Chapter 170 Fang Ze's Doubt [2]

  Fang Ze originally wanted to ask if Lang Shiming knew the true cause of Zhu Jiamu's death, but he finally gave up.

  Now that things have developed, this issue is no longer important.

  All the people involved are dead, and the murderer has done what he wanted.

  The facts of the case are already obvious, the murderer must be seeking revenge for Zhu Jiamu.

  So what happened to the murders that happened in Penghai before? What did the murderer want to hide? What happened to Li Zhuo's death? The person who killed Li Zhuo wanted to hide what intuition he wanted to tell Fang Ze. There are many things they don't know.

  The mummification case may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

  Among them, there should be more complex secrets.

  These questions lingered in Fang Ze's mind, and after a short period of thought without results, he subconsciously wanted to take out a cigarette.

  But realizing it was in someone else's house, I gave up.

  After seeing Fang Ze's actions, Lang Shiming guessed his needs and said with a smile: "Captain Fang doesn't need to be cautious, I have it here."

  After finishing speaking, Lang Shiming took out a box of cigarettes from the drawer of the coffee table and handed one to Fang Ze.

  "Thank you."

  Fang Ze was not polite, he took it and set it on fire.

  Luo Bixin glanced at Fang Ze, knowing that the other party must have doubts and couldn't figure it out.

  After letting out a breath of cigarette, Fang Ze said, "Professor Lang, when you returned to China to pick up Mingchuan, was he already adopted?"

  Lang Shiming also nodded to himself, nodded and said: "Yes, I promised Zhu Hepin that I would take good care of Mingchuan, so the first thing after returning to China was to rush to the Global Village Welfare Institute."

  Fang Ze said: "It seems that Zhu Hepin no longer intends to live a normal life before going abroad."

  If not, the other party will not decisively send his son to the orphanage.

  "Oh, well said."

  Lang Shiming sighed and said, "At that time, Zhu Hepin chose to go abroad for revenge, so Mingchuan was fostered in the orphanage."

  "When I went to pick up Ming Chuan, I found that he had been adopted by the Ming family."

  "They are good people, so I'm relieved."

  "I grew up with Ming Chuan for more than [-] years and taught him a lot of things. Fortunately, he has finally grown up and is now on his own."

  Speaking of this, Lang Shiming couldn't help but sigh.

  Time flies so fast, and the things that happened more than [-] years ago are still fresh in my memory, as if it happened yesterday.

  It's really a not-so-good memory, too unforgettable.

  He lost his teacher, and in disguise he lost his friend.

  At this time, Luo Bixin couldn't help but speak.

  Professor Lang, it's not easy for you, for the sake of a promise, you have been with me till now."

  Lang Shiming's character design has become less and less like the murderer of the mummy case in Luo Bixin.

  In the car, Fang Ze said that the possibility of [-] was a bit exaggerated.

  Suspicions still exist, but the likelihood is low.

  Hearing Luo Refill's words, Lang Shiming smiled and said, "My teacher is like a father to me, and his grandson is my son."

  The two were silent.

  Leaving aside the case, the Mingchuan incident alone is enough to show that Lang Shiming is a kind and righteous person.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But on the other hand, the deeper the relationship with Zhu Jiamu, the greater the suspicion of committing the crime.

  After the three of them chatted again for a while, Fang Ze prepared to leave.

  But before that, he asked the last question: "Professor Lang, Mingchuan's psychology, stress disorder, do you know?"

  Lang Shiming nodded and said, "Of course I know, Dr. Li was introduced to him by me."

  Speaking of Mingchuan's psychological problems, Lang Shiming sighed: "The experience of being abandoned as a child had a great impact on Mingchuan, and it is no wonder that he caused stress disorders."

  Fang Ze pondered slightly and said, "Professor Lang, what happened to Ming Chuan's memory disappearance when he was a child?"

  "You know this too"

  Lang Shiming looked at Fang Ze in surprise and said, "I asked Dr. Li, it should be selective forgetting."

  "Bad memories, forgetting maybe it's not a bad thing for Mingchuan."

  Fang Ze was silent.

  For each question, Lang Shiming's answer was basically the same as what he thought.

  That is, he didn't get any useful new clues.

  0 This can only mean: either Lang Shiming has no problem at all.

  Either he has a big problem.

  "Professor Lang, I'm really bothering you today."

  Fang Ze got up and said.

  Lang Shiming also stood up and said with a smile: "Captain Fang, don't be polite, since he is Mingchuan's colleague, there are no outsiders, and there will be things in the future.

  You can come here to find me anytime, I am usually there and rarely go out."

  "Okay, then let's go first."

  "I'll send it to you."

  "No, no, you stay."

  On the way back, Luo Bixin drove very slowly and asked, "How did you get anything?"

  Fang Ze leaned against the co-pilot and said lazily, "Basically not, why do I feel like Lang Shiming knew we were coming."

  "Huh? What does that mean"

  Luo Bixin was puzzled.

  Fang Ze straightened his body and said, "You think, we came here because of Ming Chuan's life experience. He was not surprised at all and told us in detail."

  "He doesn't know about the mummified corpse case, but just because Ming Chuan was investigated, he can think of what happened in the past. This thinking is so powerful that I may not do it."

  "When I proposed the murderer hypothesis, he immediately said that the murderer was probably Zhu Hepin, and gave his own analysis."

  "Is this normal"

  After listening to Fang Ze's words carefully, Luo Bixin said: "It's okay, after all, he is a professor, and his IQ is definitely not low. It's not surprising to think of this."

  Fang Ze said: "Not necessarily, there are specialties in the art industry, and people's thinking habits are fixed, especially at Lang Shiming's age."

  "Under the premise that he has no experience in solving cases, Lang Shiming can make such an accurate judgment. I prefer to believe that he is an insider."

  Luo Bixin held the steering wheel and looked at the road ahead, and said, "So, you still doubt Lang Shiming"

  "At the very least, he is the most suspect, but he can't give up the investigation of Zhu Hepin. As for Mingchuan, let it go, he should not be the murderer."

  At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

  Luo Bixin connected the car's Bluetooth, and Huang Man's voice echoed in the car.

  "Team Luo detected triazolam from the water in Li Wenzheng's house."

  Qifeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 171 Is this person Lang Shiming? ! 【3】

  An hour later, the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  Fang Ze flipped through the test report and said, "Do you have all the water?"

  Huang Man is a pure-looking royal sister-type beauty, wearing a police uniform even more heroic.

  Facing Fang Ze's question, she nodded and said, "All the pure water in Li Wenzheng's house, including barrels and bottles, has been tested to contain a large amount of triazolam."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze put down the test report, and after a little pondering, he turned to look at Luo Bixin: "If I remember correctly, in the mummification case, the drug that caused the deceased to coma seems to be triazolam."

  The effects of triazolam and ether are the same, but the properties are different.

  The former is a drug prohibition, and the police have been cracking down on it.

  In many cases in the past, many women were stunned by triazolam and then raped.

  Luo Bixin also nodded: "Yes, it's triazolam, the deceased first "[-]"

  Stunned, then killed and mummified."

  After being affirmed, Fang Ze said: "It seems that my guess is correct. The murderer who killed the relevant personnel of the orphanage has actually targeted Li Wenzheng."


  Luo Bixin said: "The dramatic thing is that before he started, Li Wenzheng was killed by Wang Yihan, which was indirectly doing the murderer a favor."

  After hearing the two people's analysis, Huang Man shook his head helplessly and said, "This Wang Yihan is also quite unlucky. If it hadn't been an accident and Li Wenzheng had been hanged, he might not have been imprisoned."

  Luo Bixin obviously knew more about Li Wenzheng's case, she said, "Wang Yihan is a very naive person, thinking that he and Li Wenzheng have a good relationship, the other party really treats him as a son"

  "Li Qiao is Li Wenzheng's biological son. No matter how much disputes there are, it won't change this fact."

  "It's ridiculous. A plumber can really talk about borrowing money from customers."

  Huang Man felt the same way and said: "Li Wenzheng gave Wang Yihan too many illusions, and often said that his son was too much worse than him."

  "And Wang Yihan has no relatives or friends, so he is alone. Facing Li Wenzheng, he should feel like he has found a home."

  "Unfortunately, outsiders are outsiders after all."

  "No matter how bad your son is, he is still his own son after all."

  The words of the two fell in Fang Ze's ears and did not arouse his interest.

  Wang Yihan is no longer important, killing Li Wenzheng by mistake is just an episode that has nothing to do with the mummification case.

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