And the above is also continuing to pay attention to this case.

  If the murderer is allowed to go unpunished like this, the Guangming City Criminal Police Team will become the laughing stock of others, not to mention that the master's health is getting worse and worse, she must catch the real murderer of the mummification case before the master is seriously ill! "Okay then. "

  Fang Ze nodded, got up and said, "There is someone in 920 of the Criminal Police Department, we have a meeting."

  Ten minutes later, the city council meeting room.

  Fang Ze leaned back on the chair and played with the ballpoint pen bored.

  Said to be a meeting, but in fact, the mummification case was made public at the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  At least for now, nothing to do with him, just listen to Luo Bixin.

  Luo Bixin will be inserted into the brain, turned his head and said: "Fang team, you can talk."

  Fang Ze was originally distracted, when he heard this, he was stunned, and said, "Why me?"

  "I have a sore throat!"

  After speaking, Luo Bixin walked down from the front and sat beside Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze shook his head helplessly, got up and took over the control of the projector.

  "Everyone, let me talk about the case in Guangming City first, and then I'll tell you why we need to investigate the case together."

  The voice fell, the big screen changed, and several photos appeared.

  Every photo is a terrifying mummified corpse.

  After seeing these photos, the expressions of everyone except Luo Bixin and Mingchuan changed immediately.

  Such a murder method is truly unheard of.

  Fang Ze said slowly: "A few years ago, there were several sensational murder cases in Guangming City, and the deceased in each case were made into mummified corpses by a special technique."

  "The murderer is very cunning. Every time the body appears, it is not the first crime scene, and the first crime scene has not been found yet."

  "After me and the Guangming City police, this case was a premeditated vendetta because there was a connection between the deceased."

  "About [-] years ago, a geology professor named Zhu Jiamu went on a scientific expedition in the desert and disappeared in the end. He was also the only missing person in the scientific expedition team.

  "These deceased are all members of the expedition team."

  Hearing this, Ming Chuan's eyes flickered.

  The rest of the people whispered, and if you look at it this way, it is indeed a great deal of revenge.

  Revenge for Zhu Jiamu.

  Fang Ze continued: "There are basically so many clues about the mummification case. I won't mention the rest. Now I will explain what happened on Penghai's side."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Having said that, Fang Ze glanced at Ming Chuan, hesitated a little, and said, "The last deceased is named Liu Bin. The mental portrait of the murderer was provided by the Guangming Municipal Bureau, with obvious features, and appeared at the scene of the case with Liu Bin. A person I've been through, basically the same."

  "This person is"

  Fang Ze clicked the mouse, and a photo appeared on the screen.

  After seeing the people in the photo, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they all looked at Ming Chuan who was sitting there quietly.

  Ming Chuan's face became a little unsightly.

  Fang Ze turned off the photo and said: "Everyone, please note that I did not say that Teacher Chuan is a suspect, this is only a theoretical possibility."

  Having said that, the hearts of everyone have begun to murmur.

  As for Ding Chunqiu, his eyes widened even more, with a look of disbelief.

  Having worked with Ming Chuan for so many years, he would never have imagined that one day the other party would become the subject of a murder investigation.

  "Let's move on to the case."

  "When investigating Mr. Mingchuan, the first thing to investigate is his background."

  "Because since the murderer is seeking revenge for Zhu Jiamu, he must have something to do with him. Even if he is not an immediate family member, he should be a younger generation with deep feelings."

  "Unfortunately, in the Global Village Welfare Institute where Mr. Ming Chuan grew up, all the relevant personnel died!"

  Everyone was in an uproar! What do you mean by all deaths? This is too coincidental! TV dramas dare not act like this! "Including Yang Shuang, who died of rabies before, Li Wenzheng, who was killed and hanged by Wang Yihan, and others, all of whom were once in the Global Village Welfare Institute. The work, and the time point, was before Mr. Ming Chuan was adopted."

  "Then we can boldly guess that the murderer is trying to cover up the hidden truth of the orphanage."

  Everyone looked at Mingchuan again.

  Although Fang Ze was very objective and did not target Ming Chuan, the clues clearly pointed to him.

  Fang Ze said: "In the end, today's Li Zhuo, he is Teacher Ming Chuan's psychology and counselor."

  "Psychology, Counselor"

  "Ms. Mingchuan has psychological problems"

  A blockbuster news, exploded again.

  Once the inspector finds out about this, I am afraid that Ming Chuan's lowest is also the result of being suspended.

  Fang Ze is also very helpless, these clues are closely related to the mummification case, so I have to say.

  And I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, they still maintain a vague connection with Mingchuan.

  He couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

  Fang Ze said: "Don't guess, it's just a very common stress disorder that won't affect work."

  "Besides, sub-health is so common, which is why psychology and counselors are popular."

  Hearing this, everyone put away their suspicious eyes.

  Social, psychological, and counseling under such enormous pressure is normal.

  Fang Ze clicked the mouse and pointed at the human on the screen: "So, why is Li Zhuo?"


  At this moment, Ming Chuan raised his head and interrupted Fang Ze's words.

  Fang Ze turned his head to look at Ming Chuan and said with a smile, "What's wrong, Teacher Ming Chuan."

  "Zhu Jiamu, it should be my grandfather."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed.

  The entire conference room was silent at this moment.

  And Luo Bixin reacted the most, and stood up with a rub.

  "What did you say!"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 165 Suspension Processing [1]

  Ming Chuan stared at Luo Bixin, who was obviously shocked, and said in a calm tone: "Luo team, what are you trying to do to arrest me?"

  Fang Ze turned his head and said in a low voice, "Refill, sit down:!"

  Luo Bixin took a light breath.

  This news really gave her a lot of shock.

  Senior brother Miyagi is still checking Zhu Jiamu's relatives and friends, and Ming Chuan's side has directly admitted such a close relationship.

  Why haven't I heard Mingchuan mention it before? Haven't the other party's childhood memories disappeared? Maybe it's because the investigation of the case is getting closer and closer to the truth, Mingchuan simply jumped out and took the initiative. After all, no murderer will expose himself. Logically If you can't get past it, it's easier to get dark under the lights.

  What looks the most dangerous may actually be the safest.

  In just a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed in Luo Bixin's mind.

  Seeing that Luo's refill did not move, Fang Ze continued: "Refill, listen to Teacher Mingchuan finish."

  He knew that since Ming Chuan had thrown out such an important clue, he must have something to say.

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin slowly sat back.

  She wanted to see how Ming Chuan rounded up this matter.

  Ming Chuan looked away from Luo Bixin, looked at Fang Ze, and said, "The night before yesterday, I went to see an elder, his name is Lang Shiming, who watched me grow up since childhood."

  "He knew my father and Zhu Jiamu, and he told me about my background and gave me a detailed birth certificate."

  "My original name is Zhu Yi, my father is Zhu Heping, and my grandfather is Zhu Jiamu."

  "Back then, when Zhu Heping knew that Zhu Jiamu died in the desert, he went abroad alone and wanted to investigate the truth, but he never came back."

  "And I was left in the orphanage."

  He speaks at a gentle pace and speaks very simply, but his words are straight to the point.

  Everyone did not expect that Ming Chuan's family still had such a past.

  At this time, Luo Bixin adjusted his emotions and said softly: "You mean, you know the cause of Zhu Jiamu's death, it was the day before yesterday."


  Ming Chuan nodded.

  Luo Bixin's eyes flickered, staring at Ming Chuan.

  If this is really the case, then the mummification case that happened a few years ago obviously has nothing to do with Mingchuan.

  Mingchuan continued: "Because Fang team mentioned Zhu Jiamu, I think it should be said, maybe it will be helpful to the investigation of the case."

  On the surface, there seems to be no problem with this statement.

  As the director of the city bureau's forensic department, if you know some inside information, you really shouldn't hide it.

  From this point of view, there is nothing suspicious about it.

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze subconsciously.

  After listening to Ming Chuan's words, Fang Ze pondered Ming Chuan and said, "He can be regarded as my life mentor, and he is related to Zhu Jiamu."

  "Is the relationship good?"

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