Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 178 Come, I will teach you [1]

  The atmosphere became a little quiet for a while.

  Fang Ze, just looked at Luo Bixin with a smile on his face.

  Luo Bixin scratched his forehead with his little finger, and the two people, Zhu Hepin and Lang Shiming, began to change in his mind.

  My own analysis of Zhu Hepin is supported by evidence, while Fang Ze's assumption of Lang Shiming is entirely based on inference.

  But this inference seems to be closer to the truth than the evidence.

  After smoothing out the mess in his mind, Luo Bixin said: "But anyway, Zhu Hepin did appear at the scene of Li Zhuo's death, and the scene of Lang Shiming's injury."

  "While your explanation is indeed possible, it is somewhat far-fetched."

  Fang Ze said: "Li Zhuo, the hair that appeared at the scene needs to be re-tested, and the small cabin incident in Guangming City is completely Lang Shiming's words and cannot be used as evidence."

  "As for the blood, it also needs to be re-tested."

  "Besides, I have asked Jiang Xiaobai to get Ming Chuan's adoption certificate."

  "Among these three things, as long as there is a problem in one, then the possibility of Zhu Hepin committing the crime can basically be overturned."

  "Certificate of Adoption"

  Luo Bixin said in surprise: "Why do you want Mingchuan's adoption certificate?"

  Fang Ze said: "Didn't Lang Shiming say that, when he returned to China, he found that 293 Mingchuan had been adopted."

  "Assuming Lang Shiming is the murderer, then the matter of being adopted needs to be investigated."

  "Maybe Lang Shiming took Ming Chuan away before Ming Chuan was adopted."

  "It is precisely because of this that Lang Shiming needs to find someone to delete Ming Chuan's childhood memories."

  At this time, Ding Chunqiu interjected: "If this is the case, it is fortunate that Mr. Mingchuan did not participate in the mummification case, otherwise the case would really become an unsolved case."

  Ding Chunqiu's words made Fang Ze nod, quite agreeing.

  If Mingchuan is involved in the case, then all these clues will no longer exist.

  If you want to investigate the murderer of the mummified case, the difficulty will increase several times.

  However, Skynet is sloppy and not leaking, and the unsolved case is not.

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Luo Bixin seemed to understand the direction of the other party's investigation.

  "You want to check the handwriting on the adoption certificate first"


  Fang Ze nodded, approvingly, and looked at Luo Bixin.

  The other party finally reacted.

  Luo Bixin thought for a moment and said, "But it is also possible that the Ming family went to adopt it."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Yes, there is such a possibility."

  "It's investigation, that's it, no one can be sure until the result comes out."

  "What we can do is to make all the unknown things known, and the truth will gradually emerge."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  "Then you just said hair and blood"

  When it came to this question, Fang Ze pondered a little, turned his head and shouted, "Huang Man."

  "Hey, here we come."

  Hearing Fang Ze calling him, Huang Man raised his head and walked over.

  Looking at the tall and short-haired beauty in front of him, Fang Ze said with a chuckle:"

  Huang Man nodded: "Yes, what is the team?"


  Fang Ze also stood up and said, "Use professional means and machines to re-examine the hair found at the scene of Li Zhuo's case."

  Huang Mandao: "Okay, is there a point?"

  It can be seen that Huang Man is indeed a very good policewoman.

  People are beautiful and smart. The way of questioning can make Fang Ze feel comfortable.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Explain too much.


  Fang Ze nodded: "Other residues can be ignored, and the focus is on detecting the age of hair growth. The error does not need to be precise, it can be within ten years."

  "no problem."

  Huang Man nodded and turned to go to the laboratory.

  This is a resolute woman.

  "You guys are busy first, I'll go to the forensic department."

  "I brought back some samples of the blood left at the hut, and now I'm going to see what's going on."

  "it is good."

  Ding Chunqiu and Luo Bixin nodded.

  Within the forensic department.

  "Little Rong."

  Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered.

  Huang Xiaorong was startled, she was playing with her phone while eating.

  Fang Ze came in suddenly, so that she almost threw the phone out.

  "Square team."

  Huang Xiaorong quickly swallowed the food, got up and spoke, looking at him timidly.

  Seeing Huang Xiaorong's appearance, Fang Ze smiled and said nothing.

  When there is a case, the forensic doctor is still very busy.

  But there is nothing to do right now, it's okay to take a break, there's no need to be serious.

  Police officers are people too.

  Fang Ze asked as he walked, "Do we have a blood gas analyzer here?"

  "Blood Gas Analyzer"

  Huang Xiaorong blinked her beautiful big eyes, and said strangely, "That's an instrument only available in the hospital, it's not available in the bureau."


  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said to himself: "Going to the hospital, it's a bit of a toss."

  Huang Xiaorong looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, what's the matter? Are you trying to detect something?"


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Check the blood, do you know how to test the blood oxygen saturation?"

  Huang Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't know."

  This is a bit beyond her ability.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Come on, I'll teach you."

  Hearing these words, Huang Xiaorong's eyes lit up, and she quickly stepped forward and followed behind Fang Ze.

  In front of the testing table, Fang Ze dropped a drop of blood on the glass slide, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me a monochromatic light source."

  "it is good."

  Huang Xiaorong handed a cylindrical tool to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze opened, and purple light reflected on the glass slide.

  At the same time, he said: "This is a non-invasive blood oxygen test."

  "When monochromatic light irradiates blood, the amount of light absorbed by the blood varies depending on the composition, but many positions are constant."

  "Give me another monochromatic light source."

  After taking it, Fang Ze continued: "When two specific light sources illuminate the blood, the absorption is different due to the different wavelengths."

  "We can derive an approximation of blood oxygen saturation by measuring the ratio of changes in absorbance, using what is known as Lambert's law, and based on the definition of oxygen saturation."

  "have you understood"

  Fang Ze turned to look at Huang Xiaorong.

  On the other hand, Huang Xiaorong was dazed, completely unaware of what the other party was talking about.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze smiled helplessly, it seems that this kind of knowledge that is too theoretical is somewhat difficult for the other party to accept.

  take it easy.

  after an hour.

  Fang Ze finished checking the calculation on the paper, looking at the final value, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

  "Almost zero"

  "What a joke."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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