
  Lang Shiming sighed deeply and said in a weak voice: "

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  Last night, I suddenly received a call from Zhu Hepin"

  "He asked me to meet at the cabin in Guangming City."

  "It was there that I saw Zhu Hepin's detailed murder notes!"

  "Murder Note!"

  Ming Chuan's face changed again.

  Those people, really Zhu and Pinshou Fang Ze and the others looked at each other without making a sound, and listened quietly.

  Lang Shiming continued: "In the notes, the people who Zhu Hepin killed in the past few years were recorded in detail, including the time of the killing, the location of the killing, and the method of killing."

  "The first victim was killed abroad. That person was also a member of the scientific expedition team that year."

  "And your global village orphanage, Yang Shuang, Li Wenzheng and others, all used to work in the orphanage."

  "In order not to let the police find out, he simply chose to kill and silence."


  Having said this, Lang Shiming sighed again and said, "I advised him to surrender, but he didn't listen at all, hatred has already blinded his eyes."

  "Zhu Jiamu's death, he counted everything on others' heads, what a crime."

  After quietly listening to Lang Shiming's words, Ming Chuan was silent for a while, and said, "Since he killed those people, why did he still shoot at you?"

  Lang Shiming said slowly: "When I returned from studying abroad and went to the orphanage to pick you up, you were adopted by the Ming family. I told him all this."

  "Say you're doing well, don't worry. Later, we broke down."

  "Maybe I angered him by persuading him to turn himself in. More importantly, he blamed me for revealing your background."

  Ming Chuan understood.

  The reason why Zhu Hepin killed the people in the orphanage was to cover up the truth about his life experience.

  However, Lang Shiming directly exposed the truth, and the original murder and silence became completely useless.

  Zhu Hepin's mood was out of control, but it was normal.

  "and then"

  Mingchuan asked.

  Lang Shiming said: "I later had a dispute with Zhu Hepin and was stabbed by him with a knife."

  "When I chased out, I saw him jumping into the sea. I don't know if I found him now."

  After speaking, Lang Shiming looked at Fang Ze and the others.

  Miyagi said: "I haven't found it yet, I have already searched the surrounding waters comprehensively, but it is unlikely."

  The meaning is obvious.

  Zhu Hepin is likely to be buried at the bottom of the sea.

  Hearing this, Lang Shiming slowly closed his eyes and sighed for the third time.


  : Seeing that there are readers discussing Li Wenzheng in the book review area, I will tell the readers of the non-original drama party.

  First of all, the mummy case is a case that runs through the original drama, and it must be written, but I don't want to copy it, it has been shortened a lot, and I almost skipped directly to the end.

  A lot of people died in this case, and I took them all in one stroke. I only explained that the later deceased were all related to the orphanage.

  Even so, it can be understood if it is not at a glance.

  I have mentioned the welfare home and Li Wenzheng more than once, obviously.

  After all, it is a broken text, and there are many details. Once ignored, it may cause confusion.

  However, there is no need to go to a TV show for this case.

  For the original drama party who liked this book: the case may have to be adapted.

  It's just possible, I'll reconsider

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 175 Delay in closing the case [1]

  Because Lang Shiming's physical state was still unstable, the inquiry did not last long.

  Basically, Ming Chuan and Lang Shiming were talking, and Fang Ze and the others didn't interrupt.

  Ten minutes later, several people left the intensive care unit.

  What should be asked, Mingchuan has already asked.

  What should be said, Lang Shiming also finished.

  Although Fang Ze had doubts, he knew that he would not get an answer from Lang Shiming.

  In the hospital corridor, Miyagi was silent for a while, then said: "It seems that the murderer should be Zhu Hepin."

  Luo Bixin nodded subconsciously.

  Fang Ze did not speak.

  The blood test results have already come out, and after the comparison, it is indeed Zhu Hepin.

  On the scene of Li Zhuo, the hair left behind still came from Zhu Hepin.

  It can be said that all the evidence now points to Zhu Hepin.

  According to normal procedures, although the other party has not been found yet, and his life and death are uncertain, it is enough to close the case.

  Miyagi seemed to relax a lot, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally put down.

  This case has been going on for too long.

  Over the years, he has been under a lot of pressure.

  Now that the case has progressed to this point, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze who did not speak, knew what he was thinking, and said: "Fang Ze, although there are still doubts in the case, these doubts can only be known through Zhu Hepin, if you can't find him."

  Fang Ze didn't respond to Luo Bixin, but looked at Miyagi and said, "The palace team, the city bureau is ready to close the case."

  Miyagi nodded and said, "We had a meeting before we came."

  "After two days of searching by boats and helicopters, no trace of Zhu Hepin was found. We judged that he should be dead."

  "Chen Bureau means to close the case."

  Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "In this way, write down the statement just now and ask Professor Lang to sign it."

  Hearing this, Miyagi nodded.

  This is the normal procedure that has to be followed.

  Confessions are not only for suspects, but also for relevant citizens.

  "I'm going to see Bureau Chen."

  "it is good."

  After speaking, Fang Ze turned to look at Mingchuan and asked, "Mr. Mingchuan, are you going to stay in Guangming City?"


  Ming Chuan nodded, "Professor Lang just finished surgery, I must be by his side."

  "Well then, if you have anything, feel free to contact me."

  An hour later, the Guangming Municipal Bureau, the director's office.

  "Fang Ze, I don't know what kind of blessing Lao Xu has, but to have a police captain like you, I'm really envious."

  Chen Huaiyuan is a capable middle-aged man. He poured a glass of water for Fang Ze himself and said with a smile.

  As soon as these words came out, Miyagi looked embarrassed and looked at Chen Huaiyuan resentfully.

  This is the Guangming Municipal Bureau, and I am the captain of Guangming City. You really don't give any face when you say such things in front of me.

  Fortunately, there are no outsiders, otherwise I would have to decline significantly

  Luo Bixin glanced at Miyagi and snickered.

  Fang Ze hurriedly got up and took the teacup, saying: "Muse, in front of you, I still have a lot of things to learn."

  The other's modesty and respect for the elders made Chen Huaiyuan feel better, and Fang Ze became more pleasing to the eye.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "How is Lao Xu in good health now?"

  "Thanks to you, everything is fine."

  "Let him drink less, how's the case over there?"

  "No idea yet."

  "Hey, it's no wonder, after all, after more than ten years, if it really doesn't work, let it go for a while."

  After chatting for a while, Chen Huaiyuan said, "This time, I shouldn't just look at me."

  "Tell me, if there is anything you can help me, I will definitely help."

  Chen Huaiyuan naturally understands the principle of going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.

  Mentioning this matter, Fang Ze pondered slightly, and said, "Chen Bureau, regarding the mummification case, I think it's better not to close the case first."

  Hearing this, Chen Huaiyuan put down the teacup and said, "Why?"

  Miyagi and Luo Bixin also looked over.

  Fang Ze said: "Because there is still a possibility that Zhu Hepin is not the murderer."

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