What he needs to know now is who added a powerful drug-triazolam to Li Wenzheng's water.

  From the point of view of the modus operandi, the other party and the murderer of the mummification case are exactly the same, and there is a high probability that they are the same person.

  Here comes the problem.

  It was Wang Yihan who delivered the water. How did the other party get in the water? First of all, Li Wenzheng could not be the only customer of Wang Yihan, so the water delivery would be random.

  And the murderer, it is impossible to add triazolam to all the water.

  Unless he can be sure, the water Wang Yihan sent to Li Wenzheng was the water with triazolam added.

  How can I be sure? Thinking of this, Fang Ze raised his head, interrupted the conversation between the two, and said, "When will this Wang Yihan usually deliver water to Li Wenzheng?"

  Luo Bixin turned his head and said, "It's basically after 5:[-]:[-] pm, which is also the time to get off work."

  "Because Wang Yihan used to learn to press:.

  Li Wenzheng's cervical spine is not good, every time after the water is delivered, Wang Yihan will give Li Wenzheng a massage."

  "This is also the main reason for the growing relationship between the two."

  Hearing Luo Refill's words, Fang Ze said slowly, "In other words, Li Wenzheng is Wang Yihan's last customer every day."


  Luo Bixin nodded, "Li Wenzheng will be put at the end every day, so that there is enough time to talk to Li Wenzheng.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  We're chatting and having a massage."

  Fang Ze got up, looked at Huang Man and said, "Have you checked the surveillance?"

  "Not yet, I'm about to check."

  "Call it out, I'll check it myself."

  "it is good."

  Twenty minutes later, the Internet Supervision Section of the Municipal Bureau.

  There is no camera near Li Wenzheng's house, but at the monitoring point on the other side, it can be seen vaguely.

  "It's him! Xiao Zhang, stop."

  It was Luo Bixin who spoke, she pointed at the figure in the picture, and spoke coldly.

  It can be seen that after Wang Yihan stopped the tricycle, he did not move the water immediately, but went upstairs first.

  Then, a man came from a distance and lingered in front of the tricycle for a few minutes.

  After a while, Wang Yihan came out of the corridor and lifted the water in the car.

  It seems that Wang Yihan has developed the habit of going up and saying hello to Li Wenzheng before delivering water.

  Maybe it's to ask about demand, maybe it's something else.

  In short, this gap gave the suspects ample opportunity to commit crimes.

  The picture is still, and it freezes on the man. 0 "Zoom in."

  Fang Ze spoke softly.

  Xiaozhang enlarges the picture, but the pixels are getting blurry.

  The man was wearing a black trench coat and hat, and he couldn't see his face at all.

  Only the size and height can be discerned vaguely.

  Coupled with too low pixels, it is difficult to get any useful clues in the picture.

  In Fang Ze's eyes at this moment, the man under surveillance and Lang Shiming almost overlap.

  Luo Bixin turned his head and said, "Can you analyze the height and weight?"

  She couldn't see it, but she believed that Fang Ze would know.

  Fang Ze did not reply immediately, but said to Xiao Zhang, "Have you checked the monitoring of the community where Li Zhuo lives?"

  Xiao Zhang said: "That... the monitoring of the community is not within the scope of the city bureau's network. Xiao Bai has already gone to adjust it. He should be back soon."

  "Let's go and wait for him to come back."

  After speaking, Fang Ze turned around and left the Supervision Section.

  Behind him, Luo Bixin quickly followed.

  two hours later.

  In the lounge, Luo Bixin brought Fang Ze a cup of tea and said, "It's past seven o'clock, why isn't Xiaobai coming back?"

  Fang Ze picked up the teacup: "Have you called?"

  Luo Bixin said: "It has already been beaten, and he said he is still investigating."

  "After all, the time of Li Zhuo's death is different from the time when the murderer was present. It may take a little more effort."


  Fang Ze nodded and glanced at his phone.

  Nineteen ninety nine.

  Ten minutes later, footsteps sounded.

  "Fang team, found it."

  Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door and walked quickly into 0.

  9 In the lounge, he handed a photo to Fang Ze and said, "A man in a black trench coat entered the corridor of his house before Li Zhuo died."

  Fang Ze took it and glanced at it.

  The person in the picture is the same as the person who appeared downstairs in Li Wenzheng.

  "Height 184.

  Body between 75 and 80"

  Fang Ze recited a sentence in silence, then slowly got up and said, "Go, go and bring Lang Shiming over."

  "Who are you talking about Lang Shiming?"

  "This person is Lang Shiming!"

  At this moment, Fang Ze's phone rang suddenly.

  He glanced at it subconsciously, his face slightly condensed.

  Caller ID: Lang Shiming.

  Before leaving this afternoon, Fang Ze had left his phone number! In order to let Lang Shiming remember something, he would be informed at any time

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 172 The murderer of the mummification case [4]

  Fang Ze turned on the speakerphone.

  Before he could speak, Lang Shiming's voice sounded: "Fang team, Zhu Heping is out, go to the seaside wooden house at No. 86 Taoyuan Road, Guangming City"

  I don't know if it's because of the bad signal, the sound is intermittent and there is a hint of weakness.

  Lang Shiming seems to be injured.

  Before Fang Ze could say anything, the phone hung up.

  Next to him, Luo Bixin, who heard the content of the phone call, changed his face and said, "Zhu Heping has appeared! Does he want to kill Professor Lang to silence him?"

  Fang Ze looked at the phone that had been hung up, both puzzled and surprised.

  Although I don't know what happened, but a new situation arises, we must rush to the scene as quickly as possible.

  If Lang Shiming is really in a dangerous situation, rescue needs to be timely.

  However, from Penghai Municipal Bureau to Guangming City, it will take three, three and four hours at least.

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze immediately opened his mouth and said, "Refill, call Captain Miyagi Palace immediately and ask him to bring someone over first."

  "it is good!"

  Without any hesitation, Luo Bixin immediately picked up the phone, walked aside, and dialed Miyagi's number.

  Fang Ze looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai 09, inform Team Ding and them that we are going to Guangming City!"


  Jiang Xiaobai, who knew that the situation was urgent, immediately.

  Taking orders, he quickly left the lounge.

  A minute later, Luo Bixin hung up the phone, turned around and said, "Senior brother has been notified, and he is now bringing someone to prepare to go there."

  "Okay, let's go too."

  Ten minutes later, at the entrance of the Penghai Municipal Bureau, several police cars sounded their sirens and galloped towards Guangming City.

  The news of Zhu Heping's sudden appearance undoubtedly caused a huge shock in the criminal police team.

  If nothing else, this person should be the real murderer of the mummification case.

  He killed all the expedition team members who survived that year, and the purpose was to avenge his father! And the test results from Huang Xiaorong came out.

  The evidence points directly to Zhu Heping.

  Inside the police car leading the way, Fang Ze said, "Team D, are you sure it's Zhu Heping?"

  Ding Chunqiu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, nodded and said, "After checking the hair, it is certain that the third person who appeared in Li Zhuo's house is Zhu Heping."

  Hearing this, a big question appeared in Fang Ze's mind: what did Zhu Heping kill Li Zhuo for? His purpose was just to avenge Zhu Jiamu, and Li Zhuo had nothing to do with this matter at all.

  Beside him, Luo Bixin said, "Are you thinking, why did Zhu Heping kill Li Zhuo?"


  Fang Ze nodded.

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