What caught my eye was a short-haired man with a trace of vicissitudes on his face, who was past middle age.

  Lang Shiming glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "It's Mingchuan's colleague, please come in, come in."

  Turning around and walking into the room, Lang Shiming said as he walked, "Oh, I'm in a mess here, don't take it offense, just sit down and I'll pour water for you."

  "Professor Lang, don't bother."

  Ming Chuan smiled politely and looked at it as he walked.

  The room is very large, and there are transparent glass boxes with insects everywhere.

  It's like an insect museum here.

  "Come, come, have some tea."

  In the living room, Lang Shiming put the teacup in front of the two and smiled.

  On the sofa, Fang Ze said: "I'm really sorry for Zhao, I came to bother you without calling, so I didn't delay your business right?"

  Lang Shiming waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about, what can I do as a retired person and want someone to come and chat with me?"

  "What's the name of the two?"

  "Luo Bixin allows."

  "Fang Ze."

  After hearing these two names, Lang Shiming raised his finger: "Oh, I remember, you are the captain of the city bureau's criminal police team, that's right, police officer Fang"

  Fang Ze said: "I'm the captain of the criminal police in Yangcheng. I was temporarily transferred because of a case."

  "So it is."

  Lang Shiming nodded suddenly and said, "You're only twenty-four or five years old. Young people today are amazing, amazing."

  After chatting for a while, Lang Shiming said, "Captain Fang, Captain Luo, what's wrong with coming here today?"

  : I'm a little uncomfortable today, let's watch the fourth update.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 169 Lang Shiming's speech [1]

  Luo Bixin did not speak, but looked at Fang Ze.

  There are a lot of things to ask, where to start: It is a point worth thinking about.

  From Zhu Jiamu to Mingchuan, to say who knows them best in this world is probably only Lang Shiming in front of them.

  So, should I ask Zhu Jiamu and Zhu Heping's past first, or should we focus on Ming Chuan's life experience? Fang Ze seemed to be ready and said directly, "Professor Lang, we are here for the life experience of Ming Chuan teacher."

  "Ming Chuan's Life"

  Hearing Fang Ze's words, Lang Shiming was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "I knew there would be such a day, I thought I could hide it, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape."

  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other.

  It seems that there is indeed a secret in the middle.

  At least, Lang Shiming knew something, but he never said it.

  Lang Shiming looked at the two and said, "Ming Chuan has told you all about his life experience."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "He has already said that his father is Zhu Heping."

  Hearing this, Lang Shiming shook his head with helplessness in his expression.

  Fang Ze continued: "Professor Lang, since you knew Ming Chuan's background from the beginning, why didn't you say it before?"

  For Fang Ze, this is a suspicious point.

  You should either say something about your life experience, or you don't say it at all.

  When the investigation of the mummification case gradually deepened, and all the suspects pointed to Mingchuan, Lang Shiming suddenly disclosed Mingchuan's life experience.

  What was the result? Zhu Heping entered everyone's attention and was suspected of committing a major crime.

  Isn't this strange? Fang Ze personally doesn't think it's a coincidence.

  So he had to ask the question.

  Of course, every normal person would be puzzled by this, and Lang Shiming wouldn't find it abrupt.

  He didn't think much, and replied directly: "I'm not doing this for him, okay?"

  "You think, Ming Chuan is going to be a policeman. Once someone finds out that his biological father goes abroad to take revenge, it's not a trivial matter."

  "If Zhu Heping really killed someone, how could Ming Chuan be a policeman?"

  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  This worry is not wrong.

  To become a police officer requires a political review, not only can you not have a criminal record, but also your immediate family members.

  Otherwise, the political trial will be repelled.

  Lang Shiming's concealment is reasonable.

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze said, "Professor Lang, are you willing to say it now?"

  Lang Shiming said: "That day, Mingchuan and himself became inexplicably a suspect in a murder case."

  "At that time, I felt something was wrong, and there was always a very bad feeling in my heart."

  "I can't hide it from him anymore, I have to tell him everything one by one."

  Fang Ze asked, "He didn't tell you what kind of murder case was."

  Lang Shiming shook his head and said, "He didn't say this, but if he can suspect him, it must have something to do with the past."

  "Fang team, is Ming Chuan alright now?"

  Having said that, he began to care about Mingchuan's current situation.

  A police officer has become a suspect in a murder case, and the blow is not too big for the person involved.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze was silent, after glancing at Lang Shiming, he picked up the teacup in front of him.

  Meanwhile, he was thinking.

  Not thinking about Lang Shiming's words, but thinking about why Lang Shiming said these words.

  The other party explained why they had to hide it.

  Explains why it is public.

  It also vaguely explained the murder, which is likely to be related to Ming Chuan's life experience, and it is still before the facts of the case are known.

  It was as if Lang Shiming had already thought out all the words before they arrived.

  At least Fang Ze couldn't find any flaws.

  Everything can be "reasonable"

  Four words to explain.

  After putting down the teacup, Fang Ze pressed the matter in his heart and said, "Professor Lang, don't worry, Mr. Mingchuan is only under investigation, we have no suspicion that he is the murderer, it's just a routine procedure."

  "After the case is solved, Mr. Ming Chuan will be reinstated."

  After the political trial, if a relative commits a crime in the police career, as long as it is proved that the police officer has nothing to do with the crime, it will not affect him.

  Hearing this sentence, Lang Shiming nodded reassuringly.

  As long as it doesn't affect Ming Chuan's career, it's better than anything else.

  As for the murder, Lang Shiming never believed that Ming Chuan did it.

  Looking at the child growing up, he knows Ming Chuan better than anyone else, and the other party is not the kind of person who knows the law and breaks the law.

  Talking here, Fang Ze's topic changed: "By the way, Professor Lang, when you went abroad to look for Zhu Heping, didn't you find it?"

  Speaking of the past, Lang Shiming sighed again.

  These things were unforgettable for him in his life.

  He opened his mouth and said, "Of course I found it, but he didn't listen to my persuasion at all. He wanted to find out the truth of the teacher's death. I couldn't stop him."

  Fang Ze nodded and suddenly asked, "If some of the members of the scientific expedition team died, would he have done it?"

  As soon as these words came out, Lang Shiming's face changed, and he said, "The deceased who died in the murder case was the expedition team member who entered the desert."

  Fang Ze stared at Lang Shiming for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes."

  This Lang Shiming's quick response is a bit excessive.

  After being affirmed, Lang Shiming took a deep breath and said, "No wonder Ming Chuan is suspected, so it is."

  "It is very likely that it is Zhu Heping!"

  "He is bent on revenge for the teacher. Once he finds out the truth and finds the addresses of these people, he will not let it go!"

  After speaking, Lang Shiming looked a little sad, mixed with regret.

  He and Zhu Heping were as close as brothers, and when he saw his friend commit such a heinous crime, he naturally couldn't keep his peace.

  Fang Ze didn't speak any more at this moment.

  He had a question he didn't ask, and he didn't tell anyone.

  Zhu Heping went abroad to investigate nearly [-] years ago. Even if he wanted to take revenge, would he have to wait so long?

  The first victim of the mummification case has only appeared in recent years.

  And the people of that era, with backward technology, could not complete such a perfect killing method at all.

  Could it be that in the past [-] years, in addition to investigating people, Zhu Heping has been learning to charge and prepare for murder?

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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