"[-]" after getting off the elevated

  , Fang Ze saw the red light at the intersection ahead, took out the police light and stuck it on the roof.

  Immediately, the red and blue lights flickered, and the siren sounded loudly.

  Fang Ze didn't slow down, he went straight through the traffic lights, and the surrounding private cars avoided.

  The traffic police in the distance glanced at it and ignored it.

  Judging from this situation, it is estimated that the police have something important to deal with immediately.

  Inside the car, Luo Bixin turned his head and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

  Fang Ze said: "Lang Shiming is a very smart person, even if he has pushed everything to Zhu Hepin, his vigilance will not weaken in any way."

  "And his ward"

  Having said that, Fang Ze stopped his words, his face slightly condensed.

  He clearly remembered that the window of the intensive care unit seemed to be facing the main road in front of the hospital! "What's wrong with the ward?"

  Luo Bixin wondered.

  Fang Ze said quickly: "Call the palace team immediately and tell him not to go through the main entrance!"

  Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens! "Good good"

  Seeing that Fang Ze seemed a little anxious, Luo Bixin hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

  She was about to dial Miyagi's phone, but the phone rang just at this moment.

  Caller ID: Miyagi.


  "My brother."

  Fang Ze snorted in his heart.

  The Guangming Municipal Bureau is not far from the hospital. It has been more than half an hour since Luo Bixin called and notified, and it is indeed long overdue.

  The Luo pen core is connected, and the hands-free is turned on.

  Before he could speak, Miyagi's voice sounded: "Refill, Lang Shiming is gone!"


  Luo Bixin's face changed, and he said anxiously, "Isn't he Mingchuan with Lang Shiming all the time?"

  Miyagi: "Ming Chuan went out for Lang Shi. He has just returned to the hospital, and he doesn't know where Lang Shiming has gone!"

  "What a coincidence!"

  "Refill, is the team next to you?"

  Fang Ze said, "Gong team, I'm here."

  After hearing Fang Ze's voice, Miyagi said, "What should I do now? I've searched all over the hospital, but I haven't found any trace of Lang Shiming!"

  "Did he run away and just met today!"

  Miyagi felt very strange.

  More than half an hour ago, the police had basically confirmed that Zhu Hepin was the real culprit in the mummification case, but Fang Ze asked to continue the investigation.

  But these things, Lang Shiming did not know.

  Why in such a short period of time, when the other party said he disappeared, Fang Ze stared at the road ahead, stepped up the accelerator again, and said at the same time: "Gong team

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  , listen to me first, and immediately check the nearest flight, you can fly anywhere!"

  "Okay, wait a moment and don't hang up."

  The other end of the phone fell silent, and the voice of Miyagi's orders could be vaguely heard.

  A minute later, Miyagi Road: "Three o'clock: ten! Fly to Nanxing International Airport!"


  It has reached the border of China.

  Fang Ze said: "Call the airport and use the police identity to ask them to cooperate with the investigation to see if the passengers on this flight have... Lang Shiming!"

  The deadline for purchasing tickets is now.

  If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. It's impossible to continue to buy tickets in the middle.

  "it is good."

  Miyagi moved quickly, and ordered his police officers to call the airport immediately.

  Two minutes later, Miyagi's anxious voice sounded: "Fang team, Lang Shiming bought a ticket to Nanxing International Airport!"

  "I'm so close, rush over now!"

  Fang Ze said: "Okay, don't forget to call the patrol police station near the airport, as long as you see Lang Shiming, arrest him on the spot!"

  "I see!"

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze changed direction at the intersection ahead and headed straight for the airport.

  0 Luo Refill's face was a little dignified, and he said, "How did he know?"

  Fang Ze looked solemn and said, "From the window of the intensive care unit, you can see the main road of the hospital."

  "The palace team must have driven a police car to the hospital, so it's easy to find out."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin was surprised: "Because he was so careful because the police car arrived, he felt that he was exposed."

  "If I make a mistake, wouldn't I be in a mess and wasting the Zhu Hepin incident that he had planned so carefully?"

  Fang Ze said: "He must have seen something. Routine questioning is different from arresting someone. The palace team ignored this."

  "Ming Chuan happens to be not in the hospital, isn't he the one who tipped off the news?"

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "Probably not. Sometimes, we have to believe in coincidences."

  During the conversation, the car sped away and disappeared at the end of the road.

  After half an hour.

  The airport is a [-]-minute drive away.

  Luo Bixin's phone rang again.

  She turned on the speakerphone.

  Miyagi: "Fang team, we will be there soon, but the patrolling police at the airport said that they have not seen any similar figures, and are still looking for them."

  Lang Shiming was seriously injured, and the operation has only been completed two days.

  It is not difficult to find middle-aged people who meet this characteristic.

  But the airport is so big, it's normal not to find it for a while.

  From Miyagi to the hospital to 5.

  0 Departure from the airport, with a delay of at least [-] minutes in the middle.

  This shows that Lang Shiming should already be at the airport.

  As long as the opponent is here, they will not be able to escape.

  Fang Ze said: "I see, let them pay close attention to the entrance and exit, and don't let anyone suspicious."

  Miyagi: "Okay."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated and his thoughts ran fast.

  Just now, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  The aircraft security check is so strict, and the real-name system is used, as long as it is checked, it will never run.

  Taking a step back, even if the police were half a beat late and let Lang Shiming get on the plane, they would always land.

  The police can contact Nanxing International Airport and arrest the plane as soon as the plane lands.

  Such a simple truth, Lang Shiming would never think of reading the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 181 Return to the case [4]

  After thinking of this, Fang Ze subconsciously slowed down the speed of the car and said slowly, "Refill, why do I feel something is not right?"

  Luo Bixin wondered: "what's the matter?"

  Fang Ze said: "Assuming you are Lang Shiming, what is your first reaction when you find yourself exposed?"

  "first reaction"

  Luo Bixin thought for a while, and said, "First of all, I was shocked, and then I ran right away."

  "Shocked by what"

  Fang Ze asked immediately.

  Luo Bixin said: "Of course I am shocked that the police can find his head."

  "Lang Shiming has already seen you. Before you came, the mummification case had no clue. He might be able to think of you."

  Fang Ze said: "That is to say, he will feel that the person who solved the case is very powerful and difficult to deal with."

  Luo Bixin glanced at Fang Ze, of course she knew that at this time, the other party didn't have the heart to sell himself.

  Something must have come to mind.

  "That's right."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  Fang Ze continued: "Since he knows it's not easy to deal with, why should he buy a plane ticket?

  "A person 10, if he realizes that his opponent is very strong, he will definitely not take the usual path. Isn't that self-defeating?"

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin's expression changed, and he said, "What do you mean, Lang Shiming won't fly?"

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