Chapter 179 Compulsory measures, medical treatment outside prison [2]

  Huang Xiaorong came up.

  At the end of the paper it says: 0

  "So low!"

  Although Huang Xiaorong did not understand the detection methods used by Fang Ze, as a forensic doctor, she still had some common sense.

  Generally speaking, the blood oxygen saturation value should be eighty or ninety, 809 or more.

  To be more precise, if it is less than [-], it means that the oxygen supply is insufficient.

  Below [-], it is hypoxemia and needs medical attention.

  Even if it leaves the human body, if it is properly preserved and the time is not long, it should not be less than fifty or sixty, 506,506.


  , is really too low.

  Fang Ze stared at the value for a while, then turned his head and said, "What do you think?"

  Huang Xiaorong quickly shrank her neck, her face turning red.

  Too close, the other party suddenly turned his head, making the two almost kiss.

  Fang Ze didn't take it seriously, looking at Huang Xiaorong with encouragement in his eyes.

  Huang Xiaorong took a deep breath, suppressed the strangeness in her heart, and said, "It's a bit too low, what year is this blood sample, and it will take ten years or more, or even earlier."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, this is not recent blood. Even if it is cryopreserved, it will not prevent the blood oxygen from dissipating."

  "As time goes by, it will become less and less."

  "Can you guess the approximate age based on the value?"

  Fang Ze continued to ask.

  Although Huang Xiaorong is young, she still loves to learn, and she also possesses various qualities required by a qualified forensic doctor.

  When there is a chance, Fang Ze naturally wants to give more guidance.

  Even if you can't teach hands-on, it's good to improve the other party's self-confidence.

  Regarding this question, Huang Xiaorong frowned and pondered for a long time, not sure: "Twenty or twenty years"

  "It's very close, not bad."

  "You must be a very good forensic doctor in the future."

  Fang Ze's admiration made Huang Xiaorong smile embarrassedly, but the corners of her eyes were full of joy.

  To be affirmed by others, especially to be affirmed by an excellent criminal police captain like Fang Ze, Huang Xiaorong said it was false to be unhappy.

  "That... the blood oxygen saturation test just now, can you teach me again?"

  Fang Ze spoke too fast and acted too fast, she really didn't understand.

  Fang Ze picked up the test results and smiled: "Time is precious, wait for the case to end."

  "Of course, you can also check the information online, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

  "See you."

  After speaking, Fang Ze turned around and left the forensic department.

  Looking at Fang Ze's back, Huang Xiaorong's expression darkened and she was quite disappointed.

  Inside the hall.

  Fang Ze handed the detailed test results to Ding Chunqiu.

  At the end of the result, a vernacular explanation of the detection value is also written, so that I don't understand.

  Ding Chunqiu, who had the biggest mood swings, took the lead: "About twenty-five years: true or false"

  When speaking, Ding Chunqiu was very surprised.

  This is kind of nonsense.

  Did the wrong detection of blood from twenty-five years ago appear at the scene where Lang Shiming was attacked? Next to the zombie, Luo Bixin couldn't believe it, and said, "Fang Ze, it's ok."

  Fang Ze glanced at the two of them and said, "You two guys are getting more and more over the top. You dare to question my professionalism."

  This sentence

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  , in a playful tone.

  Ding Chunqiu smiled and said: "Fang team, it's not a question, it's just what's the situation"

  He didn't know how to express the question.

  Luo Bixin stared at the test results on his hand for a long time, then slowly said, "Lang Shiming used Zhu Hepin's blood to create the illusion of being attacked"

  "Yes, my mind finally turned around."

  Fang Ze looked at Luo Refill, smiled and nodded.

  Luo Bixin took a light breath, the shock on his face lingering.

  If all this was done by Lang Shiming, then this person almost spent the first half of his life for revenge.

  Since more than [-] years, he has made plans to use Zhu Hepin as a shield. Could it be that Zhu Hepin has tacitly agreed to this? Where did he put down the test report now, Luo Bixin said: "According to this direction, then appearing in Li Zhuo case scene,, hair"

  Just after he finished speaking, Huang Man walked out of the laboratory and walked quickly to several people.

  She handed a document to Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, I found it out. This is the hair of a young man, it should be less than thirty years old."

  "In addition to the previous test results, it is certain that this was left by Zhu Hepin when he was young."

  Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu slowly stood up.

  The truth seems to be at hand.

  They never imagined that they would test blood oxygen saturation and hair age.


  After all, it is the first-hand evidence in the detection process.

  Unless a bold inference can be made in advance, and then based on the inference, look for evidence and eliminate all suspicious points.

  Fang Ze, this is the method used.

  And the results are completely consistent with the inferences.

  "It's hard work, go get busy."

  Fang Zedao.

  "it is good."

  Huang Man nodded and turned to go about his own business.

  She is a trace detection expert and generally does not participate in specific case-solving work.

  That's the job of a front-line police officer.

  Holding the information in his hand, Fang Ze chuckled lightly: "It seems that the story I assumed is about to become a real fact."

  The two looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

  Lang Shiming is really cruel to himself.

  Fang Ze said: "Lang Shiming has good medical skills. He knows very well what kind of injury is serious, but it won't cause death."

  "If the rescue is timely, there will be no sequelae, and it will be fine to cultivate."

  "In addition to pushing everything to Zhu Hepin, the call to me also requires us to take him to the hospital."

  The two nodded again.

  The clues are found here, and it can basically be determined.

  Lang Shiming is a master of layout.

  Putting down the document in his hand, Fang Ze said: "Let's go, let's go to Guangming City."

  "Refill, call Miyagi, dispatch the police to the city hospital, and deal with it according to the situation of medical treatment outside prison."

  "Team Ding, you are here waiting for Jiang Xiaobai. After Mingchuan's adoption certificate is received, take a photo and send it to me immediately. It should be high-resolution."

  What we have to do now is to take coercive measures against Lang Shiming.

  "okay, I get it."

  Ding Chunqiu nodded.

  Afterwards, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin quickly left the city bureau and rushed towards Guangming City.

  Erfeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 180 Lang Shiming Disappeared [3]

  On the way, Luo Bixin called Miyagi and roughly explained the new evidence found by Fang Ze.

  The murderer locked Lang Shiming and asked him to immediately take control measures against the Guangming Municipal Bureau.

  After Miyagi learned that Lang Shiming was the real murderer of the mummification case, he was shocked and quickly organized the police and rushed to the hospital at full speed.

  Although Lang Shiming is now injured and hospitalized, and the case has not been found on his head, there is no guarantee that he will not leave quietly.

  Now that Lang Shiming's suspicion of committing the crime has been confirmed, he must make all preparations as quickly as possible.

  The driver was Fang Ze, who was driving very fast.

  While driving, he asked, "What time is it?"

  Luo Bixin glanced at the phone and replied, "2:[-]:[-] PM."

  Fang Ze did not speak any more, and the speed of the car continued to soar.

  Fortunately, it is work time, and there are not many vehicles on the road.

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