Ding Chunqiu looked back and said, "Will it be the same as the deceased in the Global Village Welfare Institute?"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "No."

  "If the murderer of the mummification case is Zhu Heping, then the people in the global village orphanage will be silenced in order to cover up their identity."

  "The incident of the scientific expedition team decades ago is not a secret. If you want to check it, you can easily find it."

  "And Mingchuan at that time was originally named Yi."

  "When we began to suspect Ming Chuan, we first checked his life experience. Then, as Ming Chuan's biological father, Zhu Heping would gradually be exposed to the police's sight."

  "From that perspective, the motivation is obvious."

  "But I can't think of why he wanted to kill Li Zhuo for the time being.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  what is"

  Fang Ze's words echoed in the car, causing both Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu to ponder.

  Yep, this point doesn't make sense.

  After a while, Luo Bixin said, "Perhaps Professor Lang can solve our doubts."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly, "Maybe."

  During the chat, the police car drove very fast.

  Four hours later, on a certain coast in Guangming City, there was a cliff wooden house.

  The police car could not drive up, Fang Ze and others changed to walking and came here quickly.

  At this time, the police in Guangming City were still at the scene, collecting evidence, and busy figures could be seen everywhere.

  Lang Shiming is also there.

  He appears to be seriously injured, and medical staff are giving him simple treatment.

  "The liver has ruptured in many places, the injury is too serious, and it must be operated immediately!"

  Someone spoke up.

  "Quick, get in the car!"

  Before Fang Ze and others approached, Lang Shiming was already carried on a stretcher by several people and rushed to the ambulance down the mountain.


  With the sound, a man in his thirties walked quickly.


  Luo Bixin showed a smile.

  This person is the captain of the criminal police team of Guangming City Bureau, Miyagi.

  Miyagi Chongluo nodded, then looked at Fang Ze beside him.

  "Square Team"

  Fang Ze nodded: "It's me."

  "Hello, hello, we finally meet."

  Miyagi opened his mouth with a smile and stretched out his hand towards Fang Ze.

  After the two shook hands, Miyagi said: "Let's stop talking, you come with me."

  Although it was the first time we met, it was obviously not the time for small talk. The first task was to investigate the scene.

  Before coming to the wooden house on the top of the cliff, Miyagi pointed to the distance and said, "Professor Lang said before he passed out that Zhu Heping jumped off the cliff."

  Everyone looked in the direction Miyagi pointed.

  Fang Ze glanced at it, then retracted his gaze, and asked directly, "Where's the murder weapon?"

  The point is in one sentence.

  Miyagi was naturally not surprised by Fang Ze's ability, and replied, "I'm still looking for it, but I haven't found it yet."

  "It is estimated that Zhu Heping jumped with him."

  Fang Ze said: "In other words, don't even think about checking fingerprints."


  Miyagi nodded and said: "However, at the scene, Zhu Heping's blood was found, and we can correct it."

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then turned his head: "Go and help."


  Except for Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu, all the police officers in Penghai scattered, looking for all suspicious traces.

  Fang Ze continued to ask, "Is there any gain?"


  Mentioning this matter, Miyagi looked solemn, turned around and took a notebook handed over by the police officer of Guangming City.

  "what is this"

  "You'll know when you look at it."

  Fang Ze took it over and turned it over, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  In the notebook, all the victims of the mummification case and the killing methods were recorded in great detail.

  Moreover, there are still undiscovered dead people who are abroad.

  It is already certain that Zhu Heping is the real murderer of the mummification case! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 173 Which Girlfriend? 【5】

  "It seems that Zhu Hepin returned to China for revenge."

  Miyagi spoke up.

  Fang Ze did not speak.

  There are still a lot of doubts at the moment, and I need to ask Lang Shiming after he wakes up.

  "The confrontation of the bloodstains must be quick."

  Miyagi nodded and said, "Don't worry, the result will be available tonight. If there is no accident, it should be Zhu Hepin."

  Subsequently, several people also joined the scene to investigate, hoping to find clues that would help the case progress.

  The environment here is relatively simple, basically some weeds and bushes.

  In addition, it is now night, and the difficulty of searching has also increased a lot.

  But several people did not give up because of this, and carefully checked every corner and gradually expanded the search circle.

  Police dogs were also dispatched.

  Specially trained police dogs are still very sensitive to blood, which is unmatched by humans.

  Time passed little by little, and the exploration work was carried out intensely.

  One night has passed.

  When the first ray of morning light hit the earth, Fang Ze and others gathered together.

  The search continued for ten full hours! However, nothing new was found.

  Miyagi said a little tiredly: "Although no new clues have been found, the case has finally made a major breakthrough."

  "I think it's better to wait until Lang Shiming wakes up."

  Lang Shiming's injury is not light, whether he can wake up or not is actually a matter of two things.

  Fang Ze agreed with Miyagi's words and nodded.

  There are too many questions right now.

  Why did Zhu Hepin suddenly appear and why did they attack Lang Shiming? Are they not very good friends? And although Lang Shiming did not adopt Mingchuan, he has been taking care of him for so many years and treating him as his own child.

  This is no ordinary kindness.

  Regardless of

  From any point of view, Zhu and Pin have no reason to hurt Lang Shiming.

  If there is no way to prove it, Lang Shiming can only tell it himself.

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze said, "Let me inform Ming Chuan, Professor Lang's status in his heart is still very high."

  Luo Bixin nodded: "Okay."

  Fang Ze turned around and said to Ding Chunqiu, "Everyone worked so hard last night. They all went back to eat and sleep. I canceled the punch-in today after work, and said I approved it."

  Sleepless nights and intense work are a lot of load for normal people.

  The combination of work and rest is the premise of ensuring work.


  Ding Chunqiu nodded.

  At this time, Miyagi said: "Fang team, don't go back to Penghai, just stay here, Lang Shiming needs to ask questions."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze looked at Luo Bixin, who nodded.

  "OK then."

  2:[-]:[-] PM, a restaurant in Guangming City.

  Fang Ze, Luo Bixin and Miyagi are eating here.

  After taking a nap in the morning, I was exhausted, but my mind was still a little groggy.

  "Fang team, you can't drink during work. I use tea instead of wine to celebrate the first meeting."

  Miyagi raised his teacup and opened his mouth with a smile.

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