signaling him to give way.

  Seeing Fang Ze's order, the armed police officers in charge of escorting quickly stood in two rows, leaving a passage for the two of them.

  Cen Xue moved forward step by step, and finally stood five meters away from Ruan Hongyi.

  In this position, Fang Ze stopped Cen Xue.

  Cen Xue did not go too far, and stopped.

  "Ruan Hongyi! You are very well!"

  Staring at the man in front, Cen Xue said word by word.

  The voice almost popped out of the gap between her teeth, which could engrave her, how much hatred she was filled with.

  Ruan Hongyi slowly raised his head, glanced at Cen Xue and quickly shifted his gaze.

  He didn't dare to look at Cen Xue.

  Cen Xue continued: "Three years ago, I agreed to your pursuit. You were really kind to me, I admit, but what did you do later?"

  "You actually raped my best friend! How did she offend you!"

  "It's not

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  Forget it, after leaving you, I finally found a man who can take care of my life, what have you done?"

  "You actually killed him!!"

  "Ruan Hongyi! Tell me! What do I owe you, Cen Xue! You want to torture me like this!"

  These remarks made Ruan Hongyi's face blushed, and he couldn't refute even a single sentence.

  Do you love her? Love! But in the end, what is given to the other party is the memory that can make Cen Xue suffer for a lifetime.

  When everyone listened to Cen Xue's words, they all sighed helplessly.

  Some people who didn't understand these pasts also cast a contemptuous look at Ruan Hongyi.

  This man is really good enough, even if he can't get it, he actually killed his ex-girlfriend's fiancé.

  Could it be that this is hatred caused by jealousy? Fang Ze has been silently watching without speaking.

  This girl, Cen Xue, has indeed experienced too much, which is sympathetic.

  Being unkind was not a big deal at first.

  There is a saying that is good: who has never met a few scumbags in their life, but Ruan Hongyi is no longer a scumbag. In Cen Xue's eyes, he has been characterized as a scumbag.

  Ruining Cen Xue's youth for a few years is not enough, but also ruining her whole life.

  Just like Cen Xue's question: what kind of hatred and what kind of resentment "Ruan Hongyi! You talk!"

  Cen Xue pointed at Ruan Hongyi, who was silent, and said coldly.

  At this moment, Ruan Hongyi slowly raised his head, plucked up the courage to look at Cen Xue, and said softly, "Cen Xue, I'm sorry"

  "I'm sorry what's the use!"

  "You tell me! What's the use!!"

  Cen Xue's mood became: excited, her voice soared rapidly.

  If it wasn't for Fang Ze's pull, she would have been able to rush up and fight Ruan Hongyi.

  Staring at Ruan Hongyi for a long time, Cen Xue gritted her teeth and said, "Ruan Hongyi, I will never forgive you in my life! I hate you!"

  After speaking, Cen Xue shook off Fang Ze's hand, turned and strode away.

  Fang Ze winked at the Luo refill.

  Luo Bixin nodded and quickly chased after him, in case the other party couldn't think about it any more.

  It seems that recently, Cen Xue's parents or friends are really going to be found, and they will look at her every step of the way.

  The opponent's state is really dangerous.

  Ruan Hongyi watched Cen Xue leave, covering his face in pain.

  Facing Cen Xue again, I don't know if he regrets it.

  Fang Ze took a few steps forward, looked at Ruan Hongyi, and said in a low voice, "Shouldn't this result have been thought of long ago?"

  "Could it be that you still want to change your face and start over with Cen Xue"

  Not to mention, if Fang Ze didn't solve the case quickly, this possibility really existed.

  Ruan Hongyi took a deep breath, tears blurred his eyes, and he didn't know whether it was because of his own fate or because of Cen Xue.

  "Li Ruicheng! I should have killed him long ago!"

  This sentence made Fang Ze stunned for a moment, and then shook his head speechlessly.

  The other party is already neurotic.

  He thought that Cen Xue's words made him regret it.

  Fang Ze said lightly: "From Cen Xue's best friend to Cen Xue's departure, you blamed everything on Li Ruicheng, and you didn't think about yourself."

  "Your love is indeed a little scary."

  A similar case was encountered by Fang Ze not long ago.

  Sun Xingxue hired the murderer to kill Ling Xiu, who was his ex-wife.

  Ruan Hongyi himself killed Li Ruicheng, the current fiancé of his ex-girlfriend.

  Although the deceased were completely different, their natures were similar, and their personalities were extremely selfish.

  It has to be said that the distortion of the human form is actually really easy.

  "Take it away."

  Fang Ze waved his hand, too lazy to talk nonsense with Ruan Hongyi.

  this guy is hopeless

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 163 Suspicion of Luo Refill [4]

  Three days later, Fang Ze, who was investigating the Yangcheng case alone, received a call from Luo Bixin.

  The content of the call is very simple: someone turned himself in, saying that in the process of arguing with his husband at home, he accidentally killed his husband.

  It doesn't sound like a complicated case, and Fang Ze didn't intend to go back and join in.

  But Luo Bixin mentioned the mummification case

  A community in Penghai.

  A taxi came at a gallop and stopped at the gate of the community.

  After Fang Ze paid the money, he pushed the door and got out of the car, and hurried to the house number that Luo Bixin said.

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