Ming Chuan paused for a moment and said, "It should be very good, I can tell from the words that Professor Lang respects Zhu Jiamu very much."


  Fang Ze raised his brows, "Which one?"

  Mingchuan said: "Entomologist."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  Many majors can be figured out, especially the seniors who have been immersed in a certain industry for a long time.

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  Professional and well-rounded.

  Entomologists and forensics may sound unrelated, but they have a few things in common.

  At least in terms of disease, anatomy, etc., it is the same.

  It seems that the reason why Mingchuan embarked on the path of forensic medicine has a lot to do with Lang Shiming's guiding education.

  Fang Ze filtered the time point in his mind and asked, "Since Professor Lang is a disciple of Zhu Jiamu, then the relationship with Zhu Heping is definitely not too bad."

  "When Zhu Heping went abroad and didn't return, why didn't you adopt Professor Lang?"

  For this question, Ming Chuan had the answer in his mind and said directly: "Professor Lang also went abroad and wanted to find Zhu Heping back, but in the end there was no result."

  "After returning to China, he wanted to pick me up at the Global Village Welfare Institute, but at that time I was adopted by the Ming family."

  "Professor Lang told me that."

  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  It seems that the night before yesterday, Ming Chuan and Lang Shiming had a long conversation.

  Then, why didn't he tell Ming Chuan about these things before the day before yesterday, when Ming Chuan knew his background, Li Zhuo died.

  So far, all the people related to Mingchuan, only Lang Shiming is left.

  The most important point is why Li Zhuo was silenced, and he is not a member of the Global Village Welfare Institute.

  What was the murderer trying to hide? Now, the doubts in Fang Ze's mind grew more and more.

  But this also means that the case is getting closer and closer to the truth.

  In the process of solving a case, I am not afraid of having too many doubts, but I am afraid of being clueless.

  After saying everything, Ming Chuan said: "Fang team, I personally think that Zhu Heping is suspected of committing a major crime."


  As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Ming Chuan.

  0 Doubt your own biological father, this is not the courage that ordinary people can have.

  Although he has no emotional foundation with Zhu Heping, the blood relationship is still there.

  Even if it is an investigation, it should be said by others.

  Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "I'm afraid it's not just Zhu Heping."

  Ming Chuan was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and frowned: "Fang team, it can't be Professor Lang. I have known him for so many years, and he is not that kind of... paranoid."

  "Also, Professor Lang is a person who pays attention to evidence and is rigorous in his work. The reason for Zhu Jiamu's disappearance was not found out at all, and it cannot be said that it was caused by others."

  "Take a step back, even if Zhu Jiamu really died because of someone, Professor Lang would not use this method to avenge his teacher."

  When it comes to Lang Shiming, Ming Chuan's words have also increased.

  It can be seen that Lang Shiming's status in his heart is very high.

  Fang Ze did not respond to Ming Chuan.

  What he said was just his own subjective emotions, without any evidence and clues to support it, it could not constitute a reasonable inference.

  At this time, Luo Bixin said: "Fang team, just follow the procedure: let's do it."


  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin and said, "Okay then."

  "Mr. Mingchuan, in view of the special identity of the murderer in this case, and you are Zhu Jiamu's immediate family."

  "Until the case is solved, he will be temporarily suspended from work and subject to investigation."

  Please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 166 Conference Analysis [2]

  Mingchuan was not surprised by this result.

  Before he decided to tell the truth, he was ready to be suspended.

  According to the regulations, if the personnel in the system are suspected of being involved in the case, they must be suspended for investigation.

  Even if there is no evidence.

  Ming Chuan got up and said, "I accept the suspension. During this period, I will cooperate with the bureau's investigation."

  After speaking, Ming Chuan turned around and left the conference room.

  Since the suspension order has been issued, he will naturally no longer participate in the detection of the case.

  In the conference room, everyone was silent, including Ding Chunqiu.

  According to the current investigation results of the mummification case, Ming Chuan is indeed in line with the suspension procedure, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

  In addition, Luo Bixin was obviously suspicious of Ming Chuan, and it was Fang Ze who gave the order.

  The two captains are here, and they won't touch that..."Four, three, three"

  Mildew head.

  Fang Ze sighed and said, "Team Luo, you can go to Zhong Bureau to apply for a suspension document later."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  The decision to suspend the director of the forensic medicine department still has to go through the leadership above.



  Jiang Xiaobai regained his senses and looked over.

  Fang Ze said: "Go and check the surveillance in the community where Li Zhuo lives, and see if there are any strangers entering the unit before and after the incident."


  Jiang Xiaobai nodded to show his understanding.

  At this time, Luo Bixin couldn't help saying to himself: "Who is the third person who appears in Li Zhuo's house?"

  Although the other party left behind such an important physical evidence as hair, it is still difficult to sit in with a specific person.

  The murderer of the mummy case is different from Ruan Hongyi, who has a criminal record.

  According to the law, citizens who are forcibly detained because of illegal crimes will focus on retaining complete fingerprints, palm prints and blood crimes, not to mention those who go to prison, will definitely leave all the characteristics of the human body.

  The same is true for some minor offenses.

  For example, people who have been detained by law and order due to drunk driving, old laity, guaranty, gambling and whoring, etc.

  Although it is only a few days, it will still be in the public security system, leaving blood is a rule, not discrimination.

  Therefore, if the murderer of the mummification case has no criminal record, it will be more difficult to blindly investigate.

  Unless, compared with the suspects currently in hand.

  After the voice fell, Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze naturally understood what the other party meant, nodded and said, "In addition to Ming Chuan, Lang Shiming's must also be screened, including Zhu Heping, whose whereabouts are unknown."

  Luo Bixin nodded slowly.

  She has a very clear intuition: the murderer, inside the person.

  Turning her head to look at Huang Xiaorong, who had been silent, Luo Bixin said, "Small, is there a problem?"

  When her name was suddenly mentioned, Huang Xiaorong came back to her senses and quickly said, "What?"

  Luo Bixin looked at her helplessly.

  The suspension of her own master seems to have an impact on Huang Xiaorong.

  Fang Ze took over the conversation and repeated it: "At the scene of Li Zhuo, the suspect's hair was found and compared."

  "Ah no problem, no problem"

  Huang Xiaorong nodded quickly.

  After Mingchuan was suspended, she became the only full-time forensic doctor at the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  Others, prefer trace sample detection.

  Although Fang Ze's ability in this regard

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  Stronger, but such a small thing, naturally can't let him do it.

  He has more important things.

  Luo Bixin retracted his gaze, turned his head and said, "And Li Zhuo's assistant, Zhang Lei."

  The new name surprised Fang Ze: "What's wrong with her?"

  Luo Bixin explained: "When I went to Li Zhuo's clinic to investigate a few days ago, I found that the relationship between Zhang Lei and Li Zhuo seemed unusual."


  Fang Ze was surprised: "She also has short hair for cheating in marriage"

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