When he said this, Fang Ze didn't hesitate.

  Although it was possible, there was a hint of certainty in his tone.

  Luo Bixin's expressions changed slightly.

  0 Chen Huaiyuan looked at Fang Ze seriously and said, "Did you find something and tell me?"

  He still believes in Fang Ze.

  As the director, he knows a lot about the affairs of the public security system, and of course he understands how strong Fang Ze's ability is.

  The other party's words will not be pointless.

  Fang Ze said: "Chen Bureau, I won't say anything suspicious, there is no evidence to prove it, I need to investigate, I will only say what is unreasonable."

  Chen Yuanhuai didn't bother and listened silently.

  Fang Ze continued: "Before, when the refill went to check the welfare home, the relevant person died."

  "When the refill went to check on Li Zhuo, Li Zhuo died."

  "When I checked the surveillance and had huge doubts about Lang Shiming, the murderer appeared."

  "Chen Bureau, do you think it is in line with common sense?"

  Fang Ze didn't say much nonsense, and used the most concise language to tell the strange things that happened recently.

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Chen Huaiyuan frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

  After a while, he nodded and said, "That's right, it's really very strange, as if someone deliberately interfered."

  Fang Ze said: "It's not like, it's definitely someone who is preventing the police from investigating the case."

  Chen Huaiyuan said: "But didn't Lang Shiming say that it was all done by Zhu Hepin."

  Regarding this question, Fang Ze directly said four words: "There is no way to verify."

  "No way to verify"

  "I mean, there is a lack of the most direct evidence, and there is absolutely no connection to the inference, there are too many loopholes."

  Chen Huaiyuan glanced at Fang Ze and said, "What do you want to do?"

  Fang Ze said: "Delay the closure of the case and continue the investigation. Since the case has lasted for several years, it is not bad for a few days."

  "Do you have a direction?"

  Fang Ze nodded: "Yes."

  "it is good."

  Chen Huaiyuan smiled slightly and said, "I absolutely trust you when it comes to investigating the case. The resources of the Guangming Municipal Bureau are at your disposal."

  Seeing that Fang Ze seemed to want to fully intervene in this case, Chen Huaiyuan certainly couldn't ask for it.

  "Miyagi refill, fully cooperate with Captain Fang."

  "it is good."

  :Chapter 170 Banned I am appealing.

  All changed to Zhu Hemenpin to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu's novel

Today's update

  I was sealed for a chapter, and my mentality was affected. Go out for a walk and update it at night! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 176 Inquiry to Zhang Lei [2]

  On the same day, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin returned to Penghai.

  At present, there are no new clues from Lang Shiming's mouth, and the victims of the mummification case have nothing to investigate.

  The only breakthrough is in the new deceased.

  Therefore, the first person Fang Ze wants to investigate is Li Zhuo.

  Penghai Municipal Bureau, interrogation room.

  Zhang Lei sat quietly on the chair, bowed her head slightly, and looked a little nervous.

  It was the first time I was called by the police, and anyone else would do this.

  As Li Zhuo's assistant and the object of Li Zhuo's infidelity, Zhang Lei may know much more than the other's wife.

  Luo Bixin put a glass of water in front of Zhang Lei and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we're just asking routinely, nothing else."

  Zhang Lei nodded, took a sip from the cup, and calmed down a little.

  Luo Bixin turned around and sat opposite.

  Beside, standing is Fang Ze.

  After Zhang Lei finished drinking, Fang Ze said, "Ms. Zhang, do you know Ming Chuan?"

  Zhang Lei looked up at Fang Ze, nodded and said, "I know, he is a regular customer of Dr. Li, and he often comes to see Li Zhuo."

  "When was the first time"

  Zhang Lei thought for a while and said, "Da 09 was about three years ago."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze looked at Luo Bixin, who whispered, "Probably the time when the first dead person in the mummification case appeared."

  Fang Ze was thoughtful.

  At this point in time, it shouldn't be a coincidence.

  If Mingchuan has a psychological stress disorder, it is impossible not to see it with Lang Shiming's professional level.

  Early treatment and early recovery, why wait so long Fang Ze continued to ask: "Then do you know why Ming Chuan went to Li Zhuo?"

  "Well, you know, it's a psychological, stress disorder."

  Zhang Lei nodded.

  "I have a deep impression on him. When Mingchuan came to see Dr. Li before, he would spend a long time alone with Dr. Li, so I paid special attention to it."

  Fang Ze said: "How long is a long time?"

  Zhang Lei said, "About three or four hours, right."

  "so long"

  Fang Ze said in surprise: "The treatment of psychological and stress disorders is either psychological or behavioral rehabilitation, or drug treatment."

  "Both methods are very simple, why does it take so long"

  Zhang Lei took a few glances at Fang Ze, obviously not expecting a policeman to know so much about this.

  The other party is right, the treatment of psychological and stress disorders does not take so long.

  But she didn't know.

  "Dr. Li never let me participate in the treatment.

  I really don't know the specifics."

  Fang Ze didn't ask any further questions.

  Zhang Lei is just Li Zhuo's assistant. If she deliberately concealed it, she would not have known these things from Li Zhuo's mouth.

  But Li Zhuo is dead, and this question will be verified again.

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze suddenly asked, "Li Zhuoshi"

  Zhang Lei said: "PhD in psychology, I have received systematic psychology education in the UK."


  Fang Ze was surprised, "It's not easy, that is to say, he has already mastered some difficult psychological and intervention methods."

  Zhang Lei nodded and said, "Yes, he is a very good person."

  Speaking of Li Zhuo, Zhang Lei's expression was a little sad.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It can be seen that this girl should really like each other.

  Talented men are still very attractive to the opposite sex.

  Unfortunately, Li Zhuo is already married.

  But Zhang Lei did not retreat because of this, but instead became a mistress in a grand manner.

  Fang Ze said: "I don't know much about this aspect, can you tell me specifically, advanced psychology, intervention methods, and roughly what categories are there?"

  This involved Zhang Lei's professional knowledge, so she didn't think about it, and answered directly: "There are perceptual intervention, physiological intervention, decision-making intervention, comparison intervention, etc., and more complicated ones include amnestic deletion and avoidance."


  Hearing this, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, interrupting Zhang Lei's words.

  Zhang Lei raised her head and looked at Fang Ze suspiciously.

  Fang Ze took a step forward and said, "You mean, Li Zhuo has mastered the ability to delete amnestics"

  Zhang Lei blinked, nodded and said, "Yes, this is a skill that must be mastered by a super-psychologist and counselor."

  "Because many patients require amnestics to achieve optimal treatment outcomes."

  Fang Ze looked at Luo Bixin, the latter's expression was also a little solemn.

  "This is probably why Li Zhuo destroyed the Mingchuan case!"

  After getting this clue, Fang Ze turned around and left the interrogation room without asking anything else.

  Luo Bixin got up and smiled: "Thank you, Ms. Zhang, you can go back now."

  "Oh good."

  Zhang Lei breathed a sigh of relief and left quickly with her bag.

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