Fang Ze came to the inner hall of the city bureau and shouted, "Xiao Bai!"


  Hearing Fang Ze calling him, Jiang Xiaobai quickly put down his work and ran over.

  "What's the matter?"

  Fang Ze said: "Go get Ming Chuan's adoption certificate."

  "it is good."

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask more, nodded and left the hall.

  Ding Chunqiu saw that Zhang Lei's inquiry seemed to have gained 280, so he quickly got up and walked over and said, "Fang team, have you found anything?"

  Behind him, Luo Refill, who sent Zhang Lei away, also came to Fang Ze's side.

  Fang Ze said: "Li Zhuo's psychological treatment for Ming Chuan is not a stress disorder, but an amnestic deletion!"

  "I thought it was strange at the time, how could a person not remember things when he was a child, this is not in line with common sense."

  "Even if it is selective forgetting, it can't be so thorough. It turns out that the key point is here."

  Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu was surprised: "Li Zhuo deleted Ming Chuan's childhood memories"


  Fang Ze nodded.

  "Is there such a thing as a memory that can be deleted?"

  Fang Ze said: "This is a very complex psychology. There are not many people who master this ability, but there are definitely not many."

  "Nationwide, the top psychologists and counselors are still easy to find."

  Having said that, Fang Ze glanced at the two of them.

  "So, who wants to delete Ming Chuan's childhood memories?"

  "What is the purpose"

  : Today's mentality is a bit broken, and the update is blocked.

  Almost all the chapters involving Ming Chuan's father's name are banned, and have been revised and changed to Zhu Hepin.

  But still: under review.

  I'll try to write as much as possible tonight.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 177 Luo refill is messy [3]

  In the city bureau hall, Fang Ze and others are seriously analyzing this matter.

  The matter of Mingchuan's memory loss is likely to be the most critical breakthrough in this case.

  Knowing this, the case is likely to have a huge reversal.

  Luo Bixin said, "I think it would make sense if it was Zhu Hepin."

  Fang Ze and Ding Chunqiu looked at Luo Bixin.

  She continued: "You think, before he lost his memory, Ming Chuan knew his name was Zhu Yi, and he might even know Zhu Hepin."

  "And the relevant personnel of the orphanage should also know Ming Chuan's life experience, it is impossible to hide it."

  "Then, once Zhu Hepin started committing crimes, and the police found the Global Village Welfare Institute and then Mingchuan, he would definitely be able to think of his father."

  "In this case, Zhu Hepin will soon enter the police's sight and face a wanted man."

  "So, he killed the people in the orphanage, but he couldn't kill his own son, so he could only choose amnestics."

  After listening to Luo Bixin's words, Ding Chunqiu nodded.

  If you think about it this way, everything will be fine.

  Fang Ze asked back: "What should Lang Shiming do? What he knows, there are many more people than Ming Chuan and the orphanage."

  "The people in the orphanage are solved, Mingchuan's memory is solved, Lang Shiming will become the only time bomb"

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin pondered for a while, and said, "Perhaps Zhu Hepin and Lang Shiming had an agreement before, agreeing not to reveal Mingchuan's life experience."

  "But when things got to this point, Lang Shiming didn't want to hide it like that, and finally chose to break the contract."

  "That's why Zhu Hepin was furious and attacked Lang Shiming!"

  The incident of the seaside wooden house in Guangming City last night can explain this.

  Lang Shiming also mentioned that because he exposed Mingchuan's life experience, the other party's emotions were out of control.

  The clues are intertwined and it can be said to be perfect.

  In fact, that's how it should be.

  In addition, the bloodstains and hair left at the scene, there is no reason at all to overturn the argument that Zhu Hepin committed the crime.

  Fang Ze thought about it for a while, and finally realized that it seemed to be the case.

  But he opened his mouth and said, "Even so, how did Zhu Hepin find Li Zhuo? You must know that he recommended Li Zhuo to Ming Chuan, but Lang Shiming."

  Luo Bixin said: "It is not difficult to explain, Zhu Hepin is Mingchuan's biological father after all, and of course he will pay attention to him when he comes to Penghai."

  "It's not difficult to find out that Mingchuan went to a psychiatrist."

  "Perhaps it was at that time that Zhu Hepin bribed Li Zhuo and asked Li Zhuo to quietly delete his childhood memories when he performed psychological and treatment on Ming Chuan."

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin.

  This girl, today's thinking is very fast.

  Whenever she asks questions, she can always rely on Zhu Hepin, and there are basically no flaws.

  Aware of Fang Ze's gaze, Luo said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "You definitely think that the murderer is the same as the product."

  "Isn't it? Every detail is perfectly explained and there is evidence."

  "perfect explanation"

  Fang Ze recited these four words silently.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Beside him, Ding Chunqiu looked at Luo Bixin, and then at Fang Ze, and chose to remain silent.

  This pair of enemies will not be on the bar.

  Fang Ze coughed lightly and said, "Since it's a perfect explanation, then I'll tell you a more perfect story. Of course, you can interrupt me at any time."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  For this case, she really couldn't think of any other possibilities.

  Fang Ze said slowly: "Assume what I said is hypothetical, assuming that the murderer is Lang Shiming."

  At the first sentence, Luo Bixin raised his brows, but did not speak, and continued to listen.

  "More than [-] years ago, Lang Shiming went abroad to find Zhu Hepin. For some reason, he came back and decided to take revenge."

  "Vengeance for my teacher Zhu Jiamu."

  "Since it's revenge, he definitely can't bring children, so he didn't choose to adopt Mingchuan."

  "Ming Chuan, was adopted by the Ming family"

  "Since then, Lang Shiming has been preparing for revenge, investigating people, finding people, and formulating the modus operandi in detail."

  "When the time comes, the first thing he will do is to delete Ming Chuan's memory, because the other party saw him when he was in the orphanage."

  "He couldn't explain why he didn't adopt Ming Chuan, he could only do so, so he found Li Zhuo and bought it with a lot of money."

  "When Li Zhuo began to psychologically and intervene in Ming Chuan, Lang Shiming took action and killed the first person."

  "The next few days, he killed the second man, the third man"

  "Just this year, you found out about the orphanage, and Lang Shiming found out."

  "In order to cover up the truth at the time, he killed all the insiders of the orphanage."

  "The last one is Li Wenzheng, the former orphanage's archivist, but it happened that Wang Yihan helped him."

  "Later you found Li Zhuo, so Lang Shiming chose to kill Li Zhuo to cover up Ming Chuan's memory deletion."

  "When we went to visit Lang Shiming, he sensed the crisis, and he simply came here to hide the truth, draw wages from the bottom of the pot, and create a cabin incident to solve the problem at one time."

  Having said that, Fang Ze took a sip of water and smiled: "How come the story is not perfect."

  Luo Bixin stared blankly at Fang Ze, and subconsciously said, "What about blood and hair?"

  Fang Ze said: "Lang Shiming has already prepared Li Zhao, the blood is real, and the hair is real."

  "With his relationship with Zhu Hepin, it's not difficult to get these things."


  Luo Bixin was speechless.

  Thinking about it according to Fang Ze's train of thought, it seems that the same is true.

  Ding Chunqiu also widened his eyes and suddenly realized that Fang Ze really has the talent to be a screenwriter.

  Except for some unverifiable things, the process can be said to be flawless, without any doubts.

  What is the situation? Zhu Hepin is the murderer, and Lang Shiming is also the murderer Ding Chunqiu is a little confused.

  "Another point."

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "Lang Shiming is by our side, but Zhu Hepin, we have never met."

  "I even wonder if he died a long time ago, or cut off all contact with the outside world and lived alone."

  Luo pen core, completely messy

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