The downstairs is full of police cars, and the unit is temporarily blocked.

  Many residents of the neighborhood were onlookers nearby, not knowing what was going on.

  Fang Ze kept walking, lifted the cordon and went upstairs quickly.

  [-] on the fifth floor.




  Fang Ze nodded and stepped into the room.

  Several hours have passed since the time of the incident, and the search for evidence at the scene is almost over.

  Including autopsy, there are also results.

  Ding Chunqiu, Ming Chuan and others were all there.

  Fang Ze carefully bypassed the physical evidence area and came to the kitchen where the crowd gathered.

  "Fang team, here we come."


  After seeing Fang Ze, several people quickly stopped discussing and nodded in greeting.

  Fang Ze nodded slightly in response, and looked down at the man lying on the kitchen floor.

  There was a deep wound on the man's forehead, and the air was still mixed with the smell of coal that had not dissipated.

  The windows were open, but there were still residues.

  Apparently, the room was once flooded with a lot of carbon monoxide.

  "What happened to the investigation, suicide or homicide"

  Fang Ze glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and asked.

  With his forensic identification ability, he could conclude without examination: the scar on the man's forehead was not a fatal injury.

  So it's not the cause of death.

  Ding Chunqiu replied, "Fang team, a few hours ago, a woman named Liu Lina turned herself in to the police, saying that she accidentally killed her husband and is still at the police station."

  "What kind of ashtray do you use?"

  Ding Chunqiu was surprised: "How do you know?"


  Ding Chunqiu nodded and said, "Yes, during the fight with Li Zhuo, he grabbed the ashtray and smashed it at Li Zhuo's head, causing him to be injured and unconscious."

  "Who is Li Zhuo, he is Li Zhuo"

  Fang Ze subconsciously looked at Luo Bixin.

  The other party did not say the name of the dead on the phone, but only mentioned the mummification case.

  "That's right, it's Li Zhuo, why, the team knows each other"

  Ding Chunqiu was a little strange.

  Luo Bixin glanced at Ding Chunqiu and said solemnly, "I can't hide it any longer. The case in Guangming City must be investigated together with Penghai!"

  Ding Chunqiu glanced at the two and said, "What do you mean?"

  Luo Bixin did not answer, now is not the time to talk about the mummification case in detail.

  Her eyes turned to Ming Chuan.

  Ming Chuan has been: silent, his face is not very good-looking.

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Refill and reminded: "Refill, speak carefully, and think carefully when you speak."

  He was really afraid that Luo Bixin would question Ming Chuan directly in front of everyone.

  The impact of this is too great, and it is difficult for people to accept it for a while.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze's words, Luo Bixin took a deep breath, turned his head and said, "I've been checking Li Zhuo for the past few days, and the results are about to be found out, but isn't it strange that the other party died mysteriously at this time?"

  Although Ding Chunqiu didn't understand what was going on, he chose to keep his mouth shut and left the right to speak to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze said bluntly: "Refill, since it's confirmed that it was murder, let's not say anything else, what about the autopsy results?"

  Hearing this, Ming Chuan came over and handed a document to Fang Ze.

  After taking it, Fang Ze glanced at it and said, "Such a large amount of gas will not be suicide."


  Mingchuan nodded and said, "I think so too. At the scene, I also found a hair that needs to be brought back for testing."

  "Where is it, show me."

  "Here, here."

  Huang Xiaorong on the side hurriedly handed a transparent evidence bag to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze took it, observed it through the sunlight for a while, and then stepped forward to look at Li Zhuo's hair.

  After a while, he said, "Liu Lina has long hair and short hair"

  "Long hair."

  It was Luo Bixin who spoke.

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "It's not Liu Lina's, nor Li Zhuo's. There must be a third person at the scene."

  As soon as these words came out, Ming Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Fang team, it has not been tested, how can you be so sure?"

  Returning the evidence bag to Huang Xiaorong, Fang Ze said, "If you are worried, you can go back and test it."

  After speaking, without waiting for Ming Chuan to reply, Fang Ze turned his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to check the refills. Now the whole people of our country are not sound, unless the other party has a criminal record, it will be difficult to compare."

  Luo Bixin did not question Fang Ze's judgment.

  What the other party has determined has never been missed.

  Ming Chuan hesitated for a while, and had to temporarily believe Fang Ze's words.

  However, after going back, the process of going is still to go, just in case.

  "Then check it out!"

  Luo Bixin's face sank, obviously in a very bad mood.

  Finally found the clues of the mummification case, but was snatched at the front again and again by others and cut off.

  This feeling made Luo Bixin very uncomfortable.

  And intuitively told Luo Bixin that the murderer of the mummification case was always by his side, staring at them to investigate the case.

  As long as something is found, the other party will immediately.

  Take action and disrupt the rhythm of the police.

  And this person, it is very likely that Luo Bixin looked at Mingchuan again.

  Aware of Luo Bixin's scrutiny eyes, Ming Chuan's brows furrowed tightly.

  Seeing that something was wrong, Fang Ze said quickly, "Everyone, bring the evidence back to the police station, and bring the body back as well."

  "Close the team!"


  The crowd drank softly and started busy.

  Fang Ze took Luo's refill and quickly left the scene, Ren.

  Taking it to a place with no one, Fang Ze said, "What do you want to do?"

  Luo Bixin put his hands on his shoulders and said coldly: "Ming Chuan is the person who has the closest contact with Li Zhuo. I went to investigate Li Zhuo, in fact, it was for Ming Chuan's case!"

  "Now there are no cases, but people are dead"

  "Do you think besides Ming Chuan, there will be another person who wants Li Zhuo to die?"

  After listening to Luo Bixin's words, Fang Ze said helplessly: "Your preconceived assumptions are too obvious, didn't I say so, don't list him as a suspect."

  "Forget it, go back and talk."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 164 Combined Case Investigation [5]

  Two hours later, the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  After Mingchuan's routine inspection, he reported the report to Fang Ze.

  "It's really not Liu Lina and Li Zhuo's when the fruit comes out."

  While speaking, he was also a little surprised.

  Only relying on the naked eye to exclude the owner of the hair strands, such a sky-defying observational power, really allowed Mingchuan to open up a new world view.

  At least, Mingchuan had never seen it before.

  Even though he was accustomed to Fang Ze's ability to create miracles, such detailed forensic problems, in contrast, still made Ming Chuan deeply feel his own inadequacies.

  Many impossible things may not be impossible, but you have not encountered them.

  Fang Ze nodded, took it and put it aside, not surprised at all.

  He turned to look at Luo Bixin and said, "Are you sure you want to investigate together?"

  Luo Bixin nodded and said, "Yes! This time I must find this bastard!"

  Not only for your own master, but also for your own responsibilities.

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